Happy Birthday, Karl Marx. You Were WRONG!

While the NYT sings a love song to Leftist oppression theology, the victims of Communism foundation teaches it’s true nature as a new form of slavery.
Uncannily enough, one can always spot a piece of Leftist propaganda from a kilometre away – especially if It’s featured in the New York Times. In this case it was a piece on everyone’s favourite historical figure, if they just happened to favour those who have brought about the mass murder of millions: Karl Marx.
The headline in question: “Happy Birthday, Karl Marx. You Were Right!”. Was on the upcoming birthday of a man who fostered a base, immoral, parasitic ideology has been rightly labelled as organised evil. In the tech world, those who have a particular affinity for certain products or companies are labelled by the colloquial term “Fan Boy”. These are people with an unshakeable faith in certain matters such as the belief that the immoral ideology fostered by Mr. Marx can somehow work someday.
Curiously enough, there are those who seem to have a very myopic mindset, steeped in a particular time period. Admittedly, it can happen to the best of us, for who hasn’t proffered a witticism that falls flat on its face that was better suited for another era that one may happen to be studying at the moment? In this case the author has a bit of a ‘what could have been’ mindset trying to extract a few nuggets of truth from the humanitarian disaster that is Marxism along with the rest of collectivist ideologies. Perhaps the only way one could reconcile this is to set oneself in this mindset of the past, ignoring the results of all the horrific experiments in the collectivist ideologies.
The author even tried to resurrect one of history’s greatest ‘bait and switch’ deceptions, the ‘classless and stateless society’ that was supposedly to manifest itself at some future point by some miraculous process.
The idea of the classless and stateless society would come to define both Marx’s and Engels’s idea of communism, and of course the subsequent and troubled history of the Communist “states” (ironically enough!) that materialized during the 20th century. There is still a great deal to be learned from their disasters, but their philosophical relevance remains doubtful, to say the least.
Also note that he blithely dismisses these disasters as though they were natural, one time occurrences instead of being endemic to the basic function of these oppressive regimes.
On the occasion of Victims of Communism Day otherwise known as Mayday, the organisation published this video: Socialism Is Slavery

The point being that the fundamental design flaw of Socialism is that regardless of motivation or intent, it’s quest for equality has always RESULTED IN SLAVERY.
Meanwhile, Marion Smith of the Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation in Washington, D.C. emphasised this point in an op-ed that originally appeared in the New Hampshire Union Leader Marion Smith: On May 1, remember that Socialism is slavery
Far from ushering in a more equitable society, socialist movements that subscribed to Marxist ideology engendered a new form of slavery in the modern world.

Marxist ideology is still being used to hold more than a billion people captive around the globe. China, where Xi Jinping just proclaimed the Communist Manifesto’s continued relevance, continues to use a system of Laogai, or forced labor camps, and dictates where the working class can live and work based on a “social credit” system. Venezuela’s socialist regime seized the means of production. Venezuela’s military runs the grocery stores while Nicolas Maduro denies humanitarian food aid to his political opponents. The average Venezuelan has lost more than 20 pounds in the last year.
Millennial Americans who rightly take offense at the greed and inhumanity sometimes exhibited by global corporations must remember that workers’ rights have not improved thanks to international socialism. Workers are only truly empowered in a free society because employers and employees are able to negotiate with each other equally under the law. In a socialist system where the regime owns the means of production, the owner, manager, employer party apparatchik is the law. Workers who would demand better treatment face repression, imprisonment, or worse.

One final note that emphasises that Marx was wrong – Dead Wrong.

As is typical of the Socialist-Left, duplicity is always its watch word. This ranged from Marx’s “classless and stateless society” scam to the story that Rich Venezuelan Socialists Live the High Life In Florida.  But then again, when there are masters, there are sure to be slaves. In this modern form of slavery the masters are the elite of the Socialist-Left.  While the great unwashed – those the elite supposedly care about – serve them.

Originally published on the NOQ Report


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