Gun Confiscation screen image Reference November 2011

Real Time with Bill Maher Episode 231 November 4, 2011 Quotes On The Second Amendment: "In the grand scheme of the rights that we have: right of assembly, free speech...owning a gun does not tally on the same level as those other Constitutional rights we're given." -Alex Wagner "My belief is if we take away that right to bear arms, the only people who are going to have the arms are the people who are going to be the ones breaking into your house." -Bill Engvall "I don't believe there's any reason for a person like myself to own an's not used for hunting; it would ruin any of the meat..." -Bill Engvall "We have a problem in America, which is that we misunderstand, quite frankly, what the Second Amendment is for. It's for law-abiding citizens to have a right, both to protect themselves and to be protected from living under tyranny." -Darrell Issa
MSNBC's Alex Wagner: 'Get Rid of the Second Amendment' November 14, 2011 In January 2011 after the Gabrielle Giffords shooting, MSNBC's Richard Lui wondered, "Is it time to rethink the Second Amendment?" His new colleague Alex Wagner doesn't even think there's a question about it. "I'm going to be pilloried for this," the Now with Alex Wagner host told Bill Maher on the November 4 edition of HBO's Real Time, explaining that she thinks the Constitution should be amended to take out the individual's right to keep and bear arms (h/t Real Clear Politics; video at link):
I think get rid of the second Amendment, the right to bear arms. I just think in the grand scheme of the rights that we have; the right of assembly, free speech, I mean, owning a gun does not, it does not tally on the same level as those other Constitutional rights.


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