PragerU Video: Control the Words, Control the Culture

On why it’s critically important to use the proper words such as Leftist instead of Liberal.

 PragerU has published a new video on a very important subject. Many argue that we are in a culture or civil war with the Left, thus it is extremely important that we don’t accede to their linguistic propaganda.

 PragerU: Control the Words, Control the Culture
The culture war is first and foremost a war of words – and the left is winning. The consequences can be seen everywhere: in politics, in education, in media. In this video, Michael Knowles, host of the Michael Knowles Show, explains why we should not cede another syllable.
It should be axiomatic that one doesn’t concede ground to an enemy without making them pay a price for taking it. But in essence, that is what we on the Pro-Liberty Right are doing every time we use certain terms that help the Left in their deceptions. As mentioned, we are in a culture war with the Left and every time we use a word such as ‘Liberal’ to describe them or capitalism to refer to economic Liberty we are surrendering linguistic ground to the Left without ever firing a shot.
In an effort to defend Liberty these are the important word choices we all should use in our contentions with the Left.

1. Leftist instead of Liberal

Can anyone seriously argue that with the Left going after the 1st and 2nd amendments that it still promotes the idea of Liberty?
There are a number of words that signify freedom that have the same origin from Latin: liberalis
This is why they all at least partially sound the same. It is also why the use of Liberal has obvious as well as almost subliminal qualities for the Left.
Take these points into consideration when referring to the Socialist-Left:
Leftist clarifies the issue….Liberal confuses the issue.
Leftist identifies them as Socialists….Liberal compliments them as freedom fighters or Liberators.
Leftist doesn’t insult those who cherish Liberty….Liberal chastises the Liberty minded as part of the Socialist-Left.

2. Economic Liberty instead of Capitalism.

Often times the word Capitalism is used as a pejorative, not to mention that it obscures the fact that it is based on freedom instead of oppression as with the collectivist systems. This is once again a case of unnecessarily ceding ground to the enemy. Keeping economic issues termed as those of Liberty instead of money put us on the firmer rhetorical ground.

3. Red instead of Blue when referring to the nation’s Socialist Left.

There was a time when Red signified the Socialist-Left. It’s the reason certain Socialist worker’s parties incorporated it into their national flag. Literature from this time would refer to Red China or ‘The Reds’. Then the geniuses on the Left decided to switch these colours to confuse the issue as they did with their labeling as Liberal or Progressive.
Presumably the argument was that it was only fair to swap the colours, then they were never changed back. Once again, using this colour scheme confuses the issue and cedes important definitional ground to the enemy.

4. Liberty Control instead of Gun Control [Liberty Reform, Liberty Grabbers]

Finally, we should consider using this terminology instead of one centred on inanimate objects. The nation’s Left would like to distract attention from this being an issue of Liberty. Human rights are not based on a discussion of mere objects, so why should this be the case with the right of self-preservation? Free-speech is not referred to as ‘Pen control’ so why should the right of self-defence be any different?
The fact is, keeping it as an issue over mere objects of aluminium makes it easy to denigrate.
How can a gun have rights? People have rights, Guns do not.
So taking them away shouldn’t matter, but talk about taking rights away from people, that’s a different story.
Change the terms of the debate to one of Liberty and it will be a game changer focusing the mind on what is truly at stake. The Left cannot abide this change, thus they usually refuse to discuss the issue when couched in this way. They will protest over ‘Gun reform’ all day long, but let’s see them take to the streets to demand ‘Liberty reform’.

The takeaway.

If we are to win the culture war, we will need to use selected tactics of the nation’s Socialist Left. That includes using the correct words. There is really no cost to making these easy changes in how we debate the issues of the day. But the resulting dividend will be the survival of Liberty.

 Originally published on the NOQ Report


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