
Showing posts from February, 2018

The foreign press view of Liberty Control and Gun Confiscation.

A sampling of how the foreign press views the issue of the common sense human Right of self-defence. The Anti-Liberty Left seems to have a false narrative for everything, including the common sense human right of self-defence. In this case, it is the rest of the world looks down on the states for it’s allegedly antiquated point of view. However, a short perusal of some recent articles from the foreign perspective shows this isn’t quite truthful. Of course the Chinese Communists, ideological brethren in arms of the national Socialist Left were perfectly willing to offer their opinion on the subject that is nothing short of astoundingly ironic given their human rights record. Curiously enough, the editorial from a government-controlled newspaper: China can offer lessons to US in protecting human rights sounds very much like the United States media: If we look back in history, the US was founded on the use of firearms. The right to gun ownership is regulated by the

Video: You’re Not A Liberal!

A Truth Revolt Original from Bill Whittle that succinctly explains why Leftists aren’t Liberal.   Published on Oct 10, 2014 The 4:20 minute mark in the 6 minute video has its most important point: The founding fathers were the True Liberals because they believed in Liberty – with both words having the same origins. They believed in individual Liberty, private property, limited government and the common sense civil rights of free-speech and armed self-defence. They believed in the freedom to be left alone. The point of the video is that the collectivists of the nation’s Socialist-Left do not meet the definition of the word Liberal. They believe in collective rights, Collective ownership of property, unlimited government, limitations on speech and gun confiscation. Those of that mindset (Leftists) are not Liberal by any stretch of the imagination.

Open Thread

A Gun in the Hand is Better than a Cop on the Phone Image Source: Gun Shots

Count ‘em! The left wants to suppress two civil rights for the price of one

In their unending quest to deprive the people of their liberty, the gun grabbers are now going after the 1st amendment in addition to the 2nd. “I prefer the tumult of liberty to the quiet of servitude.” Thomas Jefferson Sometimes a news story is like a Pandora’s box revealing the innermost workings of the mind of the nation’s Left. In this case it is the Giffords gun grabber group wanting to suppress not only the 2nd amendment, but the 1st as well. Giffords group asks web hosts to shut down ‘ghost gun’ sites Cody Wilson, who runs, said the products he sells on his website are legal and in compliance with federal regulations. He has said although there is no legal requirement that he conduct background checks, he tries to take precautions to make sure the weapons aren’t used nefariously. “This is an attempt to apply pressure to deplatform a legal, American business selling legal products to law-abiding customers,” he said. Liberty is more im

QR Topic Reference Commonsense Civil Right of Armed Self-Defense

FBI: Murder and violent crime both declined in 2018 FBI Releases 2018 Crime Statistics New CPRC Research: How A Botched Study Fooled The World About The U.S. Share Of Mass Public Shootings: U.S. Rate Is Lower Than Global Average How a Botched Study Fooled the World About the U.S. Share of Mass Public Shootings: U.S. Rate is Lower than Global Average Have we become too paranoid about mass shootings? Guns Prevent Thousands of Crimes Every Day, Research Shows

Sunday Music Open Thread


‘Ghost Guns’ prove that gun control can never work as promised

These Are Guns Made in Prison; Still Think a Gun Ban Will Stop Violence?   Image Credit Gun Shots The Rancho Tehama Shooting demonstrated that gun control only empowers the government and criminals while making the situation far worse for the innocent. Last week the Leftist media came to the astounding realisation that criminals don’t obey the law and that they can make their own guns , negating any kind of control or confiscation regimes. Were the media knowledgeable on the subject, they would have been aware of these facts. So let us endeavour to educate them on the reality of guns and that they should be looking elsewhere if they truly want to ‘protect the children’. The basic technology of firearms makes them easy to produce. In simplest terms a firearm is merely a container for a chemical reaction that produces high pressure gas to apply force to a projectile. It essentially only has a few components, that being the chemical propellant, projectile, i

Socialism is for suckers: Venezuela

Since socialists are unwilling or unable to look at what their philosophy does to people, Firewall host Bill Whittle shows us what it is doing to the animals, and asks how the richest person in Venezuela just happens to be the daughter of the socialist former President of that starving country. H/T: Bill Then there is what the Socialist Regime of Nicolas Maduro is doing to the people: It’s not What You Know, it’s What You’ve Documented The 85-page report, “Crackdown on Dissent: Brutality, Torture, and Political Persecution in Venezuela,” documents 88 cases involving at least 314 people, many of whom described being subjected to serious human rights violations in Caracas and 13 states between April and September 2017. Security force personnel beat detainees severely and tortured them with electric shocks, asphyxiation, sexual assault, and other brutal techniques. Security forces also used disproportionate force and carried out violent abuses against pe

Quick Link Reference List

Proving once again that the Nazis were Leftists The Nazis had the basic principles of the Left, proving once and for all they were Leftists. Why does the national socialist-left overreact to the proper labeling of the Nazis as being far-left? Proving a far-left National Socialist Workers’ Party was a far-left National Socialist Workers’ Party – Part I Proving a far-left National Socialist Workers’ Party was a far-left National Socialist Workers’ Party – Part II 2020 MUST be the election to stifle socialism for good

Open Thread

“Look at me crawling under barbed wire to escape free market capitalism”, said no one ever.   H/T MESO

Global Cooling Open Thread

Image Credit: Meso

Socialism: So Good People Climb 15 Foot High Walls and Risk Being Shot to Get Away From It

Socialism: So Good People Climb 15 Foot High Walls and Risk Being Shot to Get Away From It H/T MESO

Scrap Socialism, Part III

How many more times do we have to try an idea before we decide that the results are unacceptable?   H/T Victims of Communism A multi-count indictment of the crimes against humanity perpetrated by the Socialist ideologies as justification for their abolition. In Parts I and Part II of this dissertation, we made the case for the abolition of the modern day slavery of the collectivism. Part I presented the proof that Limited government and the economic liberty of the free-market are far superior to the unlimited authoritarian government and economic slavery of the socialist ideologies. Part II Eviscerated the ‘That wasn’t real socialism’ lie while examining the early history of these ideas and their abject failure down through the centuries. Part III will attempt to briefly detail the sins of socialism, because one could easily write a whole book about the crimes against humanity perpetrated by the collectivist ideologies and the case for their abolition. “Liber

Open Thread
