Count ‘em! The left wants to suppress two civil rights for the price of one

In their unending quest to deprive the people of their liberty, the gun grabbers are now going after the 1st amendment in addition to the 2nd.
“I prefer the tumult of liberty to the quiet of servitude.” Thomas Jefferson
Sometimes a news story is like a Pandora’s box revealing the innermost workings of the mind of the nation’s Left. In this case it is the Giffords gun grabber group wanting to suppress not only the 2nd amendment, but the 1st as well.
Giffords group asks web hosts to shut down ‘ghost gun’ sites
Cody Wilson, who runs, said the products he sells on his website are legal and in compliance with federal regulations. He has said although there is no legal requirement that he conduct background checks, he tries to take precautions to make sure the weapons aren’t used nefariously.
“This is an attempt to apply pressure to deplatform a legal, American business selling legal products to law-abiding customers,” he said.

Liberty is more important than control

Presumably the government should have control over the rights of free-speech and self-defence with the same over of certain items of property, [‘Traceable’ in the parlance of the gun grabber] ostensibly for the purposes of safety and security. This begs the larger question as to whether we are to be governed by the actions of criminals or that of the innocent? The Thomas Jefferson quotation gives a good indication of what the founding fathers would have chosen.
We could apply that kind of rationale to every aspect of our society, locking everything down that might be dangerous. The irony being that would be far more dangerous than our current state of affairs. One only needs to look at places that have taken this to the extreme such as the “Alcatraz of the Rockies” in Florence where inmates assault the staff with home-made weapons.

Leftists are not Liberal in the strictest sense of the word

This story also brings up the issue of Leftist versus Liberal and why we all need to refrain from conflating the two. In definitional terms the Left (From the OED) is all about collective rights (Socialism), while the true definition of the terms Liberal(From the OED) sets out that they are ‘Favourable to or respectful of individual rights and freedoms’ These two terms are definitionally opposed to each other, therefor we should stop using them interchangeably as though they are the same.
The term Liberal implies they favour liberty, the Leftist does not. The present story illustrates this quite nicely, in that people who purport to be ‘Liberal’ want to suppress two fundamental civil liberties.


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