‘Ghost Guns’ prove that gun control can never work as promised

These Are Guns Made in Prison; Still Think a Gun Ban Will Stop Violence?

 Image Credit Gun Shots

The Rancho Tehama Shooting demonstrated that gun control only empowers the government and criminals while making the situation far worse for the innocent.
Last week the Leftist media came to the astounding realisation that criminals don’t obey the law and that they can make their own guns, negating any kind of control or confiscation regimes. Were the media knowledgeable on the subject, they would have been aware of these facts. So let us endeavour to educate them on the reality of guns and that they should be looking elsewhere if they truly want to ‘protect the children’.

The basic technology of firearms makes them easy to produce.

In simplest terms a firearm is merely a container for a chemical reaction that produces high pressure gas to apply force to a projectile. It essentially only has a few components, that being the chemical propellant, projectile, ignition source and the container itself. The technology grew out of the invention of gun powder more than a thousand years ago with the first cannons appearing more than 700 years ago.
The technology has advanced to where the propellant, projectile and ignition source are combined into a self-contained package called a cartridge that is activated by a firing mechanism. A gun that holds and fires one cartridge at a time is the simplest and easiest to produce. The primary innovations of this technology revolved around how these cartridges (or rounds) are placed and extracted from the container (i.e. the firing chamber and barrel) which enabled the firing of multiple shots. The earliest repeating firearms have multiple chambers and been around for 160 years. Mechanisms to extract and chamber a fresh round to be fired with one trigger pull are termed semi-automatic and when the mechanism does this on a continuous basis with one trigger pull it is an automatic firearm. (These have been around for over 100 years)
There is nothing really magical or mysterious about these relatively simple machines that were in fact the first internal combustion engines. Thus it is merely a case of obtaining a tube of sufficient strength and dimensions to hold and fire a cartridge, a system to change out them out and a firing mechanism. Over the years there have been plenty of examples of guns made from common materials and with 3D printers

Gun control can never work.

One of the biggest Utopian fantasies of the Left is that guns can somehow be taken from the people and everyone will live happily ever after. The problem with this kind of fanciful thinking is that it ignores the fact that one cannot ban the raw materials for making a gun so criminals will always have them. They have been made by inmates in high security correctional institutions around the world and by criminals on the street.
If inmates in high security prisons can somehow fashion guns out of common materials, how can one stop criminals from building them on the outside?

The Takeaway

No one should be under the illusion that the gun grabbers actually care about ‘gun safety’ or protecting the children. If that were the case they wouldn’t be working towards gun confiscation as their ultimate goal – and lying about it every step of the way. As has been demonstrated, these weapons can be easily replicated as in the California example. Even if they were able to fool people into turning in their guns, they would soon be at a severe disadvantage by those who ignore the law. The gun grabber fantasy is that a ‘gun-free’ nation would be progressive paradise, this has been shown to not be the case with gun crime having an 27% increase in UK this year.
If the Left really cared about the issue, they would forget about gun control and power it engenders to the government and concern themselves with criminal control instead.

Orignially Published on the NOQ Report


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