
Showing posts from April, 2020

Doctors: The COVID-19 ‘lockdowns’ are doing far more harm than good

More medical professionals are calling for the economy to be opened up and end the harmful lockdowns than ever before. Add some more voices to the growing number of doctors who recognize the left’s lock-down fever is doing far more harm than good. The video is of Dr. Lisa Cassileth detailing the dangers of lock-downs and its severe impact on patient care. It’s an interview of Will Witt of PragerU in which she makes the points that we’ve heard everywhere else from medical professionals. The national lockdown was the biggest mistake in our history Over at Conservative Review, Daniel Horowitz looked at the data as well coming to the conclusion that  the Lockdown is killing more patients than the coronavirus : If pursuing a national lockdown was the biggest mistake in our history, shutting down “elective” medical procedures was the biggest mistake of the lockdown. Call it destroying health care to “save” health care. Even a broken clock is right twice a day, and on March 15,

COVID-1984: Why are the authoritarian leftists afraid of the scientific method?

In their ongoing effort to exploit the Chi-Com Virus [SARS-CoV-2] pandemic, the left has taken the dangerous step of free-speech suppression. Why are they afraid of the truth? The past few weeks have seen an alarming trend on our society. In an effort to exploit the Chi-Com Virus [SARS-CoV-2] pandemic, the authoritarian socialist left has been trying to control information on the crisis. They are actively suppressing the ‘Viral’ Video:  Doctors Dan Erickson and Artin Massihi at Accelerated Urgent Care Recommend Lifting Lockdown . We’ve posted a secondary source to this video at the bottom of the page for good measure. The authoritarians aren’t specific in why they actively attacking free-speech. They merely assert that the video somehow violates the terms of service. Make no mistake, these are people who still try to pretend to be advocates of liberty when they use the term ‘liberal’. The left pretends to be ‘scientific’ – without actually being scientific Consider part of t

As the economy is opening up, the authoritarian left is desperately trying to hold on

The dam is breaking. We’ve had enough with the partial shutdown. The left won’t be able to stop us from getting back to normal. We’ve noticed that the national socialist media has  reluctantly begun  using a new phrase:  ‘Quarantine Fatigue’ . Trying to avoid giving voice to what the country and the world is feeling right now. We use the word reluctantly because they really don’t want this to end. It’s become obvious that  they are enjoying the partial shutdown . Leftists have a  real fondness for disaster  since they have trouble foisting their control agenda on society during normal times. But now, like everyone else they are sensing  a building wave of revulsion  for their propensity for control. They have to somehow get in front of the wave, being ‘progressive’ and all, whilst  milking  the last bits of exploitation out of the diminishing crisis. The lock-down bait and switch More people are becoming aware of the massive bait and switch that was foisted upon us. As

The partial lock-downs failed to work as advertised. It’s time to end them

The empirical data, as well as antibody studies, show that the partial lockdowns need to be concluded as soon as possible. It’s becoming quite clear that the partial lock-downs are doing far more damage than they are preventing. The case is being easily made to put an end to them. We also need to learn our lesson in not engaging it with the same strategy in the future. Yesterday we presented  the video of the two E.R. Doctors  that made the point that the partial lock-downs aren’t working as advertised and that they are doing more harm than good, along with a Wall Street Journal report that examined the data and came to the same conclusion:  Do Lock-downs Save Many Lives? In Most Places, the Data Say No. We could also cite the column from our own medical expert  Dr. Ted Noel  in his column  I’m tired of SWAG (‘Scientific’ Wild-Assed Guess) directives : There is only one rational approach to take now. Open up America for business. … This opening should be “all-at-onc

Enough is enough: E.R. Doctors with the stats, expertise and common sense say open up the economy

Two experienced doctors present the statistics on COVID-19 and emphatically state that we need to open up the closed portion of the economy. Dr. Dan Erickson and Dr. Artin Massihi emphatically urged the opening up of the economy in a news conference in Bakersfield, California last week. They cited the statistics and the facts on the COVID-19 pandemic as well as how physicians have been pressured to inflate the numbers on the disease. Both are experienced emergency room Doctors that have examined the numbers and reached the conclusion. Given the lower-than-expected mortality rate and secondary effects of the partial lock-down, it is time to end the partial lock-down and get everyone back to work. Citing the facts in ending the partial lock-down As reported in  The Bakersfield Californian , the doctors cited the statistics from the tests they’ve done at their Accelerated urgent care facilities that show the infection rate of COVID-19 is similar to the flu. Begging the qu

Thanks Celebrities: For showing how truly unimportant you are in comparison to ordinary heroes

A new video absolutely destroys the false worship of self-important celebrities and celebrity culture [language warning] If the best humor has a ring of truth, this video has the audio output of a church belfry. It features the most important people in our society. The ordinary people and heroes sardonically contrasting their lives with that of the celebrity high and mighty. We’ve seen our social betters grab at some last scraps of relevancy while the rest of the world passes them by. The video shows how insignificant they truly are. This crisis may at least have a positive result in that false celebrity worship could be greatly diminished or be a thing of the past. It shows that this is supremely unimportant along with the celebrities themselves. Times such as the present crisis serve as a crucible in burning away the irrelevancies, leaving behind that which is truly meaningful. This crisis should be a lesson for all in valuing what is truly important: Faith, family, and free

If the ‘lockdowns’ didn’t work, why are we still enduring them instead of getting back to normal?

It’s not the absurd ‘Health or Wealth’ question, but one of re-evaluating the ‘lockdown’ based on the latest information and effectiveness. Tucker Carlson asked a crucial question last night, making the case that the ‘lockdowns’ haven’t worked as advertised. Which leads to all-important follow up: If they haven’t worked, why are we causing the death by other means while destroying the economy in keeping its ‘non-essential’ parts locked down? Defining terms: How much of the economy has been ‘locked down’? Let’s begin by pointing out that was never a total ‘lockdown’ or ‘shut down’ as implied in the authoritarian leftist media. Trying to obtain a precise valuation on how much of the economy was ‘locked down’ has been difficult.  Estimates as low as 20 – 40%  have been bandied about and it should be obvious that it was never 100%.  Essential services have been up always been up and running. Why is this an important question? Because the words we use frame the discussion. They l