COVID-1984: Why are the authoritarian leftists afraid of the scientific method?

In their ongoing effort to exploit the Chi-Com Virus [SARS-CoV-2] pandemic, the left has taken the dangerous step of free-speech suppression. Why are they afraid of the truth?

The past few weeks have seen an alarming trend on our society. In an effort to exploit the Chi-Com Virus [SARS-CoV-2] pandemic, the authoritarian socialist left has been trying to control information on the crisis. They are actively suppressing the ‘Viral’ Video: Doctors Dan Erickson and Artin Massihi at Accelerated Urgent Care Recommend Lifting Lockdown. We’ve posted a secondary source to this video at the bottom of the page for good measure.
The authoritarians aren’t specific in why they actively attacking free-speech. They merely assert that the video somehow violates the terms of service. Make no mistake, these are people who still try to pretend to be advocates of liberty when they use the term ‘liberal’.

The left pretends to be ‘scientific’ – without actually being scientific

Consider part of the encyclopedia Britannica’s entry on the Scientific method.
“The scientific method is critical to the development of scientific theories, which explain empirical (experiential) laws in a scientifically rational manner. In a typical application of the scientific method, a researcher develops a hypothesis, tests it through various means, and then modifies the hypothesis on the basis of the outcome of the tests and experiments. The modified hypothesis is then retested, further modified, and tested again, until it becomes consistent with observed phenomena and testing outcomes.”
[Emphasis added]
Note the point that the hypothesis is tested [questioned] and retested in the development of scientific theories. There is nothing in that article about the suppression of competing theories and hypotheses through censorship.
This is a competition in the marketplace of ideas, whereby the most rational explanation or protocol is accepted. The authoritarians want to short-circuit this method and simply shout down competing voices to win the argument.

Why is the authoritarian left actively working to suppress our liberty?

It has become patently obvious that the left is enjoying and exploiting the partial shutdown of the economy. Oh sure, they will cry their crocodile tears over their “pre-pandemic lives.”, and talk about this as though they are supposedly suffering, but that isn’t the case.
There are myriad reasons that the authoritarian leftists are enjoying the partial lock-down. They obviously love controlling others down to an absurd level. It is, of course, a ‘serious crisis’ so they are collectively salivating over what they can change. Make no mistake, they don’t ever want things to go back to normal. Not to mention that they can throw our essential liberties under the bus.
Don’t forget that in the midst of all of this, they can falsely pontificate about how they care about the people and science. Meanwhile, they can actively work against these causes.

Viral voting: Mail-in voter fraud

However, it was NOQ Report colleague Marc Giller that hit the nail on the head with a hammer and sickle when he pointed out that they are clearly looking to impose the mother of all voting frauds: Mail-in voting.
The leftists clearly want to stretch out the crisis as long as possible in order to justify putting this democracy destructive idea in practice. Make it seem like the crisis will go on for months and have voter fraud by mail come riding into the rescue. They’ve essentially projected this on the pro-liberty right with articles such as this: Republicans May Undermine Mail-In Voting Just By Running Down The Clock.
Note how they just assume that their scheme to destroy democracy has just been accepted and internalized. Forget about the fact that millions of mail-in ballots have gone missing. Then there is a little bit of bovine excreta from USA Today that makes the claim that a ‘vote-by-mail election’ will favor the pro-liberty right. Somehow the people’s republic of California would disagree with that assessment.

One last note: The Bit chute version of the Dr. Dan Erickson And Artin Massihi interview

Since the people who claim to be liberal are working overtime to suppress liberty. We thought it would be important to post an alternative source of the Video the authoritarians at YouTube have been banning:
Everyone should watch, share and download a copy of this important video since the left is ‘scientifically’ suppressing the scientific method.
Originally published on the NOQ Report


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