Enough is enough: E.R. Doctors with the stats, expertise and common sense say open up the economy

Two experienced doctors present the statistics on COVID-19 and emphatically state that we need to open up the closed portion of the economy.

Dr. Dan Erickson and Dr. Artin Massihi emphatically urged the opening up of the economy in a news conference in Bakersfield, California last week. They cited the statistics and the facts on the COVID-19 pandemic as well as how physicians have been pressured to inflate the numbers on the disease.
Both are experienced emergency room Doctors that have examined the numbers and reached the conclusion. Given the lower-than-expected mortality rate and secondary effects of the partial lock-down, it is time to end the partial lock-down and get everyone back to work.

Citing the facts in ending the partial lock-down

As reported in The Bakersfield Californian, the doctors cited the statistics from the tests they’ve done at their Accelerated urgent care facilities that show the infection rate of COVID-19 is similar to the flu. Begging the question: if we don’t shut down the country for the flu, why are we doing that in this case?
“Using the same calculation, Erickson estimates 12 percent of the population statewide, or some 4.7 million Californians, have already had COVID-19. With about 1,400 deaths so far in California, that puts the statewide death rate at about .03 percent, he said.
“Does that (low death rate) necessitate sheltering in place? Does that necessitate shutting down medical systems? Does that necessitate being out of work?” Erickson asked.
Nationwide, about 42,000 people have died of coronavirus as of Wednesday. Between 30,000 and 60,000 die of flu annually, Erickson said, citing CDC data.”

The secondary effects of a partial lock-down

Once again we are seeing the citation of only half the story in a politically motivated issue, just as the left only cites gun deaths while ignoring defensive gun uses. They are ignoring the secondary effects of the partial lock-down, again from the report in the Bakersfield Californian on Dr. Erickson referring to the other side of the story:
“The secondary effects of the shutdown are considerable, too, he said. They include a dramatic decrease in volumes at hospitals and even Erickson’s urgent care practice, where staff are mostly testing patients for COVID-19 these days.

He said local leaders and colleagues of his here and across the country are reporting increased incidents of child molestation and domestic violence while people are at home, and suicides are also spiking. He also noted a contradiction between allowing people to shop at Costco and Home Depot but not allowing them to go to church.
“If you’re going to dance on someone’s constitutional rights you better have a good reason, you better have a really good reason, not just a theory,” he said. “The data is showing us it’s time to lift (the stay-at-home orders) so if we don’t lift, what is the reason?”
[Emphasis added]

The bottom line

The numbers show that it’s time to end the partial lock-down. The reopen efforts are just getting started, with the protest wave turning into an untamable tsunami.
It was reported in the Daily Mail that: Tens of thousands of Californians escape their homes to open beaches during a heatwave despite Gov. Newsom’s pleas for them to stay home. The Stamford Advocate reporting that experts are worrying that ‘quarantine fatigue’ will be a growing phenomena. It certainly doesn’t help that the studies of antibody tests are showing that the partial lockdown really didn’t work as advertised.
It’s high time that we look at the facts and ignore the folks on the nation’s socialist left that are enjoying their newfound – but temporary – sense of power over the people. They would like to keep this up for as long as possible because they are enjoying it. The rest of us do not, so it’s time to end the partial lock-down – NOW.
Originally published on the NOQ Report


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