
Showing posts from January, 2020

The New York Times finally realizes that censorship and socialism are bad ideas in an emergency

The coronavirus crisis has forced some on the left to confront the danger of authoritarianism The New York Times took a break from flogging the impeachment circus to recently committing a true act of journalism, making the point that people become angry when a government of the authoritarian left suppresses important information. The national socialist media normally champions the authoritarianism of China exemplified by their being impressed that they can  build a hospital in six days. “China has a record of getting things done fast even for monumental projects like this,” says Yanzhong Huang, a senior fellow for global health at the Council on Foreign Relations. … “This authoritarian country relies on this top down mobilisation approach. They can overcome bureaucratic nature and financial constraints and are able to mobilise all of the resources.” However, the New York Times recently noted a downside to systems of centralized control:  As Virus Spreads, Anger Floods Ch

Project Veritas: Exposing the radicals for Bernie Sanders who are gunning for America

Shouldn’t Bernie Sanders finally admit that his campaign is like any other national socialist movement? Project Veritas has released another explosive video  that will be ignored by the media again. This time around it’s two Bernie Sanders staffers in South Carolina talking about ‘extreme action’ and the possibility of armed conflict. It’s not just the usual authoritarian leftist boilerplate on the possibility of executing landlords, or downplaying leftist oppression of the past. It’s that these radical ideas are being discussed out in the open to the agreement of other staffers in the area. These tapes also have a disturbing consistency, ranging from downplaying of past horrors or the idea of armed conflict right up to the imprisonment and execution of their political opponents. These are all too familiar themes because authoritarians all have the same method of operation. One man, one vote, once. The latest video featured the words of one Bernie staffer who adm

The left has issued a warning on a new slang term of the far right

Sources have noted a popular but disturbing trend: A desire to live free from the benevolent control of the left. Many of the authoritarian left are warning of a disturbing new trend in the use of obscure concepts and words that are quickly gaining popularity with the far right. These are ideas expressed on very old documents from the time of the founding of the country. They have gone viral with those who oddly enough want the government to be limited in its powers to do good. This alarming trend is seeing increasing notoriety with the far right fringe. It began as an unconstitutional response to common sense gun confiscation in places like Virginia and is now spreading like wildfire to neighboring states. It’s a dire situation in which people demand their  ‘unalienable human rights’  and other dangerous ideas. Leftist insiders are worried that if people begin thinking on their own instead of listening to them, they might actually take matters into their own hands. They might

A Bernie staffer proves the left loves guns… but only in their hands

A new video from Project Veritas Action illustrates why it’s a grave mistake to label the authoritarians as ‘anti-gun’. James O’Keefe of Project Veritas Action has released a new video of a Bernie Supporter, proving once again why gun sales are through the roof as well as why so many pro-liberty patriots were in Richmond on Monday. The  report  on Martin Weissgerber a South Carolina Field Organizer for the Sanders Campaign, has these important bullet [pardon the pun] points: Martin Weissgerber, South Carolina Field Organizer, Sanders Campaign: “Leave it to the Soviets to Make the Most Badass F***ing, Most Effective Gun in the World…AK (47)…The Destroyer of Imperialism and Colonization…That’s Why I Want to Get it (AK-47) Tattooed on Me.” Martin Weissgerber: “I’ll Straight Up Get Armed, I Want to Learn How to Shoot, and Go Train. I’m Ready for the F***ing Revolution…I’m Telling You. Guillotine the Rich.” Why it’s a colossal mistake to frame this debate in terms of ‘

The authoritarian left does not believe in human rights. They think government GRANTS and contains your rights.

“To do evil a human being must first of all believe that what he's doing is good” - Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn The video we are presenting is from someone who considers themselves to be a ‘moderate,’ who is looking at the actions of the left with a fair amount of alarm. The headline is a slight modification to the title of the video because the authoritarian left is no longer ‘democratic’. Similarly, they are no longer ‘progressive’ or ‘liberal’ by any sense of those words. Someone from this site could have easily written that title simply because we are all on the same page in the fight to conserve liberty. It should be noted that in the  first of the #Expose2020 videos from Project Veritas , one of the Bernie Sanders campaign staffers made the statement that  “Liberals Get the F***ing Wall First.” We on the pro-liberty right tend to repeat the same mistakes. Such as going along with the authoritarian left in obscuring the fight over freedom to as a debate over inanima

Media’s Virginia rally narrative implodes to the surprise of no one on the right

There is nothing more satisfying than to see a well-crafted narrative of the national socialist media blown up by factual reality. We were told that a bunch of pro-liberty patriots getting together with  guns *gasp!* would surely lead to violence. We were told that it was going to be a ‘white nationalist rally in Virginia’. That nothing good can ever come from people defending their  unalienable human rights. Then wouldn’t you know it,  practical reality  intercedes to decimate their pre-written story. First, there was the condemnation of a ‘journalist’ from NBC that couldn’t resist in pushing the ‘white supremacist’ false narrative to the limit. As reported by Fox news:  NBC News’ Ben Collins slammed for warning of ‘white nationalist rally in Virginia’ : Ahead of Monday’s gun-rights rally in Virginia, NBC News reporter Ben Collins labeled the event a “white nationalist” gathering Sunday, even as he warned against spreading “made-up stuff” on Twitter — prompting scores of cri

We are in a struggle for liberty. Why are we allowing the left to make it just about guns?

The liberty grabber left wants to exploit the language to argue about inanimate objects instead of freedom. The latest lie from the liberty grabber left is an attempt to smear innocent freedom advocates on the right as equivalent to KKK members, Nazis and White supremacists. The next few days will see them work overtime to equate ‘gun-rights advocates’ with every  ‘hate group’  imaginable, simply because they want to keep their  unalienable human rights. This smear from the authoritarian left and their comrades in the media is more than infuriating given “The Klan was a military force serving the interests of the  Democratic Party .” The  National Socialist German Workers’ Party or Nazis  was a  far-left  organisation repeatedly proven  here ,  here ,  here ,  here  and  here , along with their white supremacist brethren. The authoritarian far-left always has a tendency to follow the dictates of it’s historical icons Hitler and Lenin in repeating a lie until it’s forcibly the