The authoritarian left does not believe in human rights. They think government GRANTS and contains your rights.

“To do evil a human being must first of all believe that what he's doing is good” - Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn

The video we are presenting is from someone who considers themselves to be a ‘moderate,’ who is looking at the actions of the left with a fair amount of alarm. The headline is a slight modification to the title of the video because the authoritarian left is no longer ‘democratic’. Similarly, they are no longer ‘progressive’ or ‘liberal’ by any sense of those words.
Someone from this site could have easily written that title simply because we are all on the same page in the fight to conserve liberty. It should be noted that in the first of the #Expose2020 videos from Project Veritas, one of the Bernie Sanders campaign staffers made the statement that “Liberals Get the F***ing Wall First.”
We on the pro-liberty right tend to repeat the same mistakes. Such as going along with the authoritarian left in obscuring the fight over freedom to as a debate over inanimate objects bereft of rights. Here, it’s an issue of  lumping everyone with a label that begins with the letter ‘l’ in one group when this is hardly the case. The eminent commentator Dennis Prager has made this point a number of times – that leftists and liberals are two distinct groups and it is a severe mistake to treat them as the same.

Proving the left doesn’t believe in liberty, democracy, progress or basic human rights

Despite the fact that tens of thousands peacefully rallied for the conservation of human rights in Richmond this week, to the great disappointment of the national socialist media, ‘democrats’ in the Old Dominion are going to ignore the wishes of the people and impose their liberty-free vision on the state anyway.
This is more than an issue of ‘safety’ or guns, but of liberty itself such as the hideous example of gun confiscation swatting with so-called ‘red flag laws’. Their tyrannical desires are now expanding to free speech with newly proposed law that will criminalize criticism of the ruling class of Virginia.
The authoritarian left is also ignoring the presumption of innocence with the impeachment trial. They’ve blithely decided to turn centuries of precedent on it’s head, demanding that president Trump prove his innocence as pointed out in the video.
One could easily add concerns about the 2nd, 4th and 5th Amendments to the concerns about the authoritarian left in connection to the impeachment trial and the 1st Amendment. The false pretense of the left begins with the flattering words they use for themselves and ends in their actions that trample on the unalienable human rights of the people.
Let us also not forget that leftists also want to impose their ancient precepts of collectivism on the country at gunpoint, whereby creating the need for their ‘services’ by ruining the economy in the process.
That the authoritarian socialist left would want to do all of these things is no surprise to those of us on this site. We have been documenting their deprivations of democracy for years now. They are barely holding onto the mask obscuring their desire for a ruling elite that will run the lives of everyone else.
Finally, we should note that the ancient ideas of their ideology are long past their prime, hardly something that is ‘progressive’. They want to impose – at gunpoint – an ideology that has been a failure for over 400 years.

The bottom-line: The authoritarian left is doing evil because it thinks it’s doing good

We prefaced this article with the quote from Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn to make a point. Self-rationalization of any action or cause is a failing in everyone. We on the pro-liberty right are subject to this hazard as well. However, there is a key difference between our approaches to governance.
We seek to limit the power of government – even if it limits our power in the process – because we know that our wisdom is lacking in scope. This is why we are called conservatives. It’s not just a matter of conserving liberty, but of keeping what works and discarding what doesn’t.
In contrast, the authoritarian left seeks power because they are under the false impression that they are doing good. Whether its’ saving the planet or saving the children, they have convinced themselves that any means justifies our end.
The authoritarian left never questions whether their ideas are functional. They don’t care that their ancient ideas of collectivism have never worked. Leftists just parrot an excuse or dodge the issue and move on to do the same thing over and over again.
They don’t care that their restrictions on liberty never work. They just parrot an excuse or dodge the question and double down on the same thing. The founding fathers had an unequivocal reason to limit the power of the government. The ongoing insanity of the authoritarian left illustrates this perfectly.
Originally published on the NOQ Report


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