A Bernie staffer proves the left loves guns… but only in their hands

A new video from Project Veritas Action illustrates why it’s a grave mistake to label the authoritarians as ‘anti-gun’.

James O’Keefe of Project Veritas Action has released a new video of a Bernie Supporter, proving once again why gun sales are through the roof as well as why so many pro-liberty patriots were in Richmond on Monday.
The report on Martin Weissgerber a South Carolina Field Organizer for the Sanders Campaign, has these important bullet [pardon the pun] points:
Martin Weissgerber, South Carolina Field Organizer, Sanders Campaign: “Leave it to the Soviets to Make the Most Badass F***ing, Most Effective Gun in the World…AK (47)…The Destroyer of Imperialism and Colonization…That’s Why I Want to Get it (AK-47) Tattooed on Me.”
Martin Weissgerber: “I’ll Straight Up Get Armed, I Want to Learn How to Shoot, and Go Train. I’m Ready for the F***ing Revolution…I’m Telling You. Guillotine the Rich.”

Why it’s a colossal mistake to frame this debate in terms of ‘pro-gun’ and ‘anti-gun’.

This and the previous video shows that we on the pro-liberty right are mistakenly casting this debate as one between those that are ‘pro-gun rights’ and those who are ‘anti-gun rights’. This is clearly not the case in these and other prime examples. While there are vestiges of hoplophobia within the ranks of the nation’s socialist left, this is incorrect in most respects. It is likely that most on the left consider firearms in the mindset epitomized with this quote:
“All political power comes from the barrel of a gun. The communist party must command all the guns, that way, no guns can ever be used to command the party.” Mao Zedong
The current contentions over freedom make it patently obvious that this is more than an issue of inanimate objects. It has expanded to others issues of the presumption of innocence, privacy and free-speech.

The Bottom line: The Left cannot be seen as opposing liberty.

The video released today shows that leftists love guns – they just don’t want them in the wrong hands. That means being possessed by those who want to resist their revolutionary aspirations.
Leftists see firearms as a means to an end – in more ways than one. They love the fact that we keep ourselves distracted with the side issue of guns, avoiding the central issue of freedom and unalienable human rights. We need to stop doing this with nonsensical terms such ‘anti-gunner’ or similar terms and remain focused on conserving liberty.


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