
Showing posts from October, 2019

It’s ‘liberty control,’ not ‘gun control’

Using the proper term frames the debate as that of freedom and unalienable human rights instead of mere objects of steel and wood. Sometimes one word can make all the difference, using “liberty control” instead of “gun control” changes everything into a debate about freedom and human rights instead of scary things that make loud noises. This is why we use the term liberty control instead of gun control or one of it’s deceptive variations. It deprives the left of the advantage of shaping the rhetorical battlefield in setting the terms of the debate. Consider the dramatic redefinition of the discussion with the replacement of one key word in the  Oxford English dictionary definition  of the term gun control. liberty  control noun [mass noun] The regulation of liberty ‘a call for stricter liberty control’ [as modifier] ‘a debate on federal liberty control legislation’ The left loves that we use their terms in this discussion. They’ve begun using  ‘gun safety’  or  ‘gun ref

Liberty control fail: Two people killed, several injured in a stabbing attack on London Bridge

Once again we see that restrictions on liberty only serve to endanger the innocent. Police shot a man after he went on a rampage stabbing several people on London Bridge on Friday. Latest reports from the  Associated Press  are that the suspect is dead. The Metropolitan Police have declared the stabbings and shooting to a “terrorist incident”. The BBC reported that  two were killed in the stabbing attack : Two members of the public have died after a stabbing attack at London Bridge, in which police also shot dead the suspect. The Met Police has declared the attack a terrorist incident. The suspect, who died at the scene, was believed to have been wearing a hoax explosive device, police said. Videos on social media appear to show passers-by holding down a man. An officer arrives, seems to indicate to the group to move, and fires a shot. The Times reported last year that  London murder rate beats New York as stabbings surge Another failure of liberty control. Th

Repairing our moral underpinnings: The real solution to societal violence

The calls for gun confiscation are quieting down, so now is the time to talk about real solutions to the problem. Now that the most recent onslaught against liberty seems to be  on the wane , we have an opportunity to have a real discussion of the problem, developing real solutions. Instead of the usual knee-jerk reactions of the liberty grabber leftists in demanding gun confiscation or it’s precursors. The usual leftist response to any societal violence story they can exploit is to first demand that we all have ‘conversation’ about guns. In other words, they want to lecture us once again on our collective guilt and that we need to immediately turn in our means of self-defense. Having that ‘conversation’ on real solutions to societal violence. The emotional angst has died down, so let’s have that ‘conversation’ about societal violence. Of course, in this setting, it will be on facts and logic instead of ‘solutions’ based on emotion that will fail to work as advertised. This

Front-runner Elizabeth ‘ersatz’ Warren is now demanding gun confiscation

    Two videos detail the false pretense of the latest front-runner and her demand for gun confiscation. It looks like Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) is now surging into front-runner status. Tucker Carlson of Fox news recently profiled her in-authenticity, epitomized by the stilted pretension of her  “Hold on a sec, I’m gonna get me a beer,”  Moment. Our first video from Fox is a trenchant take down of the Elizabeth  ‘ersatz’  Warren and her predilection for prevarication from her kitchen to the campaign trial. Most of us are well aware of her well-practised air of haughty insincerity, but the quick and hilarious recap is well worth the effort of viewing it all again. Warren Calls For Gun Confiscation: We Should  “Take Weapons Of War Off Our Street” The second video is a short clip of the Senator from a campaign event detailing her intentions on the control of our liberty, with the additional wrinkle of essentially calling for gun confiscation. Her plans already in

Poll: Majority believes U.S. is two-thirds of the way to the ‘edge of a civil war’

New polling results show that most American believe the political divisions in the country are getting worse, with a  majority believing the U.S. is two-thirds of the way to the “Edge of civil war” . The poll conducted with likely 2020 voters showed that are frustrated by  ‘uncivil and rude behavior’ . While the data shows that 8 in 10 voters wanted both “compromise and common ground” as well as leaders who “will stand up to the other side”. According to the results: The average voter believes the U.S. is two-thirds of the way to the edge of a civil war. On a 0-100 scale with 100 being “edge of a civil war,” the mean response is 67.23. Consistent with the Civility Poll’s findings in April, this installment of the poll reveals significant contradictions within the electorate. Voters broadly agree with the premise that our political culture has become too uncivil and lacks a focus on solutions, and that common ground and compromise should be the goal for political leaders—while

AOC claims government controlling your life equals ‘Freedom’

America’s favorite authoritarian socialist is waxing Orwellian these days, equating slavery with freedom. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez endorsed fellow authoritarian socialist Bernie Sanders in almost Orwellian terms last week, with the implication that government control equals freedom. As reported in  RedState  by Nick Arama, the statement she made is stunningly illogical to anyone with a true sense of liberty: “We need to build a mass movement in America centered on working-class, the poor, the middle class,” she said. “One that is actively anti-racist, that is rooted in principles of universality. Everybody has a right to health care. Everybody has a right to an education. One that is rooted in principles of cooperation, that is participatory, that combats not only racism but misogyny, anti-queer discrimination, we have to have actively center those principles to drive us forward because the future and our future is in public systems, and it’s publicly owned systems. Because we

Quick reference the Nazis were socialists

For reference, we have this excerpt from the online etymology dictionary entry for the term  Nazi:  1930, noun and adjective, from German Nazi, abbreviation of German pronunciation of Nationalsozialist (based on earlier German sozi, popular abbreviation of “socialist”), from  Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei “National Socialist German Workers’ Party,”  led by Hitler from 1920. The 24th edition of Etymologisches Wörterbuch der deutschen Sprache (2002) says the word Nazi was favored in southern Germany (supposedly from c. 1924)  among opponents of National Socialism  because the nickname Nazi, Naczi (from the masc. proper name Ignatz, German form of Ignatius) was used colloquially to mean  “a foolish person, clumsy or awkward person.”  Ignatz was a popular name in Catholic Austria, and according to one source in World War I Nazi was a generic name in the German Empire for the soldiers of Austria-Hungary. An older use of Nazi for national-sozial is attested in Germ