Quick reference the Nazis were socialists

For reference, we have this excerpt from the online etymology dictionary entry for the term Nazi: 
1930, noun and adjective, from German Nazi, abbreviation of German pronunciation of Nationalsozialist (based on earlier German sozi, popular abbreviation of “socialist”), from Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei “National Socialist German Workers’ Party,” led by Hitler from 1920.
The 24th edition of Etymologisches Wörterbuch der deutschen Sprache (2002) says the word Nazi was favored in southern Germany (supposedly from c. 1924) among opponents of National Socialism because the nickname Nazi, Naczi (from the masc. proper name Ignatz, German form of Ignatius) was used colloquially to mean “a foolish person, clumsy or awkward person.” Ignatz was a popular name in Catholic Austria, and according to one source in World War I Nazi was a generic name in the German Empire for the soldiers of Austria-Hungary.
An older use of Nazi for national-sozial is attested in German from 1903, but EWdS does not think it contributed to the word as applied to Hitler and his followers. The NSDAP for a time attempted to adopt the Nazi designation as what the Germans call a “despite-word,” but they gave this up, and the NSDAP is said to have generally avoided the term. Before 1930, party members had been called in English National Socialists, which dates from 1923. The use of Nazi Germany, Nazi regime, etc., was popularized by German exiles abroad. From them, it spread into other languages, and eventually was brought back to Germany, after the war. In the USSR, the terms national socialist and Nazi were said to have been forbidden after 1932, presumably to avoid any taint to the good word socialist. Soviet literature refers to fascists.
[Emphasis added]

The political right favors liberty, the political left favors control.

While the world can appear to be complex in some ways, most of the time these complexities can be explained or modeled by simple but very elegant equations and formulations. The same holds true the rational political spectrum. As we have pointed out, the primary difference between these disciplines is that there isn’t a political lobby trying to confuse the descriptions of mechanical motion or electromagnetic phenomena. Such is not the case with the political spectrum, where one side wants to constantly muddy the water to obscure their true nature as authoritarians.
The basic form of the political spectrum is of the pro-liberty right based on individualism, while the far socialist-left is based on collectivism. The right favoring minimal government with maximum liberty while the left favors maximum government with minimal liberty.

Part and parcel of this leftist deception is the attempt at rewriting history to cast a socialist worker’s party as ‘right wing’ to the point of fostering a ‘sky is green’ deception claiming that the Nazis weren’t socialist. What began with following the lead of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics in trying to hide the ‘socialist workers’ part of the term Nazi. Fomenting the lie that they were somehow ‘right wing’, has continued to the point of utilizing the practice of ‘idea laundering’ to actually try to claim that the Nazis weren’t socialists.
Idea laundering takes place when repeated articles foster an absurd conception. With one publishing this notion and other picking it up, but without actually explaining how the ridiculous idea is true. This is an exemplary list of the genre, please take note of the headline being the most important part of the article. Making the point in the form of a ‘one-line editorial’:

Proving once again that the Nazis were Leftists

The Nazis had the basic principles of the Left, proving once and for all they were Leftists.

Most people would agree that the Conservative-Right has the basic principles of Limited governmenthttp://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/conservatism
 Decentralized Economic Liberty, Property rights and maximum Freedom under the general philosophy of Individualism. This is contrasted with the Socialist-Left having contrary principles of Unlimited governmentCentralized Economic Control, Wealth redistribution, and minimal Liberty under the general philosophy of Collectivism.
Since that National Socialist German Workers’ Party [Nazis] had the same basic principles of the Socialist-Left, they were clearly on the Left side of the political spectrum. Somehow the Left still persists in perpetuating the lie that they were somehow ‘Far-Right’, despite this direct correlation. Therefore, we will outline these basic principles to prove the historically obvious fact that a socialist workers’ party belonged on the Left.

The basic principles of the Conservative-Right contrasted with the Socialist-Left.

In general terms, these are principles of the Conservative-Right contrasted with those of the Socialist-Left, finalizing the case that the Nazis were imbued with basic principles of the Left:

The basic principles of the Conservative-Right:

  • Limited government
  • Decentralized Economic Liberty
  • Property rights
  • Maximum Freedom
  • The general philosophy of Individualism

Contrast this with the basic principles of the Socialist-Left:

  • Unlimited government
  • Centralized Economic Control
  • Wealth redistribution
  • Minimal Liberty
  • The general philosophy of Collectivism.
Those trying to argue that the Nazis were somehow ‘far-right’ need to explain how the Nazis favored the principles of Limited government, Decentralized Economic Liberty, Property rights and Maximum Freedom of the Conservative-Right under the general philosophy of Individualism. While also factually explaining away their labeling as a socialist worker’s party as well as the admonition to Collectivist philosophy in the motto they put on their coinage: ’Gemeinnutz vor Eigennutz’ which translates to Common Good Before Individual Good.
We could go into much deeper detail on this point – and perhaps we will at some future time – but it should be clear that in general terms, the Nazis shared the same basic principles as the national socialist Left, proving the point once and for all.
The Conservative-Right has the basic principles of Limited government, Decentralized Economic Liberty, Property rights and maximum Freedom under the general philosophy of Individualism.
This is contrasted with the Socialist-Left having contrary principles of Unlimited government, Centralized Economic Control, Wealth redistribution, and minimal Liberty under the general philosophy of Collectivism.
If the Nazis were somehow ‘far-right’ then you need to explain how the Nazis favoured the principles of Limited government, Decentralized Economic Liberty, Property rights and Maximum Freedom of the Conservative-Right under the general philosophy of Individualism.
1. Conservative-Right general principles: Limited government, Decentralized Economic Liberty, Property rights and maximum Freedom under the general philosophy of Individualism.
2. Socialist-Left general principles: Unlimited government, Centralized Economic Control, Wealth redistribution, and minimal Liberty under the general philosophy of Collectivism.
3. The Nazis were a socialist workers party with the principles of Unlimited government, Centralized Economic Control, Wealth redistribution, and minimal Liberty under the general philosophy of Collectivism.
4. Trying to claim that the Nazis were ‘right-wing’ means proving that their general principles were: Limited government, Decentralized Economic Liberty, Property rights and maximum Freedom under the general philosophy of Individualism.
5. While also factually explaining away their labeling as a socialist worker’s party as well as the Collectivist philosophy in the motto on their coinage: ’Gemeinnutz vor Eigennutz’ which translates to Common Good Before Individual Good.


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