AOC claims government controlling your life equals ‘Freedom’

America’s favorite authoritarian socialist is waxing Orwellian these days, equating slavery with freedom.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez endorsed fellow authoritarian socialist Bernie Sanders in almost Orwellian terms last week, with the implication that government control equals freedom. As reported in RedState by Nick Arama, the statement she made is stunningly illogical to anyone with a true sense of liberty:
“We need to build a mass movement in America centered on working-class, the poor, the middle class,” she said. “One that is actively anti-racist, that is rooted in principles of universality. Everybody has a right to health care. Everybody has a right to an education. One that is rooted in principles of cooperation, that is participatory, that combats not only racism but misogyny, anti-queer discrimination, we have to have actively center those principles to drive us forward because the future and our future is in public systems, and it’s publicly owned systems. Because we need to take power over our lives again.
It is truly disturbing is that some might actually fall for this sales pitch for socialistic slavery. Despite the word salad, it does validate several assertions on our comrades of the nation’s socialist-left.

No one has the ‘right’ to enslave others.

While the authoritarian left loves to couch it’s socialist national agenda in terms of an expansion in ‘rights’. It must be noted that these ‘rights’ are dependent on the extraction of money from other people. A ‘right’ to healthcare, education or housing means that someone has to provide the property and labor to furnish that ‘right’ to others, this kind of obligation is called slavery. Being dependent on others for one’s sustenance is also a form of slavery. Left unsaid is the fact that this expansion of ‘rights’ means that someone else has to pay the freight in providing this largess.
There is a vast difference between the unalienable human rights everyone has and the coercive rights referenced by Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. The later are coercive in the sense that they depend on a redistribution of property or labor, requiring some form of coercion.

The two best words that describe the national socialist left: deceit and coercion.

That should be the true meaning of the abbreviation ‘D.C.’ for the nation’s capitol. Most of the left’s socialist national agenda is based upon those two concepts. That short video clip succinctly highlights both points with Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, making the absurd assertion that liberty can only be manifest by having governmental control over virtually every aspect of our lives.
The past should easily inform everyone that government control or coercion does not result in freedom. History has shown that it’s quite the opposite, that is not the lie fomented by the left these days.

The political right favors liberty, the political left favors coercion.

That clip does highlight the primary difference between the two sides of the political spectrum. Word salad deceptions aside, the left sees control of others as the best way to ‘reshape’ the world. This is why they obsess over the control of liberty and unalienable human rights. Like a currency counterfeiter, this is also why they seek to expand the definition of rights, expanding them in some areas at the expense of some while diminishing them in others.
There are two basic forms of human interaction, co-operation and coercion. While she uses the former as a throwaway line, the left’s primary obsession is one over control of others.

Economic freedom is based on societal co-operation.

Free enterprise and free trade are based in the benefits of mutual co-operation. One person interacting with another on an equal footing in the trading of goods or services. As exemplified in the often quoted dissertation ‘Why the gun is civilization’:
Human beings only have two ways to deal with one another: reason and force. If you want me to do something for you, you have a choice of either convincing me via argument, or force me to do your bidding under threat of force. Every human interaction falls into one of those two categories, without exception. Reason or force, that’s it.
[Emphasis added]
This is a modern and civilized form of human interaction that is far superior to the past form of interactions based on coercion. That is what the left would like as their version of social ‘reform’ [a word that literally means ‘‘bring back to the original condition”]

Socialistic slavery is based in societal coercion or control.

While the national socialist left likes to couch it’s rhetoric in flowery deceptive words of ‘universality’ or being ‘participatory’ it is the opposite, given that all collectivist systems have devolved down to a small elite making life or death decisions for everyone else.
This is the left’s ideas of ‘progress’, going back to the days when a central authority controlled everyone’s life and liberty, minus any pursuit of happiness. The ‘publicly owned systems’ of her envisioned collectivist Utopia will require a central authority to operate, that is the fine print in any leftist proposal. A necessity that they have to keep hidden with outright lies and deceit.

The Bottom-line.

There is a key difference between left and right, while we of the pro-liberty right believe in the benefits of mutual co-operation in a system of economic freedom. The authoritarian socialist left believes in collectivist systems based on coercion and control, enslaving others with newly minted ‘rights’ created out of thin air.
The problem for the left is that they cannot be truly honest about the entirety of their socialist national agenda. Thus, they couch it in deception with a little projection thrown in for good measure. The left is steeped in deceit and coercion because that is the only way it’s base ideology can function.
Originally published on the NOQ Report


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