
Showing posts from June, 2019

The Pro-Liberty Right needs to present a sane vision for the future

The authoritarian socialist Left is self-destructing, we of the Pro-Liberty Right need to present a sane alternative. Last night the first Democratic debate of the 2020 campaign took place and unsurprisingly, they somehow managed to move even further Left. Taking their places among the crowded space on the far-left of the political spectrum with Leftist luminaries Mao, Stalin, Hitler, Castro, Maduro, et al. They have effectively dropped all pretense of truly being Liberal, embracing authoritarian societal control with forced wealth redistribution. While it is important to contemplate the insanity of the Far-Left pursuing the facial dream of a collectivist Utopia that will never exist.  It is more important that we consider our principles in the matter, defending the principles of individual Rights and true Economic Liberty.  Rather than being pulled along in the turbulent wake of the Left. The lonely ride of the Authoritarian Socialist-Left into oblivion. While the rest of th

Top 5 worst tractor attachments

A tongue in cheek video from Messick’s that may stir up a bit of controversy. Just for fun we present this recent video from Messick’s on the more frustrating tractor implements. The choices were based on a Facebook pointing out a few important issues with some and why they can be difficult to use. For example, the down force issue with the three-point hitch post hole auger maybe something no one has considered. Please note that it’s the older three-point hitch variety that is backhoe being described, the more recent models have a subframe mount. Remember this isn’t our opinion on the matter –  especially considering item #2. Top 5 Worst Tractor Attachments Messick’s Premiered Jun 24, 2019 #5 Three point hitch snow blower #4 Three point hitch post hole digger #3 Three point hitch back hoe #2 Three point quick hitches #1 Drive over mower deck Originally published on the NOQ Report

Imagine the Left being completely honest

The Left has to hide its core ‘value’ of forced wealth redistribution in order to survive, but imagine if the whole truth came out. No one would support the Left’s socialistic slavery if it were truthful about its ideology of forced wealth redistribution. They will, however admit to some half-truths using the sin of omission to keep the rest under wraps. This is a look at what it would be like if they were completely honest about their socialist national agenda. After all, these are people who disguise who they are with deliberately false labels. They can talk all they want about being ‘progressive’ or ‘Liberal’, but it’s all backward thinking with the antithesis of Liberty in having  ‘the pedagogy of the paredón’ [execution wall] . Leftists weren’t socialists until suddenly they were. It is really astounding that the Left expects their words to be taken at face value when their history has always been one of lies. For years they solemnly denied that they were socialists, eve

Censorship is cowardice

The Left is losing in the marketplace of ideas. It can only survive by silencing the vastly superior inspirations of Liberty. There is a reason the social media monopolies have begun censoring free speech in earnest. There is a reason they have begun silencing the Pro-Liberty Right. The Socialist-Left can no longer compete in the marketplace of ideas, so it must silence those with vastly superior concepts of economic Liberty and  individual freedom . The primary cause of censorship by social media monopolies There are a number of details on the social media monopoly of the Socialist-Left, but these all obscure the real issue at hand. The Socialist-Left has to control free speech because it is an inferior system that depends upon lies in order to survive; this is the reason it must assert this control and who is allowed on their ‘platforms’. Their ideology is built upon a foundation of lies that tend to disintegrate under the full exploration of an open discussion. These are the

Stossel: In defense of economic liberty

Reason TV makes the case for Economic Liberty, showing its vast superiority over socialistic slavery. In his latest video produced for Reason TV John Stossel interviews Yaron Brook from the Ayn Rand Institute making the case that Economic Liberty  [Or the false Marxist pejorative Capitalism]   has created more wealth and brought more people out of poverty than any other system. Stossel: In Defense of Capitalism ReasonTV Published on Jun 18, 2019 People acting in their own self-interest created modern  prosperity,  says Ayn Rand Institute’s  Yaron  Brook. … Progressives claim capitalism is “immoral” because some people become rich while others stay poor. Yaron Brook, chairman of the Ayn Rand Institute, says the opposite is true. “We have basically made about  $2 a day for 100,000 years ,” Brook told John Stossel. “In other  words … we could eat what we farmed and that was it.” “And then something amazing happened.” About  250 years ago , a few countries tried capital

July is Gun Pride Month, the annual celebration of the 2nd Amendment

Announcing the second annual celebration of the 2nd amendment and the gear that protects our lives and our liberty. Gun Pride Month is the annual celebration of the life-saving tools of freedom. It’s that time of year when those of the  pro-liberty right,  liberals, conservatives and Libertarians, come out to show their pride in the kit that protects our lives and liberty.  It is the second year of a  celebration  that is growing by leaps and bounds. Never Forget, even for an instant, that the one and only reason anybody has for taking your gun away is to make you weaker than he is, so he can do something to you that you wouldn’t allow him to do if you were equipped to prevent it. This goes for burglars, muggers, and rapists, and even more so for policemen, bureaucrats, and politicians. – L. Neil Smith Standing for the common sense human right of self-defense Leftists love the divide and conquer approach in attacking liberty. What began with the  ‘first they came for the g

The far-left hates liberty. Isn’t it time to stop praising them as being liberal? Part II

If we want to defeat socialism and Conserve Liberty, we have to stop using the reality defying language of the Left. Bernie Sanders recently gave a speech inverting reality to redefine socialism. It was replete with some modernized versions of the tired old tropes of the Communist Manifesto. But the key part included some absurd assertions on Liberty that would have made a younger version of George Orwell proud. Apparently no one can be ‘free’ unless they have a claim on the time, labor and property of others in society. In the Orwellian mindset of Bernie Sanders and others of the national socialist Left, Liberty means that you should be ‘free’..  to enslave others.  No word on whether the people forced to provide their time, labor and property to Bernie voters that are ‘free’. It is a fact that every living being from bacteria to Brontosauri has had to exert effort in order to survive. However, the Leftist mindset sees an opportunity to control every aspect of everyone’s life