July is Gun Pride Month, the annual celebration of the 2nd Amendment

Announcing the second annual celebration of the 2nd amendment and the gear that protects our lives and our liberty.

Gun Pride Month is the annual celebration of the life-saving tools of freedom. It’s that time of year when those of the pro-liberty right, liberals, conservatives and Libertarians, come out to show their pride in the kit that protects our lives and liberty. It is the second year of a celebration that is growing by leaps and bounds.
Never Forget, even for an instant, that the one and only reason anybody has for taking your gun away is to make you weaker than he is, so he can do something to you that you wouldn’t allow him to do if you were equipped to prevent it. This goes for burglars, muggers, and rapists, and even more so for policemen, bureaucrats, and politicians. – L. Neil Smith

Standing for the common sense human right of self-defense

Leftists love the divide and conquer approach in attacking liberty. What began with the ‘first they came for the gun owners’ morphed into other targets of the national socialist left. This is why we the patriots of the pro-liberty right must band together and refuse to be silenced by the mobocracy of the left.
Other groups of people have claimed whole months, so why shouldn’t the over 120 million innocent gun owners do the same? This is to show the liberty grabber left that we will not be shamed into silence on social media. We are the armed patriots of America and we aren’t going anywhere, so the nation’s socialist-left had better get used to that fact.
As Tom Knighton of Bearing Arms stated it in his article on the celebration: Make July ‘Gun Pride’ Month!
Gun control activists are lashing out, trying to create a world where gun ownership is socially taboo. They want us silent because if people know we exist, they might be interested in our thoughts on gun control. They might seek us out and get facts about guns and how they’re used for self-defense 2.5 million times per year, a number supported by CDC research.
Not only that, but we get to spend the month of Independence Day celebrating the ultimate proof that we are truly independent. Let’s start showing our support for gun rights by using the hashtag #GunPrideMonth on pictures of us using our firearms responsibly posted to social media. Let’s start printing t-shirts and posters. Let’s come up with new ideas to remind people that we’re gun owners and we’re Americans, for crying out loud!

Guns are the linchpin of liberty

Guns are the only physical manifestation of the Bill of Rights. Without the government-restraining right of firearm ownership, the Constitution is only a piece of paper to be ignored by those who lust for power. Authoritarian socialist regimes of the past and present have also had Constitutions or other foundational documents that purported to protect human and civil rights. But, without the basic human right of self-defense, those rights were meaningless.
It’s no coincidence that the liberty grabber left’s first attempts at censorship began with the subject of the self-defense. What began with the banning of a few 2nd amendment, pro-liberty channels and pages has expanded to other voices. As has always been the case, the left and its socialist national agenda of societal slavery has always been inferior to the agenda of economic liberty and freedom of the conservative right.

The left has a fever, and the only prescription is more gun confiscation

Guns put the teeth in the Bill of Rights, a restraint the power-hungry can’t ignore. This is why we have created this celebration and why it is catching fire among the patriot community. The plain fact is the liberty grabber left cannot abide the ability of the people to ‘resist’ a governmental monopoly on the use of force. As is the case in other realms, they cannot be honest as to why they want certain people to be disarmed. Hence, they have to couch their obsession with stepping-stones to gun confiscation ‘Intergalactic Background Checks’ etc. in terms of ‘safety’ or reform.
We’ve already documented and detailed what is just a sampling of the instances where the national socialist left has demanded gun confiscation. It used to be that the left would only make these strident demands against liberty in the context of a mass murder tragedy, but now they have lowered to bar to calling for this from the mere rumor of the report of something happening of this nature.

The Takeaway

It is patently absurd to collectively punish millions people for the crimes of a few. Is it fair to treat certain people as second class citizens simply because they have certain items of hardware? That is the flawed injustice of the left in going after the basic human rights of innocent gun owners.
It is time for the 120+ million innocent gun owners to stand up and be counted. The liberty grabber left has made it clear they want to punish millions with a never ending stream of new regulations and requirements that will do nothing except punish the innocent, followed by outright gun confiscation. It is time to show our pride in defending liberty and saving lives in the process.
Originally published on the NOQ Report


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