The Pro-Liberty Right needs to present a sane vision for the future

The authoritarian socialist Left is self-destructing, we of the Pro-Liberty Right need to present a sane alternative.

Last night the first Democratic debate of the 2020 campaign took place and unsurprisingly, they somehow managed to move even further Left. Taking their places among the crowded space on the far-left of the political spectrum with Leftist luminaries Mao, Stalin, Hitler, Castro, Maduro, et al. They have effectively dropped all pretense of truly being Liberal, embracing authoritarian societal control with forced wealth redistribution.
While it is important to contemplate the insanity of the Far-Left pursuing the facial dream of a collectivist Utopia that will never exist. It is more important that we consider our principles in the matter, defending the principles of individual Rights and true Economic Liberty. Rather than being pulled along in the turbulent wake of the Left.

The lonely ride of the Authoritarian Socialist-Left into oblivion.

While the rest of the pack still needs to lend it’s voice to the proceedings, its extremely important to remember that those people only represent a very small, but extremely vocal portion of our society. The Hidden tribes study as well as other polling indicates that the Far-Left, authoritarian socialists comprise a tiny fraction of the country. The question becomes one of what will happen to the rest of the Democratic pack? Will they ride off on a herd of rainbow unicorns like the rest of the Far-Left or will they go their own way?
Most importantly, what do we of the Pro-Liberty Right do in response? Do we try to match the insanity of the Authoritarian Socialist-Left or do we work overtime to sell the country on individual freedom and Economic Liberty?

Trying to match the Far-Left in forced wealth redistribution is a fool’s errand.

Most assuredly the Far-Left knows that their fantasy world of free health care, free college, free housing, free food, free money, free child care will never see the light of day. We are already $22 Trillion in debt with trust funds for social security and Medicare are to run out in a few years, and this doesn’t even touch on unfunded liabilities. There isn’t enough money to fund the whole bloated edifice for a year with 100% taxation, much less add untold Trillions in unfair burden on the taxpayers.
But whether these schemes can be funded isn’t the point, these impossible promises have always been part and parcel of the Authoritarian Socialist-Left and they always will be. They only care about attaining power, not whether their Utopian dreams can be fulfilled.
The larger point is that we can never match their insanity, so there is not point in ever trying. We of the Pro-Liberty Right must present a contrasting view of the world, a view of individual rights and economic Liberty.

How do we sell the critically important principles of Individual freedom and economic Liberty?

How do we illustrate that the Authoritarian Socialist-Left has nothing but false promises of an impossible Utopia? We have a situation in which it is highly probable that the Authoritarian Socialist-Left will out do itself, leaving a supposed ‘moderate’ such as Joe Biden to pose a formidable challenge. How do we make our case in keeping our Individual freedom and Economic Liberty?

We can start this by reiterating our core beliefs and principles and working to sell them in contrast to the Left’s fantasy agenda.

  • Use the correct terms.
  • Stop uniting the Left with word salad labeling.
  • Using a multi prong approach in opposing socialistic slavery.
  • Debunk the myth of Scandinavian socialism.
  • Hammer the point that socialism has never worked.
  • Emphasize the benefits of Individual freedom and economic Liberty.

Use the correct terms.

This is always an ongoing effort to counteract the efforts of the Authoritarian Socialist-Left in the opposite direction. They are exceedingly precise in how they exploit certain words and phrases. How many times have we seen a video compilation of Leftists using the exact same word in a certain context?
The Left exploits the language to project their issues on the Pro-Liberty Right. The prime example being their use of the term ‘Nazi’. The video of Dan Crenshaw questioning the social media monopolists made a very important point on this issue. It is the Conservative-Right that advocates Liberty and free speech. While both the Socialist-Left and the Nazis controlled free speech, thus they were Leftists.
They use that term and those closely associated with it such a ‘Far-Right’ for a very good reason, because as many have stated, language sets the terms of debate. We set ourselves at a disadvantage when we use the words of the Left. This issue is why the Left obsesses over the issue of ‘political correctness’.

Stop uniting the Left with word salad labelling.

Word salad labeling is the extremely unfortunate practice of using multiple terms in referring to the opposition to the Pro-Liberty Right. Typically this is seen when a commentator will refer to them as Leftist at one point, then ‘Liberal’ or ‘socialist’ in another instance. These are words very distinct and different definitions that redound negatively to the intelligence of those who engage in the practice.
Using multiple labels tends to unify the opposition, isolating Leftists using that one word instead of many will be to the advantage of the Pro-Liberty Right.

Debunk the myth of Scandinavian socialism.

This is a key part in a multi prong approach in opposing socialistic slavery since the Authoritarian Socialist-Left will invariably try to cite those small, culturally homogeneous with free-market economies as a ‘success’ of socialism when that isn’t the case. We debunk that Leftist mythology knowing that the Left will try to use the Scandinavian socialism excuse.  A number of publications have debunked this myth over the years:
The Foundation for Economic Education: The Myth of Scandinavian Socialism

Hammer the point that socialism has never worked.

This is the other part of the approach in offing a better solution, because it should be clear that individual freedom and economic Liberty works while socialism does not. Four hundred years of failure should prove the point.
Leftist will often try to use the ‘mixed economy’ myth, labeling anything the government does as socialism or applying that label to certain government programs. The first part of that is patently absurd while it should be pointed out that most of those programs do not function as advertised.
There is a saying that it’s the dosage that makes the poison, meaning that the amount determines if it is lethal. The ‘mixed economy’ idea is akin to a poison, with more socialism slowing and finally killing the economy, hardly a ringing endorsement for the Left’s base ideology.

Emphasize the benefits of Individual freedom and economic Liberty.

This should be entirely obvious and something many others have discussed. However, part of the problem is that everyone dwells in this environment already and they don’t understand what would be the end result of the Left attaining power. That is why the first parts of this program are important.
The ‘that wasn’t really socialism’ Lie is one of the Left’s most often used talking points, as though their version would be the promised Utopia. The problem is that every socialist or collectivist system utilizes forced wealth redistribution, a system that destroys incentives to work while encouraging dependency on the government. These aspects of the Left‘s socialist national agenda are on display in these debates. The results of this agenda will be just as has taken place everywhere else socialism has failed. That is why the Left has to be defeated and our Liberty conserved.

The Takeaway.

The point in all of this is that using the correct words frames the debate while properly addressing the usual talking points of the Left. If we emphasize the benefits of Individual freedom and economic Liberty we can easily win the debate as long as the Left doesn’t cheat on the issue.
Originally published on the NOQ Report


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