
Showing posts from October, 2018

It takes a village to raise a false narrative

The Left finally figures out how to blame Trump for Pittsburgh while blunting the effects of the illegal invasion. Sometimes it’s quite fascinating to watch a story grow from the ether with the various sources adding their input to the construction until it coalesces and emerges as a theme or trend in it’s own right. In the case of the Pittsburgh shooting, the various factions in the media have struggled to develop a coherent narrative that will properly exploit the issue. The tragic events of Saturday posed a difficult proposition for the nation’s Left and the national media [but we repeat ourselves] . This was a fine opportunity to capitalise on recent events and distract from the ‘crazy Democrats’ as Claire McCaskill’s campaign termed them. It was two-fold problem for them in exploiting the pain and suffering of others for maximum political advantage: How can they blame this on President Trump? How can they blunt the effect of the illegal invasion columns on the midter

Rules for the Rational: Stop trying to use every situation for political advantage

It should simply be outside the norms of decency to exploit someone else’s pain and suffering. It’s inevitable that as soon as a tragedy takes place, certain people will try to exploit the situation to their advantage. It should simply be considered bad form to use these events to divide instead of unify based on the raw emotions present after a horrific event. These are people who go by the infamous words of Rahm Emanuel: “You never let a serious crisis go to waste.” This is not to say people cannot express their opinions, but basic societal decency should be the standard instead of that kind of cynicism. The people who engage in this sort of activity know that they using the raw emotion to further their cause at the expense of others, those who are rational should shun these tactics. The hierarchy of exploitation. Many times there is a hierarchy of exploitation endemic to the use of tragedy, with several of a myriad of possibilities thrown into the mix such as: Libe

Why is the media silent on the ongoing migrant exodus from Venezuela?

Being a danger to the Democrats, the ‘migrant caravan’ disappeared from the headlines, meanwhile they still ignore the mass exodus from 21st century socialism Having once been merely biased towards the Left, the national media has become blatantly partisan to the extreme. The ‘Migrant Caravan’ story has been particularly egregious in this regard. From the outset, they propagandised effort until it became clear it was a threat to Democratic midterm narratives. They’ve also ignored the ongoing humanitarian disaster and mass exodus from the ‘21st century socialism’ of Venezuela, Nicaragua and Cuba while they feign compassion for the poor and downtrodden. Of course, the illegal invader columns of the ‘Migrant Caravan’ are a stark reminder of what would happen were we to hand power to the Democrats. It’s been reported that up to 150 Million people from around the globe would like to migrate to the states. An invasion of that magnitude would be ‘fundamental transformation’, tu

A tale of two postal perpetrators

Two men have been accused of very similar crimes, how will the media coverage compare? A man was recently taken into custody for posting dangerous packages recently. But not the one you may be thinking of at the moment. This was the case of a man from Utah who has been accused of sending letters containing a poison to President Donald Trump and other top government officials. So now that the ‘Mail Bomber’ suspect has been taken into custody, it will be quite interesting to judge the media coverage of both cases. Compare the Media coverage. While there are marked differences, the similarities will be quite telling for a good side by side study of partisan bias. Both sent dangerous packages through the mail to prominent personalities. The differences being the targets of these attacks and of course the media coverage therein. Virtually everyone has been inundated with albeit understandable coverage of the ‘Mail bomber’ case, while the ‘ricin-letter’ case has received litt

Why it’s important to support the NOQ report

It’s vitally important that we have a voice from the rational Right, now more than ever. A report was recently published that showed that 80% of the country finds political correctness to be a problem, while only 8% loved the concept. The question becomes, how did only 8% of the country [The ‘objective’ national media included] drive this issue? Who represents the 80% who are sick of the propaganda from the Left? Curiously enough, political correctness originated in the old U nion of S oviet Socialist R epublics. This of course was a bastion of the Socialist-Left with its main propaganda organ entitled ‘Pravda’ [Truth] that was out to ‘Liberate’ the world from freedom. Balancing out the modern-day Pravda. Leftist media sources have become an echo chamber continuously reverberating with the concerns of the 8%. This is instead of the everyday reality of the 80% who are sick of being told what to think and what their emotions are supposed to be on any given subject. F

Video hilarity: New Democrat campaign ‘ad’

A pitch perfect send up of Democratic campaign adverts. Allie Stuckey from CRTV is back with a hilarious new “Ad” for the Democratic party. It’s been said that humour needs to have a ring of truth to it – in this case, it’s equivalent to a clapper hitting a cathedral bell. It’s a parody of Leftist delivery with a perfect mix of delivery, background video and deadpan delivery, enjoy and pass it along.   Originally published on the NOQ Report

What’s at stake: Nancy ‘Slippery Slope’ Pelosi wants to control your property

Mrs. Hope for a slippery slope has promised the critical step to gun confiscation – Intergalactic Background Checks [Universal, Enhanced, etc.] Anyone paying attention to the Left’s ongoing war on Liberty should take notice of the Red flag Nancy ‘Slippery slope’ Pelosi just ran up the pole. She stated that so-called universal background checks would be among Democrats’ top priorities if the party wins control of the House in the midterm elections. These are in essence, government controls over property, despite the emptional spin placed on them. Government Control of property has no Constitutional Justification. For starters, the national socialist Left doesn’t have the authority to control private property in this way, referring to the words of the 10th amendment: The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people. Try as we might, we couldn’t find the words ‘

PragerU: What’s wrong with government-run healthcare?

  This latest video from PragerU details how another vote-buying pipe dream from the Left can never work. A new video from PragerU features policy expert Lanhee Chen from the Hoover Institution at Stanford, who explains how ‘ Free Healthcare’ can never work in the real world. As is the case with most Leftist vote-buying schemes, the ‘The Medicare for all’ fiction is long on promises and short on how it will be funded. The tax burden for such a scheme would destroy the economy and would have to be levied on almost everyone. This kind of national socialized healthcare would also take away the incentive for innovation, which has made for the best healthcare system in the states and the rest of the world. One often suspects that these assurances of freebies are never meant to operate as promised. Witness the much vaunted Obamacare that was supposed to eliminate the uninsured, but did nothing of the sort. Such is also the case with their push for Liberty control, since it ne

Gun Confiscation image Reference May 2018

May 2018 [Reverse chronological order] May 18, 2018 Esquire: Okay, Now I Actually Do Want To Take Your Guns May 3, 2018 Ban assault weapons, buy them back, go after resisters: Ex-prosecutor in Congress

Gun Confiscation Reference May 2018

May 2018 [Reverse chronological order] May 18, 2018 Esquire: Okay, Now I Actually Do Want To Take Your Guns May 3, 2018 Ban assault weapons, buy them back, go after resisters: Ex-prosecutor in Congress   Okay, Now I Actually Do Want To Take Your Guns Young people of America are now expecting to witness gun violence in their schools. It doesn't have to be that way. By Dave Holmes May 18, 2018 ... Anyway, I just wanted to drop you a line and let you know that I now actually do want to take your guns. All of your guns. Right now. ... All along, there have been opportunities for sensible, incremental changes. This year alone, we could have banned the manufacture of bump stocks, which turn semi-automatic weapons into automatic ones. We could have raised the minimum age for gun

Gun Confiscation image Reference April 2018

April 2018 [Reverse chronological order] April 22, 2018 Emma González [March for our Lives]: Removing the assault and semi-automatic weapons from our Civilian society April 4, 2018 Observer: Is It Time to Repeal the Second Amendment? Apr 3, 2018 Vox: Why an assault weapons ban can’t address America’s gun problem April 02, 2018 Miami Herald Repeal the Second Amendment — it’s not a crazy idea Vox: Why an assault weapons ban can’t address America’s gun problem

Gun Confiscation Reference April 2018

April 2018 [Reverse chronological order] April 22, 2018 Emma González [March for our Lives]: Removing the assault and semi-automatic weapons from our Civilian society April 4, 2018 Observer: Is It Time to Repeal the Second Amendment? Apr 3, 2018 Vox: Why an assault weapons ban can’t address America’s gun problem April 02, 2018 Miami Herald Repeal the Second Amendment — it’s not a crazy idea Emma González Verified Account @Emma4Change Replying to @Emma4Change (4/4) Removing the assault and semi-automatic weapons from our Civilian society, instituting thorough background checks and mandatory waiting perio

Gun Confiscation Image Reference March 2018

[Reverse chronological order] Index List March 30, 2018 Paste Magazine: Repeal the Second Amendment, Idiots Mar 28, 2018 USA Today: Repealing the Second Amendment isn't easy but it's what March for Our Lives students need March 27, 2018 New York Times – John Paul Stevens: Repeal the Second Amendment March 21, 2018 The Charlotte News: Ban military-style assault weapons for the sake of our children Mar 14, 2018 Vox: What no politician wants to admit about gun control “taking a huge number of guns away from a huge number of gun

Gun Confiscation Reference March 2018

[Reverse chronological order] Index List March 30, 2018 Paste Magazine: Repeal the Second Amendment, Idiots Mar 28, 2018 USA Today: Repealing the Second Amendment isn't easy but it's what March for Our Lives students need March 27, 2018 New York Times – John Paul Stevens: Repeal the Second Amendment Mar 22, 2018 The Birds and The BS: We're not saying we're coming for your guns...we're singing it! March 21, 2018 The Charlotte News: Ban military-style assault weapons for the sake of our children Mar 14, 2018 Vox: What no politician wants to admit about gun control https://w

Gun Confiscation screen image Reference February 2018

February 2018 [Reverse chronological order] February 27 2018 Maine Voices: It’s time for a gun abolition movement We need to stand up to the NRA and push for what is so desperately needed: a complete ban on firearms. February 27, 2018 Mercury News - Eugene Robinson | The Washington Post: Robinson: Arming teachers is absurd — ban military-style assault rifles February 26, 2018 PSMag: Repeal the Second Amendment Already February. 23, 2018 The Star: Want to end gun violence Mr. President? Get rid of guns February 19, 2018 La Times: No one becomes a mass shooter without a mass-sho