Why is the media silent on the ongoing migrant exodus from Venezuela?

Being a danger to the Democrats, the ‘migrant caravan’ disappeared from the headlines, meanwhile they still ignore the mass exodus from 21st century socialism
Having once been merely biased towards the Left, the national media has become blatantly partisan to the extreme. The ‘Migrant Caravan’ story has been particularly egregious in this regard. From the outset, they propagandised effort until it became clear it was a threat to Democratic midterm narratives. They’ve also ignored the ongoing humanitarian disaster and mass exodus from the ‘21st century socialism’ of Venezuela, Nicaragua and Cuba while they feign compassion for the poor and downtrodden.
Of course, the illegal invader columns of the ‘Migrant Caravan’ are a stark reminder of what would happen were we to hand power to the Democrats. It’s been reported that up to 150 Million people from around the globe would like to migrate to the states. An invasion of that magnitude would be ‘fundamental transformation’, turning the country into another version of the a 3rd world nation. Even worse, the media of the nation’s Socialist-Left has ignored the exodus from the ideology they champion.
Chastity Mansfield detailed 3 facts about the migrant caravan that everyone (even Democrats) should know. It should be clear that criminals are part of the Caravan. That it’s composed mainly of young men and that the offer by Mexico to have them settle in that country has been a bust.

The other mass exoduses the Leftist media doesn’t want to talk about.

Meanwhile, there has been another ‘migration’ the media hasn’t noticed, that would be the mass exodus from the socialist ‘Utopia’ of Venezuela. For example, there is this report from May 2017 on the Brazilian Border Towns Bracing for Massive Wave of Venezuelan Refugees.
Or this article from Sep 18, 2018: Cuba, not the US, is to Blame for the Mass Exodus from Nicaragua and Venezuela.
Then there is this story from Oct 1, 2018 Venezuela Has Lost 13% of its Population in the Mass Exodus from Socialism.
Venezuela’s humanitarian crisis is causing refugee flows that may exceed those of the Syrian Civil War.
Venezuela has lost more than 13% of its population in the wake of the mass wave of migration caused by the so-called “socialism of the 21st century”, which has had dramatic effect on the other countries of the region due to the serious humanitarian crisis.
Official figures from the International Organization of Migration (IOM) indicate that between 2015 and 2017, Venezuelan emigration more than doubled, increasing from 700,000 people to 1.5 million.
The media seems to take pride in being compassionate, and yet they don’t seem to care about those fleeing from the ideology they advocate. In the case of these refugees from socialism, they receive little outside help. This is contrasted by the behind the scenes assistance that has to be present in the case of the ‘Migrant Caravan’. They also aren’t making a beeline for the U.S. Border for all of the promised freebies.
Venezuelans Set Out to Cross the Continent on Foot.
OAS: Regional Crisis of Venezuelan Mass Migration Demands Unified Response.
According to United Nations estimates, close to 2.3 million Venezuelans have left their country because of the political, social and economic crisis, and of those, almost a million have settled in Colombia.
This is clearly an ongoing humanitarian problem and yet the media doesn’t care, why? Could it be that this would be a profound repudiation of those of the nation’s Socialist-Left who are trying to shove their societal slavery down our throats?

The Takeaway.

It’s rather interesting that the Left played up the narrative of the ‘Migrant Caravan’ for a time for it’s propaganda effects. Until they realized its damaging effects on Democratic electoral chances. Meanwhile they ignored an ongoing humanitarian disaster and similar Migrant exodus.
In the first instance, it was to somehow embarrass those on the Right for having this take place. In the second, they have to pretend it’s not really happening because it is a perfect reminder why the Left should never be within reach of the levers of power. Their system of government doesn’t work no matter how many times it’s never been tried, something to be reminded of on Election Day.

 Originally published on the NOQ Report


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