A tale of two postal perpetrators

Two men have been accused of very similar crimes, how will the media coverage compare?
A man was recently taken into custody for posting dangerous packages recently. But not the one you may be thinking of at the moment. This was the case of a man from Utah who has been accused of sending letters containing a poison to President Donald Trump and other top government officials. So now that the ‘Mail Bomber’ suspect has been taken into custody, it will be quite interesting to judge the media coverage of both cases.

Compare the Media coverage.

While there are marked differences, the similarities will be quite telling for a good side by side study of partisan bias. Both sent dangerous packages through the mail to prominent personalities. The differences being the targets of these attacks and of course the media coverage therein.
Virtually everyone has been inundated with albeit understandable coverage of the ‘Mail bomber’ case, while the ‘ricin-letter’ case has received little media attention. Both were very dangerous situations that could have led to loss of life, but only one has seen wall-to-wall coverage. Thankfully both are off the street, but one should not focus on one to the exclusion of the other.
By the same token, even by comparison so far, the ‘Mail bomber’ case has engendered far more media time than the case of the shooting of House Majority Whip Steve Scalise and four others at a baseball practice in June of 2017 by a supporter of Bernie Sanders.

The Takeaway: Individualist versus Collectivist thinking.

So far the coverage has been very lopsided with Leftists having no trouble assigning blame to those who are innocent. While such was really not the case in the GOP baseball practice shooting. This does reveal an underlying mindset between those of the Rational Right and those on the Socialist-Left. Those of us on the Pro-Liberty side of the aisle tend to treat people as individuals, with individual rights and responsibilities. How many accused Bernie Sanders of being virtually complicit in the baseball practice shooting?
Conversely speaking, the collectivist mindset of the Socialist-Left would have President Trump and just about everyone else supposedly responsible for the actions of someone who has clearly lost the plot. We also saw the same thing take place in the accusations of confirmation Supreme Court Justice Kavanaugh. With his supposed ‘guilt’ stemming from the actions of others.  It should be manifestly obvious that there are those on both side who have gone off the rails, with the same rules applying to both.
Such ideas are ludicrous to those of us imbued in rationality. Individuals are responsible for their own actions, case closed. But not for the Left, this is but one more reason they should never be within reach of the levers of power.

Originally published on the NOQ Report


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