
Showing posts from September, 2018

Gun Confiscation image Reference August 2017

[Reverse chronological order] August 2, 2017 Mike the gun guy [A Magazine With News and Notes From Both Sides About Guns.] What Guns To Be Safe? Get Rid Of The Guns.

Gun Confiscation Reference August 2017

[Reverse chronological order] August 2, 2017 Mike the gun guy [A Magazine With News and Notes From Both Sides About Guns.] What Guns To Be Safe? Get Rid Of The Guns. Ever since my pal Tony Scalia decided in 2008 that owning a gun is a Constitutional ‘right,’ the gun violence prevention (GVP) community has been trying to figure out a strategy that will reduce the annual gun carnage, while at the same time preserving the heritage of freedom and democracy represented by guns. So it’s become kind of a standard preamble to every gun-control argument made by every gun-control group that they ‘support’ the 2nd Amendment, as if any member of the Gun-nut Nation tribe would actually believe that someone who thinks that guns represent any kind of problem at all would ever really be in favor of the 2nd Amendment. Anyway…. … One of the GVP strategies that tries to neatly straddle the line between being

News stories that prove Liberty Control doesn’t work and the reason the Left obsesses over it

Violence will occur no matter the restrictions on freedom, meanwhile those restrictions make it worse for the innocent. Even if one could rid the world of guns with a magic wand, those who would do violence would simply find other means. Banish every firearm from existence and people would revert back to edged weapons – Knives, Swords, Axes. Ridding the world of edged weapons will see violence perpetrated with clubs or fists.  The point is that it’s absurd to focus on firearms as a panacea to end violence. Those who are will always find a way to inflict harm on others of smaller stature and strength, the key difference being that the latter won’t have the equalising force of a firearm. These recent events have illustrated the futility of Liberty Control. That even without guns, mass violence will still take place with even more horrific results since a good person with a gun won’t be there to stop the bloodshed. The failure of Liberty Control in France. The first ex

Gun Confiscation image Reference December 2016

[Reverse chronological order] December 07, 2016 Huffington Post-Needed: Domestic Disarmament, Not 'Gun Control'

Gun Confiscation Reference December 2016

[Reverse chronological order] December 07, 2016 Huffington Post-Needed: Domestic Disarmament, Not 'Gun Control' Needed: Domestic Disarmament, Not 'Gun Control' By Amitai Etzioni  In response to the almost daily mass shootings in the United States -- which could be expected to rise now that they are also promoted by ISIS -- good progressive persons are calling for some measure of gun control. They may well know, in their heart of hearts, that even if these measures are enacted, they will do little to reduce gun violence. Universal background checks of gun buyers is a fine idea, but of limited value in a nation in which citizens already own 250 million guns, more than one for every adult. Providing more mental health treatment is always a good idea. But if you believe that one can tell which mental patients will resort to mass shootings, and that most of these can be sto

Ben Sasse: Neither party has ‘a long-term vision’

With the GOP losing it’s way and the DNC losing it’s mind, now is the time for a new party paradigm. As someone who left the Republican party years ago, Sen. Ben Sasse’s (R., Neb.) sentiments on the subject were well received. The emergence of a new conservative, Pro-Liberty party has always been bubbling beneath the surface. While the timing of such considerations is problematic at this point in time so close to the midterms, this is an issue that needs to be addressed. The problem of moderate Republican Party and populist tendencies. Let’s face facts, the Republican Party has morphed into a moderate, centrist party with an agenda based on the poison of popularism instead of Conservative principles. In many ways, it’s reflective of the ‘at the moment tactics’ of President Trump. This really shouldn’t be the case, there is a reason the founding fathers created a system of government based on three branches of government. In physics, a plane has to be defined by a

Gun Confiscation image Reference June 2016

[Reverse chronological order] June 13, 2016 Rolling Stone: Why It’s Time to Repeal the Second Amendment June 13, 2016 Washington Post - Eugene Robinson: Assault weapons must be banned in America

Gun Confiscation Reference June 2016

[Reverse chronological order] June 13, 2016 Rolling Stone: Why It’s Time to Repeal the Second Amendment June 13, 2016 Washington Post - Eugene Robinson: Assault weapons must be banned in America Why It's Time to Repeal the Second Amendment "[It] needs to be repealed because it is outdated, a threat to liberty and a suicide pact," says constitutional law professor By David S. Cohen June 13, 2016 The Second Amendment needs to be repealed because it is outdated, a threat to liberty and a suicide pact. When the Second Amendment was adopted in 1791, there were no weapons remotely like the AR-15 assault rifle and many of the advances of modern weaponry were long from being invented or popularized. G

Gun Confiscation screen image Reference January 2016

January 9, 2016 W. Kamau Bell [CNN]: I want Obama to take away your guns January 8, 2016 Huffington post: Can't We Just Put the Damn Guns Down? January 8, 2016 Anderson Cooper:"Speaking only for myself, watching Obama get repeatedly accused of wanting to take people's guns away makes me sort of wish he'd just do something to earn that accusation. May as well!" January 7 2016 The Daily Beast: President Obama Isn’t Taking People’s Guns—But Maybe He Should.

Gun Confiscation Reference January 2016

January 9, 2016 W. Kamau Bell [CNN]: I want Obama to take away your guns January 8, 2016 Huffington post: Can't We Just Put the Damn Guns Down? January 8, 2016 Anderson Cooper:"Speaking only for myself, watching Obama get repeatedly accused of wanting to take people's guns away makes me sort of wish he'd just do something to earn that accusation. May as well!" January 7 2016 The Daily Beast: President Obama Isn’t Taking People’s Guns—But Maybe He Should. I want Obama to take away your guns By W. Kamau Bell Jan

PragerU: Left or Liberal?

Dennis Prager presents the reasons why there is a vast difference between Leftists and Liberals. One of the most fascinating results of directly interacting with Leftists is the development of certain questions they cannot answer. This is not just an arbitrary supposition, but something gleaned from years of interactions with them. The reaction – or lack thereof – is very indicative of the worldview of the Socialist-Left. Questions Leftists can’t answer. Do you have the commonsense human right of self-preservation? [Yes or No] Leftist can’t answer ‘yes’ to this one because it would negate their arguments for Liberty Control. They can’t answer ‘no’ because it would mean individuals have no value except as part of a collective. In essence, that is their underlying belief, but they can’t be honest about it in the least. What is the legal justification for government control of private property with Intergalactic Background Checks? They have no answer to this because

Gun Confiscation image Reference December 2015

[Reverse chronological order] December 10, 2015 Excerpted  New Republic: It’s Time to Ban Guns. Yes, All of Them. December 4, 2015 Imaged/Excerpted The New York Times: End the Gun Epidemic in America [First Front Page Editorial In 95 Years] December 4, 2015 Excerpted  Salon: The Second Amendment must go: We ban lawn darts. It’s time to ban guns

Gun Confiscation Reference December 2015

[Reverse chronological order] December 10, 2015 Excerpted  New Republic: It’s Time to Ban Guns. Yes, All of Them. December 4, 2015 Imaged/Excerpted The New York Times: End the Gun Epidemic in America [First Front Page Editorial In 95 Years] December 4, 2015 Excerpted  Salon: The Second Amendment must go: We ban lawn darts. It’s time to ban guns It’s Time to Ban Guns. Yes, All of Them. By Phoebe Maltz Bovy December 10, 2015 Ban guns. All guns. Get rid of guns in homes, and on the streets, and, as much as possible, on police. Not just because of San Bernardino, or whichever mass shooting may pop up next, but also not not because of those. Don’t sort the population into those who might do something evil or foolish o

Gun Confiscation screen image Reference November 2015

November 11 2015 The Daily Beast: Yes, They Want to Take Your Guns Away

Gun Confiscation Reference November 2015

November 11 2015 The Daily Beast: Yes, They Want to Take Your Guns Away November 11 2015 Yes, They Want to Take Your Guns Away Why don’t gun-control advocates like Hillary Clinton talk about the one gun control solution that could actually fix the firearms problem in America? James Kirchick 11.02.15 1:00 AM ET Thirty thousand people are killed by firearms each year in the United States, an astronomically high figure for a developed Western country not in a state of civil war. President Obama reminds Americans of this sad statistic with depressing regularity, and he did so again last month after a mass shooting in Oregon took the lives of nine people. “We know there are ways to prevent it,” the president said. We do indeed know there are “ways” to stop gun violence in the United States, yet we adamantly refuse to name them. The perennial “national conversation” abou

Gun Confiscation screen image Reference October 2015

October 2015 [Reverse chronological order] October 16 2015 Hillary Clinton: “In the Australian example, as I recall, that was a buyback program.”…..“I think it would be worth considering doing it on the national level” October 5, 2015 Vox: Becoming a gun-free society would be hard. But we should still try. October 5, 2015 Daily Kos: Effective Gun Control - A National Semi-Auto Ban October 4 2015 Washington Post: A gun-free society [Also Syndicated in the Chicago Tribune, Macomb Daily, The Oregonian, Trib live, etc.] October 3, 2015 Baltimore Sun: Repeal the Second Amendment

Gun Confiscation Reference October 2015

October 2015 [Reverse chronological order] October 16 2015 Hillary Clinton: “In the Australian example, as I recall, that was a buyback program.”…..“I think it would be worth considering doing it on the national level” October 5, 2015 Vox: Becoming a gun-free society would be hard. But we should still try. October 5, 2015 Daily Kos: Effective Gun Control - A National Semi-Auto Ban October 4 2015 Washington Post: A gun-free society [Also Syndicated in the Chicago Tribune, Macomb Daily, The Oregonian, Trib live, etc.] October 3, 2015 Baltimore Sun: Repeal the Second Amendment

Why principles matter: Let the so-called ‘liberals’ of the left stand for the destruction of liberty

We of the Pro-Liberty Right have the better ideas, we have no need for Liberty control. For people who take on the pretense of being ‘Liberal’ , the nation’s Socialist-Left sure spends an excessive amount of time attacking Liberty. What began with assaults on the commonsense human right of self-defence has branched out to attacks on free-speech and media outside the Left’s echo chamber. Meanwhile, they still persist in using false labels that imply advocacy of freedom. Leftist or Liberal? The situation has reached a point that people will not answer when they are asked a question that distinguishes between those two political identities. They inherently know that the mask has slipped too far and they can no longer keep up the pretence of being ‘Liberal’. The dictionary doesn’t Lie – Leftist and Liberal are two very disparate political identities. Compare the relevant portion Oxford English Dictionary definition of Liberal: 1.1Favourable to or respectful of indi