Gun Confiscation Reference October 2015

October 2015
[Reverse chronological order]
October 16 2015
Hillary Clinton: “In the Australian example, as I recall, that was a buyback program.”…..“I think it would be worth considering doing it on the national level”
October 5, 2015
Vox: Becoming a gun-free society would be hard. But we should still try.
October 5, 2015
Daily Kos: Effective Gun Control - A National Semi-Auto Ban
October 4 2015
Washington Post: A gun-free society
[Also Syndicated in the Chicago Tribune, Macomb Daily, The Oregonian, Trib live, etc.]
October 3, 2015
Baltimore Sun: Repeal the Second Amendment
October 01, 2015
"We know that other countries, in response to one mass shooting, have been able to craft laws that almost eliminate mass shootings. Friends of ours, allies of ours -- Great Britain, Australia, countries like ours. So we know there are ways to prevent it." - Obama

“In the Australian example, as I recall, that was a buyback program.”…..“I think it would be worth considering doing it on the national level” Hillary Clinton October 16 2015
Becoming a gun-free society would be hard. But we should still try.
Oct 5, 2015
One of the most common responses to policy proposals that attempt to cut down on the number of guns in America is that they would be really hard to pull off. And it's true — guns are deeply ingrained in US society (to the point that they're mentioned in our Bill of Rights), so reducing the abundance of them will be tough.
But that doesn't mean these policies are bad ideas. It just means it would take a lot of effort to get to the point of a gun-free society. As Fred Hiatt argued in the Washington Post, it's still worth trying:
Congress will not lead this change. There has to be a cultural shift. Only then will Congress and the Supreme Court follow.
As we've seen over the past 15 years with same-sex marriage, such deep cultural change is difficult — and possible. Wyatt Earp, the frontier mentality, prying my cold dead fingers — I get all that. But Australia was a pioneer nation, too, and gave up its guns. Societies change, populations evolve.
And people are not immune, over time, to reason. Given how guns decimate poor black communities every day — not just when there are mass shootings, but every day — this is a civil rights issue. Given how many small children shoot themselves or their siblings accidentally, it is a family issue. Given the suicides that could be prevented, it is a mental health issue. On average 55 Americans shoot themselves to death every day. Every day!
The evidence is clear on why America is so exceptional, compared with other developed countries, in its high levels of gun violence: America has more guns, and more guns mean more gun deaths. And the empirical research shows that reducing the number of guns — by reducing access to them, or by immediately cutting the supply of them through, for example, buyback programs — would lead to fewer gun deaths. "Within the United States, a wide array of empirical evidence indicates that more guns in a community leads to more homicide," David Hemenway, director of the Harvard School of Public Health's Injury Control Research Center, wrote in Private Guns, Public Health.
As Hiatt explained, Australia managed to tackle this issue. After a mass shooting in 1996, the country passed big restrictions on guns and confiscated more than 650,000 through a gun buyback program. Firearm deaths dropped. And Hemenway and Mary Vriniotis argue that the gun buyback program very likely played a role: "First, the drop in firearm deaths was largest among the type of firearms most affected by the buyback. Second, firearm deaths in states with higher buyback rates per capita fell proportionately more than in states with lower buyback rates."
But getting Americans to support buyback programs and other policies that would dramatically cut down on the number of guns, Hiatt pointed out, will require a cultural shift. And that will be very hard.
Yet 15 years ago, legalizing same-sex marriage seemed very hard, and it's now legal in all 50 states. This required Americans to fundamentally rethink how they view both marriage and gay people — and they did, over time, as they heard reasonable arguments in favor of the change. And this of course isn't the only big issue that Americans are changing their minds on, with views of transgender people, marijuana legalization, the war on drugs, and mass incarceration all changing in recent years in ways that civil rights advocates and policy experts generally agree are positive.
It will be hard to get Americans to change their views on guns. But with the empirical literature presenting such strong evidence that the abundance of firearms is killing us, it's worth trying — and it's not impossible.
Effective Gun Control - A National Semi-Auto Ban
Monday Oct 05, 2015
Act I Step 1:
The POTUS issues a EO, commanding the BATFE to "audit dealer records" - ie, look for "strawman sales" by reviewing each of the dealers Form 4473 records.
This is actually easier if the dealer has adopted the eForm 4473
For handwritten forms, an OCR scanner would be carried, the form scanned, and information corrected on a laptop prior to the next scan.
What can't be done? Is hold a news conference.
It can't be done by BATFE Agents alone, as this demands too many bodies in too many locations, at the very same time.
We as a nation, will have to let a few things slide, while various agencies supply personnel to work with BATFE Agents.
Yes, a same day, nationwide "I'm here to review your records". Close every single gun seller that day, days, or week(s) until the audit is complete. Sold a hundred guns in your entire existence? We'll be gone by 4pm today. Sell a hundred per day? You can re-open after the end of the year.
It'll put you out of business? Impact hunting season and holiday sales? (Which next to DiFi's failed AWB II is the most money you make in a year?) That's sad.
We score that as a win... you and your fellow death merchants can retrain as Baristas.
So, now we have ALL the records scanned... and a comprehensive list of who purchased what gun where. Those are sorted for make and model.
Step 2: permit the dealers to reopen - however, now the eForm 4473 is 100% required,
and in a slight tweak, batch processing is done once a week, where the forms are uploaded "to the cloud".
(as-if 'the cloud' isn't on those servers already)
Step 3: Prioritize you list.
Act II Step 1:
Strike a deal with the Republicans. For public consumption, word it as ambiguously as possible... as was the ACA (just pass it and we'll find out what's in it) and stuff it into the next Continuing Resolution.
On this 11th day of December, 2015 this 114th Congress does hereby resolve to instruct the Department of Justice to audit all Federally Licensed Firearm retailers for compliance with 18 USC as condition of their license, and direct all necessary resources to do same. The Director of the BATFE, the Attorney General of the United States, and the Director of Homeland Security may adopt policies and procedures necessary to effect this Congressional mandate.
About those Republicans:
First, they're really not that happy with massive civilian gun ownership, they just like the cash from the pro-gun crowd.
They like the cash from Wall Street, and Corporate America better....
Step 2:
Federalize ("second") the National Guard of the respective states. Just as we could send them to war in Iraq, we can deploy them as deputized federal agents. One BATFE agent to 3 or 4 guardsmen.
Step 3:
Go door-to-door with your list of gun purchasers, and get access to the guns. A massive VIPR-like sweep.
No gun? Where is it?
Who has it? Where's the paperwork? No gun, no paperwork?
You're coming with us... the weather in Cuba is fine.
Sadly, it appears the nationwide cell phone network is down, unless you're using a government contract cell phone.
Yes, surprise is key.
Oh, by the way... you have ID don't you? Born here? Let's run that ID.
So... you're here on a visa, that expired in 2003.
You're coming with us, the weather in Minot, North Dakota is fine.
There's your required quid pro quo to the Republicans.
Step 4:
Anticipate the Federal Court Injunctions.
Injunctions which are enforced by... the DOJ and US Marshals.
Who are preoccupied in carrying out the mandate of Congress.
You've reached the DOJ, leave a message at the beep.
Step 5:
Mistakes happen.
Somewhere in the process, an "honest mistake" happened.
Knock, view, verify and record the presence of the named firearm in the possession of the named owner - or find out who has that firearm - was misinterpreted.
Knock, bash-in the door, verify the presence of, and confiscate the named firearm - became the process.
Rules of Engagement were defined as: "take no incoming fire - lethal means authorized".
A few "rogue operators" decided that if it looked sketchy, breach the door after the flash-bang grenades, and engage anyone seen with a firearm in proximity using lethal force.
Step 6:
The number of confiscated firearms becomes a problem. National Guard units are directed to turn the contraband over to Active Duty Military Police. Certain weapons may be re-purposed by the government, exported to allies, used by agencies, or stripped for parts.
Light alloys are put into a grinder, steel and stainless steel are cut with a plasma torch to render non-salvageable (prevents theft in transit), then taken to a smelter to be melted down.
Step 7:
The higher Federal Courts, and perhaps the SCOTUS weigh in.
Answer A: "It's gotten out of hand, and we can't reach all of the field units... your order to cease is understood and complied with at the Executive Level. The logistical issues however, preclude prompt compliance in the field. The majority of units are out of contact, operating independently beyond range of communications."
Answer B:
Arrest those Judges. What part of Congressional Mandate didn't you understand?
There's going to be some issue, with a few mouthy Governors complaining about "...patent misuse of the Guard, violation of the Constit..." Yep.
We're sorry, the Governor's new conference has encountered technical difficulties.
To Jamie, and Sports!
It's amazing what a FBI Agent can do for video production: "Cut the feed, NOW. Otherwise? You're coming with me, the weather in Cuba is fine."
The prevention of an armed civil insurrection requires a total lockdown on the ability to communicate. The NSA knows this. Anyone studying the Arab Spring knows this.
The email servers of the various pro-gun groups "appear to have sustained a prolonged DoS attack by some overseas entity in Asia".
Facebook decided that a new version of their photo and written content filter was worth Beta testing, and all gun-related images and commentary ceased to be shown.
Yes, the "nipple filter" took down the gun fetishists.
Act III. The Shit, hits the fan.
Step 1: Eventually, it all comes to a halt.
The Nation awakes to a new reality. Your armed-to-the-teeth white male neighbor, is now gumming on a lone Winchester .30-30.
The massive number of Guardsmen and Federal Agents go home, taking all the ammunition with them. "By mistake."
"30 Cal M1 or .30-30 Winchester, how the hell should I know? I've only shot a M-16 in Basic. Sarge said 'get the ammo too, all of it' and I did."
No self-loading handguns, shotguns, or rifles exist in lawful civilian hands.
In certain areas, the gunfire continues, as does the presence of Guardsmen, Agents and Police.
The ROE remains: Take no incoming fire.
A well publicized CRIMINAL AMNESTY program is offered. Turn in your semi-auto, no questions asked regarding who it might have killed, or how you derive your income.
As certain acts (suicide in particular) continue, the decision is made to remove all handguns from civilian possession.
A 1 year Amnesty is offered. If we have to come for it?
It will be with lethal force. Suicide-by-Cop.
It's a price, it's paid once.
"Handgun suicides were virtually eliminated in a three year effort."
The suicide rate remained unabated, and went up in the next economic collapse.
"What can you do? We tried. At least the guns are gone."
Gun makers are given a chance to merge, develop next-generation firearms for the military, or go out of business.
The few remaining gun shops offer your choice of single barrel, double barrel, or 2 round capacity pump-action shotguns.
Single shot, bolt-action, double-barrel, lever or pump-action high power rifles, with 4 or less round capacity.
Wow... how Steampunk!
This is what my great-grandfather must have seen back in the early 1900s!
Legacy shotguns and rifles with greater magazine capacity can be altered "plugged" to meet the new limit. The plug must be welded, machine-pressed, or epoxy fastened to prevent removal.
Step 2: A black market of gun imports is created. Mexico is now a donor-state.
That's managed by combining BATFE and DEA with exponential success.
You can still get a 9 millimeter handgun with 15 round magazines, it just costs $6,000 for the gun, and another $10 per round for the ammo. The price of Cocaine and Heroin go up as well.
Guns come from Brazil, and arrive on the same truck, boat, or airplane as the drugs.
Logistics baby, logistics.
THAT is how you get it done. ALL of it done.
A gun-free society
By Fred Hiatt Editorial Page Editor October 4, 2015
Maybe it’s time to start using the words that the NRA has turned into unmentionables.
Mass buyback.
A gun-free society.
Let’s say that one again: A gun-free society.
Doesn’t it sound logical? Doesn’t it sound safe? Wouldn’t it make sense to learn from other developed nations, which believe that only the military and law enforcers, when necessary, should be armed — and which as a result lose far, far fewer innocent people than die every year in the United States?
Yes, even saying these words makes the NRA happy. It fuels the slippery-slope argument the gun lobby uses to oppose even the most modest, common-sense reforms. You see? Background checks today, confiscation tomorrow.
And yes, I understand how difficult it would be. This is a matter of changing the culture and norms of an entire society. It would take time.
But the incremental approach is not succeeding. It sets increasingly modest goals, increasingly polite goals: close a loophole here, restrict a particularly lethal weapon there. Talk about gun safety and public health. Say “reform,” not “control.”
In response, a few states have tightened restrictions, a few states have loosened them. But as a nation — in Congress — we are stuck.
Without guns — with only kitchen knives at hand — some of those people would die. Most would still be living.
Maybe it’s time to start talking about the most logical way to save their lives.
Baltimore Sun: Repeal the Second Amendment
Oct 3, 2015

The Second Amendment is enthroned — mistakenly, but as a matter of law — as a fundamental dimension of individual freedom. The practical result is that we must live with carnage by firearms as a daily fact of American life.

I say, let's get rid of the Second Amendment altogether. Let the states and Congress regulate firearms as they see fit. Some states, most of them without big-city violence, will retain laws that allow citizens to carry concealed firearms. Gang-ridden Chicago will try again to crack down on guns. Congress will reconsider universal background checks and the prohibition of assault weapons.
As Justice Stevens informs us in his book, "legislatures are in a far better position than judges to assess the wisdom of such rules and to evaluate the costs and benefits that rule changes can be expected to produce. It is those legislators, rather than federal judges, who should make the decisions that will determine what kinds of firearms should be available to private citizens, and when and how they may be used. Constitutional provisions that curtail the legislative power to govern in this area unquestionably do more harm than good."
And we've all already seen enough harm.
"We know that other countries, in response to one mass shooting, have been able to craft laws that almost eliminate mass shootings. Friends of ours, allies of ours -- Great Britain, Australia, countries like ours. So we know there are ways to prevent it." - Obama October 01, 2015


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