Gun Confiscation Reference January 2016

January 9, 2016
W. Kamau Bell [CNN]: I want Obama to take away your guns
January 8, 2016
Huffington post: Can't We Just Put the Damn Guns Down?
January 8, 2016
Anderson Cooper:"Speaking only for myself, watching Obama get repeatedly accused of wanting to take people's guns away makes me sort of wish he'd just do something to earn that accusation. May as well!"
January 7 2016
The Daily Beast: President Obama Isn’t Taking People’s Guns—But Maybe He Should.

I want Obama to take away your guns
By W. Kamau Bell January 9, 2016
We could use a President who was, like, "OK. Everybody turn in all your guns tomorrow by 5 p.m. After that, if I catch you with a gun then I'm sending SEAL Team Six to your house with a recent Facebook picture of you and those tanks that shoot fire that we haven't used since Waco -- Ummm -- I mean since World War II."
And let me be clear about something else, gun owners. I want President Obama to want to take your guns away. I don't trust you with your guns. I don't trust you to fire them safely. I don't trust you to store them safely. I don't trust your kids not to find them. I don't trust you not to get them stolen.
I don't trust you not to issue a blanket blame of everyone with mental health issues every time there is a mass shooting, even though we all know that for the most part people with mental health issues are only dangerous to a pint of Ben & Jerry's.
Can't We Just Put the Damn Guns Down?
Steve Nelson January 8, 2016 Huffington post
The NRA, its members and its funders should be shamed for creating a political climate where government fails to act even in the face of the slaughter of children. Politicians who pander to the gun lobby even in the face of the slaughter of children should be held accountable and removed from office at the ballot box.

Every arrogant, entitled jerk who walks in public with a firearm is making it more possible that some child will think that's a cool thing to do - and die in the street.
Every multi-millionaire athlete who carries a handgun into a nightclub, all the rap or hip-hop artists who gratuitously contribute to the celebration of thug culture and every producer and director of film or television who profits from gratuitous violence should be confronted for their complicity.
Every person who profits from the production and sale of weapons, sponsors gun shows or otherwise advances the profitability of the gun culture shares the responsibility for the deaths of children.
I've just had enough with guns - all of them - in the hands of police, in the hands of children, in the hands of crazy white men in Oregon. Forget the Second Amendment or the grand jury decisions. Can't we just put the damn guns down?
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Anderson Cooper Isn't Sure Gun Conspiracy Kooks Don't Have A Point
But are Obama's executive orders hot enough to melt steel beams?!
Jason Linkins 'Eat The Press' Columnist, The Huffington Post
Obama endeavored to explain how it came to pass that the lawmakers Kelly encountered had come to believe what they believed, when Cooper suddenly came to the aid of the conspiracy-mongers.
BARACK OBAMA: This notion of a conspiracy out there, it gets wrapped up in concerns about the federal government. Now, there's a long history of that. That's in our DNA. The United States was born suspicious of some distant authority --
ANDERSON COOPER: Let me jump in. Is it fair to call it a conspiracy? A lot of people really believe this deeply, they just don't trust you.
OBAMA: I'm sorry, Cooper? Yes. It is fair to call it a conspiracy. What are you saying?
Lots of people deeply believe President George W. Bush "pulled" Tower Seven, too. Will there be time to discuss this at this town hall, or will we mainly be focusing on the mind control applications of the High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program?
Despite losing the audience at this point, Cooper wouldn't let go.
OBAMA: Are you suggesting the notion that we are creating a plot to take everybody's guns away so that we can impose martial law --
COOPER: But there is certainly --
OBAMA: It's a conspiracy, it is a conspiracy. I would hope you would agree with that. Is that controversial?
Speaking only for myself, watching Obama get repeatedly accused of wanting to take people's guns away makes me sort of wish he'd just do something to earn that accusation. May as well!
President Obama Isn’t Taking People’s Guns—But Maybe He Should
The Daily Beast 01.07.16
President Obama said a lot about guns in his teary press conference Tuesday, but the one thing that he is not saying, despite all the howling from the right, is that he intends to take away Americans’ guns. Yet equally significant is the realization that individual citizens are unwilling to free themselves of the destructive weapons that are wreaking havoc on our society. Numerous Americans care more about their individual freedoms than our collective freedoms, and they are unable to see how these individualistic desires undermine the essential fabric of a democracy.
Not surprisingly, countless Americans purchased more and more firearms to protect themselves from the “inevitable” moment when the government or “Obama” was going to forcefully take their guns away. Not surprisingly a byproduct of this new interpretation of the Second Amendment has been a rise in unregulated militias or American terrorist groups who challenge the authority of federal, state, and local governments.
The Oath Keepers, formed in 2009, are one of the largest unregulated militia movements in the nation, and regularly you can find them injecting themselves unnecessarily into conflicts. In Ferguson, Missouri, following the death of Michael Brown, Oath Keepers arrived carrying semi-automatic rifles so that they could prevent looters from destroying property, and many of them said that they saw nothing wrong with taking the life of a looter to prevent the destruction of property. They also advocated that Ferguson residents obtain firearms so that they could protect themselves from the police.
Obama is not going to take away America’s guns. I would argue that he should, as countless Americans have displayed a gross misuse of the social responsibility that comes with gun ownership, except that using force to attempt to disarm people of their firearms might inevitably lead to more violence and bloodshed.

Bernie Sanders Calls for Sweeping Gun Ban That Would Outlaw All Self-Defense Firearms
Senator Bernie Sanders, who represents vehemently pro-gun Vermont, has built a fairly firearms friendly voting record during his time in the U.S. Senate. After he recently emerged as the 2016 presidential race’s standard-bearer for the Democratic Party’s progressive wing, progressive politicos who oppose gun rights began to complain about Sanders’ record on guns. In an apparent primary-season about-face on Sunday’s episode of NBC’s Meet the Press, Sanders radically adjusted his position on guns and advocated for a sweeping gun ban that would outlaw most firearms designed for home and self defense.
In the above-embedded clip from Meet the Press, which is featured on Bernie Sanders’ YouTube channel, he said, “Nobody should have a gun who has a criminal background, who’s involved in domestic abuse situations. People should not have guns who are going to hurt other people, who are unstable. And second of all I believe that we need to make sure that certain types of guns used to kill people, exclusively, not for hunting, they should not be sold in the United States of America, and we have a huge loophole now with gun shows that should be eliminated.”
While most of the positions that he advocated for on guns on Meet the Press fall within the mainstream of the Democratic Party, Media Research Center points out the fact that calling for a ban on all firearms “used to kill people” and “not for hunting” implies a ban on all weapons that are impractical for hunting but used primarily for self defense, including handguns, shotguns, and specific classes of rifles.
“Coming from a rural state, I think I can communicate with folks coming from urban states where guns mean different things than they do in Vermont where it’s used for hunting,” said Sanders, clarifying that he would continue to defend his home state’s hunting tradition but would oppose gun rights for people living in an urban area.
The Washington Post notes that the previously pro-gun Sanders won his first House seat with the help of an endorsement from the National Rifle Association.
In a May op-ed criticizing Sanders’ votes in favor of gun rights, Slate’s Mark Joseph Stern wrote, “Sanders, an economic populist and middle-class pugilist, doesn’t talk much about guns on the campaign trail. But his voting record paints the picture of a legislator who is both skeptical of gun control and invested in the interests of gun owners—and manufacturers. In 1993, then-Rep. Sanders voted against the Brady Act, which mandated federal background checks for gun purchasers and restricted felons’ access to firearms. As a senator, Sanders supported bills to allow firearms in checked bags on Amtrak trains and block funding to any foreign aid organization that registered or taxed Americans’ guns. Sanders is dubious that gun control could help prevent gun violence, telling one interviewer after Sandy Hook that ‘if you passed the strongest gun control legislation tomorrow, I don’t think it will have a profound effect on the tragedies we have seen.’”


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