
Winning the War of Words: The Authoritarian Socialist Left Is Anti-Liberty and Not Just Anti-Gun

  Anti-liberty Leftists have an unhinged view that certain inanimate objects are evil and dangerous, so when the debate is framed as pro-gun/anti-gun, the subliminal argument becomes pro-evil/anti-evil   Conservatism ,  Culture ,  Democrats ,  Guns and Crime ,  Leftism ,  Neo-Marxism   Many of the pro-freedom community don’t realize that we place ourselves at a severe disadvantage when the debate over civil rights is framed as  ‘pro-gun/anti-gun’ . Since our principles of liberty and individual rights are based in common sense, their defense is pretty straightforward and forthright. Not so with the authoritarians of the anti-liberty left. These are people who prioritize governmental power and controlling people’s lives and property – if not owning it outright. Such people have always been on the wrong side of history, so deception and lies are all part of what they do on a daily basis. “Those who are capable of tyranny are capable of perjury to sustain it.” – Lysander Spooner Anti-libe

Socialism is nothing more than a scam to redistribute power and wealth to a governmental elite

  This is the true nature of the left’s socialist national agenda, even though low-level leftists still think it’s all about “the workers owning the means of production”. Many thought it scandalous that  Bill de Blasio admitted that “our mission is to redistribute wealth” . Just as when they  openly admit they want to confiscate guns  in the hands of the pro-liberty right – meaning all guns, not those intertwined in their weaponized word games. These admonitions shouldn’t be shocking at all, because they have been open about this for years. The truly shocking and hidden fact is that when Bill de Blasio talks about  ‘wealth redistribution’  he means a change in the distribution of resources  to him and others of the nation’s socialist left . You only need to look at the results of the concentration of wealth in every nation to confirm that always takes place under this system. The true nature of socialism is the concentration of wealth and power in a governmental elite Consider the defi

Tucker Carlson: The elites want COVID-19 lockdowns to control your life

  “To do evil a human being must, first of all, believe that what he's doing is good” Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn The national socialist left wants to lock us all down again because of – you guessed it – COVID-19! If this had worked the last time around there would be no need to do it again. For some reason, they haven’t discerned their own insanity in doing the same thing over and over but expecting a different result. However, an editorial and  accompanying video from Tucker Carlson  makes the point that this was never about a disease with a very high survival rate. No, this is larger than a pedestrian virus that the Chinese Communist Party unleashed on the world and will coincidentally enhance its power. The renewed lockdown mania only makes sense in the context of a definition of the word socialism highlighted in the  PragerU video: Was Jesus a Socialist? “Socialism isn’t about free choice, it’s about concentrating power into the hands of government elites—ultimately through force.