Socialism is nothing more than a scam to redistribute power and wealth to a governmental elite


This is the true nature of the left’s socialist national agenda, even though low-level leftists still think it’s all about “the workers owning the means of production”.

Many thought it scandalous that Bill de Blasio admitted that “our mission is to redistribute wealth”. Just as when they openly admit they want to confiscate guns in the hands of the pro-liberty right – meaning all guns, not those intertwined in their weaponized word games. These admonitions shouldn’t be shocking at all, because they have been open about this for years.

The truly shocking and hidden fact is that when Bill de Blasio talks about ‘wealth redistribution’ he means a change in the distribution of resources to him and others of the nation’s socialist left. You only need to look at the results of the concentration of wealth in every nation to confirm that always takes place under this system.

The true nature of socialism is the concentration of wealth and power in a governmental elite

Consider the definition of the word socialism highlighted in the PragerU video: Was Jesus a Socialist?

“Socialism isn’t about free choice, it’s about concentrating power into the hands of government elites—ultimately through force. Socialism is the concentration of power into the hands of government elites to achieve the following purposes: central planning of the economy and the radical redistribution of wealth.”

When the socialist elite of a nation talks about the radical redistribution of wealth, they mean taking it for themselves. They will occasionally throw out a few crumbs to placate the people or buy votes, but they believe in ‘equality’ and ‘to each according to their needs’ about as much as Colonel Sanders believed in the rights of chickens.

Who had the wealth in the old Soviet Union? Who has wealth in Venezuela? It’s estimated that Fidel Castro had a net worth of $900 million at the time of his death in 2016. Does that sound like people who are redistributing anything?

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Sure, they pretend to be of humble surroundings, men and women of the people. But it’s no secret they live the good life while their supporters suffer under their rule. But for some inexplicable reason, leftists tend to ignore their high living leaders. Could it be they don’t want to destroy their self-made delusions? Could it be they somehow think they are going to someday get all the goodies?

No leftists, socialism isn’t the “workers owning the means of production” and it never was

Ask any rank and file leftist the definition of their base ideology and they will spout some vague boilerplate about the “workers owning the means of production”. The even more deluded sorts will even claim that normal government functions are ‘socialism’ because reasons.

Sadly for them, the actual definition of the word doesn’t even get close to this progressive pablum:

Oxford English Dictionary definition: socialism

1. A political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.

1.2(in Marxist theory) a transitional social state between the overthrow of capitalism and the realization of Communism.

Merriam-Webster Dictionary definition: socialism

1: any of various economic and political theories advocating collective or governmental ownership and administration of the means of production and distribution of goods
2a: a system of society or group living in which there is no private property
b: a system or condition of society in which the means of production are owned and controlled by the state
3: a stage of society in Marxist theory transitional between capitalism and communism and distinguished by unequal distribution of goods and pay according to work done

Take note that there are lots of talk about ‘collective ownership’ by a governmental elite, but nothing about the workers or sewage treatment plants somehow being socialism. The results always speak for themselves – socialist nations that NEVER have equality or any of the fanciful Bolshevik BS that ends up being piled hip-deep whenever leftists start pontificating.

Those are just two dictionary examples, but there are many more, such as the nature of the left’s self-delusion about socialism. Its true nature is clearly spelled out and the results from socialist nations couldn’t be more clear, but low-level leftists still want to believe.

And no, the “workers owning the means of production” isn’t an ad hoc rescue of socialism

It’s even more infuriating when leftists turn around and try to use these facts to somehow ‘prove’ those socialist nations weren’t really socialist. Because somehow since they didn’t involve the “workers owning the means of production” or some other leftist pablum.

Leftists tend to know little about their base ideology and less about its overall implications or societal results down through history. They simply accept the propaganda of the government indoctrination system.

Mention that socialist nations tend to have incredible inequality and they will use that as an excuse to claim they weren’t or aren’t really socialist. Tell them that the dictionary has a specific definition that doesn’t involve their cherished talking points and that will be an instant excuse for why it didn’t work.

They also have the misguided belief that conservatives don’t know about socialism. We can guarantee that a leftist won’t be able to provide a straight answer to the question:

Why do those who truly know about socialism oppose it?

Ask any leftist that trenchant inquiry you can be assured that it either won’t be answered or it will be deflected with nonsensical propaganda. Proving leftists don’t even know about their belief system. Not to mention the fact that they think it’s a recent development of new ideas when these were being discussed several millennia ago in ancient Greece.

Complexity favors the connected

This was a saying in talking about how the Democrat leadership takes advantage of spending bills and continuing resolution to enrich themselves. It also explains how a socialist governmental elite can con a country while pretending to strive for ‘equality’ or ‘fairness’.

Big and complex governmental systems lend themselves to abuse simply because they have so many moving parts, making it difficult to monitor what is going on and opening things up for corruption.

The larger the bureaucracy, the bigger the scam with government control of the economy lending itself to the biggest shakedowns ever witnessed in history.

Every socialistic scheme requires a certain level of centrality to ostensibly function. You can’t ‘redistribute the wealth’ without an immense governmental bureaucracy to oversee it all. That kind of complexity easily lends itself to having a connected elite take most of the wealth for themselves, while they pretend to be ‘serving the people’.

The results speak for themselves, the common element of a rich, governmental elite that somehow ends up with all the money as is seen with a socialist nation. In each case, the connected and socialist governmental elite exploits the required complexity necessitated by their grandiose plans to skim off most of a nation’s wealth for themselves while using that same complexity to buy the loyalty – with other people’s money – to maintain their power base.

Why would wealthy people buy into this scheme?

Consider this critically important issue:

Why would those who are already wealthy buy into a scheme where they are being targeted for their riches?

The socialist media giants – Google, Facebook, Twitter, and others are fully on board with the program as exemplified by the past election that was rife with fraud, fully supported by these denizens of ‘democratic’ socialism.

Ostensibly, the point is to ‘redistribute the wealth’‘Tax the rich’‘level the playing field’, or whatever leftist pablum is popular at the moment.

So, why would anyone who is supposed to be the target of such a system accede to it? The socialist media giants – Google, Facebook, Twitter, and others certainly aren’t lining up like socialist sheep to the slaughter, so why would they buy into the scheme?

With rare exceptions, the ultra-wealthy of this caliber are always of exceptional intelligence and they would of course be apprised of the sloganeering like everyone else. Those in this cohort aren’t going to willingly sacrifice themselves to the socialist mob. Thus, we know that propagandistic phrases mean nothing as far as the government elite are concerned.

It’s always going to be someone else’s money that is going to be taken and ‘redistributed’ to the socialist governmental elite. Usually based on where they are situated in the opposition.

Sure, there will be some crumbs of ‘wealth’ handed out to the low-level multitudes in exchange for its continued loyalty. But most will end up with a connected elite. A clear-eyed look at the results of the economics of every socialist nation shows this to be the only conclusion.

Contrasting the scam of socialism with the required equality of economic freedom

Placed in this context, it should be easy to see why economic freedom lends itself to equality in addition to liberty. Limited government is easier for the people to control, it has fewer places for the corrupt to hide and game the system.

A society based on economic freedom will have private entities instead of those of a bloated and corrupt government. Wrongdoing is quickly spotted and eradicated instead of being rewarded. Corrupt governmental systems tend to have a conflict of interest in policing themselves.

What is the point in mentioning all of this?

Simply put, socialism is history’s greatest scam. Like the bunco artist with multiple aliases, the collectivist ideologies are replete with different names and terms, designed to deceive the people in what is taking place.

One day it’s socialism, the next it’s communism, then they try claiming it’s ‘democratic’ socialism. It’s doesn’t really matter what they call it, because it’s the same scheme over and over again.

But with the same common elements each time around:

  • Promises of free stuff, all paid for with other people’s money
  • Promises of equality, fairness, or ‘equity’.
  • False moral superiority based on propaganda.

All for the low-low price of giving up one’s freedom and ties to private property.

Once in power, the socialist governmental elite applies the same propaganda to make excuses for the fact that the promised freebies are never forthcoming. These vary, but they always have another common element – blaming others for the abject failure of socialism [or the synonym de jour].

We pointed out the true definition of socialism because leftists will always hearken back to the tired old canard about the “workers owning the means of production” or some variation therein. You only have to look at the left’s socialist national agenda to see that this is never in the cards.

One final note: Socialism always requires the suppression of basic human rights

As many an author has pointed out in an expose of the abject and repeated failure of socialism, the failure to fulfill the promises will be quickly noticed by some followed by the eventual realization by everyone else.

This is why socialists always suppress free speech, freedom of the press, freedom of religion as well as the rest of the first amendment. It is also why they obsess over depriving the people of their common sense human right of self-preservation.

Unfortunately, we are already seeing the first vestiges of this take place, and most assuredly, it will get far worse. Authoritarian propaganda organs are already trying to gaslight the public with outright opinion pieces disguised as ‘news’, trying to rewrite the history of the past few weeks: Despite smooth election, GOP leaders seek vote restrictions.

In addition they are initiating a full-frontal attack on the common sense human right of self-defense. This is why we of the pro-liberty right need to stand up and point out the bunco scheme that is socialism, providing a true resistance to its suppression of basic human rights.

Originally published on the NOQ Report


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