Tucker Carlson: The elites want COVID-19 lockdowns to control your life


“To do evil a human being must, first of all, believe that what he's doing is good” Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn

The national socialist left wants to lock us all down again because of – you guessed it – COVID-19! If this had worked the last time around there would be no need to do it again. For some reason, they haven’t discerned their own insanity in doing the same thing over and over but expecting a different result.

However, an editorial and accompanying video from Tucker Carlson makes the point that this was never about a disease with a very high survival rate. No, this is larger than a pedestrian virus that the Chinese Communist Party unleashed on the world and will coincidentally enhance its power.

The renewed lockdown mania only makes sense in the context of a definition of the word socialism highlighted in the PragerU video: Was Jesus a Socialist?

“Socialism isn’t about free choice, it’s about concentrating power into the hands of government elites—ultimately through force. Socialism is the concentration of power into the hands of government elites to achieve the following purposes: central planning of the economy and the radical redistribution of wealth.”

Leftists love to play games with words, especially those that deal in their base ideology. They often try to claim non-socialist nations are really socialist. While denying that socialist nations aren’t really socialists, beginning with their perennial favorite, trying to claim that the ‘Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiter-Partei’ wasn’t a socialist workers’ party. Followed by making similar claims of other socialist nations, curiously enough only after they have imploded.

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Low information word games

Low information Leftists will often parrot the ever-tiresome talking point that socialism is supposedly designed to put the ‘proletariat’ in charge. Never mind that this isn’t in the standard dictionary definition of the word or that like many other promises of the national socialist left, it never comes to fruition.

The leftist elites exploit this lie to appeal to the uninformed. They also use this ruse for ad hoc denial that socialist nations of the past were actually socialist since they didn’t meet this non-existent standard.

The lockdowns were never about COVID, but the suppression of liberty

Thus, we see the true purpose of the lockdowns, social distancing, and of course, being forced to wear ineffective face placebos. It was always about ‘concentrating power into the hands of government elites’. Elites that don’t have to follow their own nonsensical rules. As Tucker Carlson said in the accompanying editorial:

So how long can this all continue, this weird and yet weirdly recognizable combination of hypocrisy and authoritarianism? Well, it’s hard to imagine it could go on forever. In his letter last month to the president, Archbishop Viganò wrote this and it’s worth hearing:

“This Great Reset is designed to fail because those who planned it do not understand that there are still people ready to take to the streets to defend their rights, to protect their loved ones, to give a future to their children and their grandchildren.

The bottom line: A set-up for socialism

Now we see the true purpose of the lockdowns. It wasn’t ‘slow the spread’ or save lives. The left’s hypocrisy shows that was never the case. The true purpose was to wear us down and soften us up for the big plans of the nation’s socialist elite.

For those who foolishly thought that socialism meant rule by the ‘proletariat’, think again. The plans fomented by every nation’s socialist elite consist of the concentration of power in their hands. After all, they know better than everyone else – except when it comes to science, COVID-19, economics, liberty, and just about anything else you can think of. This is why they don’t leave anything to chance or listen to the people.

Originally published on the NOQ Report


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