July News thread

If your enemy is secure at all points, be prepared for him. If he is in superior strength, evade him. If your opponent is temperamental, seek to irritate him. Pretend to be weak, that he may grow arrogant. If he is taking his ease, give him no rest. If his forces are united, separate them. If sovereign and subject are in accord, put division between them. Attack him where he is unprepared, appear where you are not expected.

Sun Tzu the Art of War quotes, Chapter 1


Video of the Day: Cuba, Castro, and Che


The Hypocrisy Of Gun Control In Current Political Climate https://bearingarms.com/tom-k/2020/07/09/the-hypocrisy-of-gun-control-in-current-political-climate/
It’s Come to This — We Must Defend Matt Yglesias  https://www.nationalreview.com/2020/07/its-come-to-this-we-must-defend-matt-yglesias/ 

‘Old Left’ Condemns ‘New Left’ Authoritarian Transgender Culture

U.S. Army Message: ‘Make America Great Again,’ Columbus Day Are Signs of ‘White Supremacy’

Tucker Carlson: The left doesn't want Biden to debate Trump

So, these people aren't liberals. We call them that, but they're not. They don't wring their hands and wonder what to do next like your flaky fifth-grade teacher who wore sandals and worried about the fate of the baby harp seals or with a "Save the whales" sticker on her Volvo.

No, they're nothing like that.

They're not sentimental. These are totalitarians.

They know exactly what they want. They don't wring their hands. They want power and they know how to get power.

‘Tonight, close to 1,000 companies are boycotting Facebook’s advertising platform’

CARLSON: “Tonight, close to 1,000 companies are boycotting Facebook’s advertising platform. Why are they doing that? Because they are demanding that Facebook censor the president and his voters. Ban conservative news outlets, allow only publications controlled by the left to decide what’s news. Let’s most anyway because there’s only one mass media company left in America that consistently dissents from the left’s view of things. You’re watching it right now. What do you think they plan to do to Fox News if they take power? You can imagine. We are in their way.”

Socialist Bernie Brags, Policies Biden Adopted “Will Make Biden The Most Progressive President Since FDR”

Getting there: New York Times asks if Gov. Andrew Cuomo shares some blame for those 6,200 nursing home deaths https://twitchy.com/brettt-3136/2020/07/09/getting-there-new-york-times-asks-if-gov-andrew-cuomo-shares-some-blame-for-those-6200-nursing-home-deaths/ via @twitchyteam 
A Lesson from Robert E. Lee -  https://www.theamericanconservative.com/articles/a-lesson-from-robert-e-lee/ 

 Farhad Manjoo / New York Times:
I've Seen a Future Without Cars, and It's Amazing
  —  Why do American cities waste so much space on cars?  —  As coronavirus lockdowns crept across the globe this winter and spring, an unusual sound fell over the world's metropolises: the hush of streets that were suddenly, blessedly free of cars.

Vandals Hack Down 9/11 Memorial Flagpole In New York Village https://www.dailywire.com/news/vandals-hack-down-9-11-memorial-flagpole-in-new-york-village/ 
WHO: Indoor airborne spread of coronavirus possible https://apnews.com/648feb226473f9841920abd6ffb004c7
US economy may be stalling out as viral outbreak worsens


Are Minneapolis’s Police Protests Causing a Crime Wave?


Carlson Has a Warning About Fox News If Dems Take Power


Beto: Republicans Refuse Gun Control Because They’re in a ‘Death Cult’


Holy CRAP this thread –> City of Seattle’s newest training for white city employees ONLY is well … pretty damn RACIST

Tucker Carlson wins … AGAIN: CNN’s Joe Lockhart’s anti-Trump/Tucker tweeter-tantrum does NOT end well, like at all


VIDEO - Tucker: What Do You Think Would Liberals Do To Fox News When They Get the Presidency?

Anti-American HARPY! Drew Holden ‘dismantles’ Ilhan Omar’s call to dismantle ‘racist, sexist’ systems in brutal thread

New York Times Publishes Radical Economic Manifesto Calling for Reparations

WATCH: San Francisco Supervisor Introduces ‘CAREN Act’ to Stop Racist 911 Calls


Schools or bars? Opening classrooms may mean hard choices


California couple charged with hate crime for allegedly vandalizing Black Lives Matter mural


Denver suburb passes resolution shielding officers from key portion of Colorado’s new police reform law


STABBING RAMPAGE Man ‘stabs grandma, 96, to death with a PITCHFORK and wounds second woman, 73, in bloody attack’


Carlson Has a Warning About Fox News If Dems Take Power


The Fox News host went on to argue that calling these people liberals is incorrect—“they are totalitarians…they want power and they know how to get power.”

“Why are some people being fired for trivial offenses? To terrify the rest of us into obedience. They rule by fear,” he argued. "The people around Joe Biden rule by fear, they do not rule by consent, as you're supposed to in this country. They are in fact the true enemies of democracy, they don't care what you think."

July 9, 2020

Anti-Gunner Believes He Found the Answer for Disarming Law-Abiding Americans

Joe Biden’s Unity Task Force recommendations copy and paste word-for-word from Bernie Sanders quite a bit https://twitchy.com/brettt-3136/2020/07/08/joe-bidens-unity-task-force-recommendations-copy-and-paste-word-for-word-from-bernie-sanders-quite-a-bit/ via @twitchyteam

Biden’s Latest at-home Speech Features Call To ‘Re-write Our Economy’


Titania McGrath compiles a list of all the things that are racist (this month), including roads, soap, and mathematics



Horowitz: Asian-American researcher fired from Michigan State administration for advancing facts about police shootings

"The victory of the twitter mob will likely have a chilling effect on academic freedom on campus."

Tucker Carlson mentioned this study on his show later that evening, and it has since gained more notoriety. Naturally, one would expect those who believe in the "systemic racism in policing" blood libel to cite evidence why this study is wrong and to provide counter-evidence that supports their position. But debate is not their strong suit, just censorship.

About Facebook:

Removing Coordinated Inauthentic Behavior  
—  Today, we removed four separate networks for violating our policy against foreign interference and coordinated inauthentic behavior (CIB).  These networks originated in Canada and Ecuador, Brazil, Ukraine, and the United States.

So Many NYPD Officers Are Applying For Retirement That Department Forced To Slow Applications, Report Claims https://www.dailywire.com/news/so-many-nypd-officers-are-applying-for-retirement-that-department-forced-to-slow-applications-report-claims/

Facebook civil rights audit: ‘Serious setbacks’ mar progress

A two-year audit of Facebook’s civil rights record found “serious setbacks” that have marred the social network’s progress on matters such as hate speech, misinformation and bias.

Facebook hired the audit’s leader, former American Civil Liberties Union executive Laura Murphy, in May 2018 to assess its performance on vital social issues. Its 100-page report released Wednesday outlines a “seesaw of progress and setbacks” at the company on everything from bias in Facebook’s algorithms to its content moderation, advertising practices and treatment of voter suppression.

The audit recommends that Facebook build a “civil rights infrastructure” into every aspect of the company, as well as a “stronger interpretation” of existing voter suppression policies and more concrete action on algorithmic bias. Those suggestions are not binding, and there is no formal system in place to hold Facebook accountable for any of the audit’s findings.

It's Happening: Americans Turn to Trump as Democrats Continue to Embrace Lawlessness, Defunding Police, Ongoing Street Violence https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2020/07/happening-americans-turn-trump-democrats-continue-embrace-lawlessness-defunding-police-ongoing-street-violence/?

Health official: Trump rally ‘likely’ source of virus surge

OKLAHOMA CITY (AP) — President Donald Trump’s campaign rally in Tulsa in late June that drew thousands of participants and large protests “likely contributed” to a dramatic surge in new coronavirus cases, Tulsa City-County Health Department Director Dr. Bruce Dart said Wednesday.

Tulsa County reported 261 confirmed new cases on Monday, a one-day record high, and another 206 cases on Tuesday. By comparison, during the week before the June 20 Trump rally, there were 76 cases on Monday and 96 on Tuesday.

Although the health department’s policy is to not publicly identify individual settings where people may have contracted the virus, Dart said those large gatherings “more than likely” contributed to the spike.

‘You Can Take Your Mask Mandate And Shove It Right Up Your Ass’: Dan Bongino Vows To Defy Mask Order


Open Letter Endorsing Free Speech Sparks Civil War at Vox https://freebeacon.com/media/open-letter-endorsing-free-speech-sparks-civil-war-at-vox/

Joe Biden Says Police Have 'Become the Enemy,' 'Absolutely' Should Defund Them  https://townhall.com/tipsheet/katiepavlich/2020/07/08/joe-biden-says-police-have-become-the-enemy-entertains-defunding-them-n2572130?817

Is America Headed For A Civil War…?

‘Why is she so angry at America’? Newt Gingrich drops a truth nuke on Rep. Ilhan Omar’s ‘system of oppression’ narrative https://twitchy.com/dougp-3137/2020/07/08/why-is-she-so-angry-at-america-newt-gingrich-drops-a-truth-nuke-on-rep-ilhan-omars-system-of-oppression-narrative/ via @twitchyteam

Bill De Blasio Halts NYPD Reform Bill As Violence, Murders Skyrocket

Letter Signed By Center-Left Intellectuals: Anti-Speech 'Cancel Culture' Craze Is Illiberal and Destructive


AP Exclusive: ‘Strike for Black Lives’ to highlight racism


Bachelet Report on Venezuela: Executions, Torture, and Disappearances

The report highlights the human rights violation in Venezuela, although the language depicting the Chavista regime is benign
Pope pulls speech on Hong Kong freedom, raising questions over pressure from Beijing





We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.–That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed

That is it; “to secure these rights”: Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. The pursuit of happiness, I’ll emphasize; not a guaranteed outcome of achieving it.

You had one job.

That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.

Not clear enough yet?

But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.

Let’s look at some of the specifics that sufficiently angered Jefferson et al to throw off a government.

“He has dissolved Representative Houses repeatedly, for opposing with manly firmness his invasions on the rights of the people.“

“He has erected a multitude of New Offices, and sent hither swarms of Officers to harrass our people, and eat out their substance.“
“He has combined with others to subject us to a jurisdiction foreign to our constitution, and unacknowledged by our laws; giving his Assent to their Acts of pretended Legislation“
“For Quartering large bodies of armed troops among us“
“For protecting them, by a mock Trial, from punishment for any Murders which they should commit on the Inhabitants of these States:“
“For imposing Taxes on us without our Consent“
“For depriving us in many cases, of the benefits of Trial by Jury“
“He has excited domestic insurrections amongst us, and has endeavoured to bring on the inhabitants of our frontiers, the merciless Indian Savages, whose known rule of warfare, is an undistinguished destruction of all ages, sexes and conditions.”
One. Job.

Final warning.


Liberals J.K. Rowling, Noam Chomsky sign letter denouncing 'ideological conformity,' cancel culture

The letter, 

was published on the Harper’s Magazine website Tuesday and gathered 150 signatures, warns that the left’s resistance of President Trump’s “illiberalism” has the potential of hardening into its “own brand of dogma or coercion” and creating an intolerant climate where freedom of speech can’t exist.

Letter signed by J.K. Rowling, Noam Chomsky warning of ...
Search domain www.washingtonpost.com/nation/2020/07/08/letter-harpers-free-speech/https://www.washingtonpost.com/nation/2020/07/08/letter-harpers-free-speech/
TodayMore than 150 writers, journalists, academics and artists — including J.K. Rowling, Noam Chomsky and Margaret Atwood — signed an open letter published Tuesday arguing that stifled free speech ...

Facebook boycott leaders slam Mark Zuckerberg for doing 'just about nothing' to remove 'hate speech' after 'disappointing' meeting full of 'spin'

Not All Black Lives Matter to Black Lives Matter

Coke, Nike, and Pro-Black Lives Matter Corps are Using Slave Labor
Modern Slavery Matters on the new Communist plantations.

WaPo reporter helps Rep. Ilhan Omar spin comment about wanting to dismantle economic and political ‘system of oppression’

The Reaction to the Harper's Letter on Cancel Culture Proves Why It Was Necessary
I was one of the 153 signers and am a veteran of the Twitter wars. But even I was taken aback by the swift, virulent response.

Mike Isaac / New York Times
Facebook Decisions Were ‘Setbacks for Civil Rights,’ Audit Finds
  —  An independent audit faulted the social network for “vexing and heartbreaking decisions” that affect its users — and potentially the November elections.  —  SAN FRANCISCO — Facebook has not done enough to fight discrimination

Progressive Biden Supporters Pledge Revolt If Dem Nominee Leans Too Moderate, Courts Republicans

San Francisco supervisor introduces ‘CAREN' Act to outlaw racially motivated 911 calls


Venezuelan refugee hits back after Ilhan Omar calls for dismantling America's 'system of oppression'

A Venezuelan refugee pushed back strongly on Ilhan Omar’s anti-capitalism statements, claiming on “Fox & Friends" that Democrats have a hidden agenda behind their police reform protests.

“I think that the big problem that her statement shows is that she revealed her whole intention from the beginning was not about the criminal justice system," said Daniel Di Martino, who grew up in Venezuela and left the country as socialism took hold.

"The Democrats have not wanted to pass things like the Justice Act that the GOP proposed in the Senate by Tim Scott,” said Daniel Di Martino, who grew up in Venezuela and left the country as socialism took hold," he said on Wednesday.

“Their goal from the beginning with the protests has always been to push a socialist agenda. They think that profit is bad. Profit is good. Profit means that businesses should produce more of what they’re doing. If there is no profit, we get to what happened to my country in Venezuela where businesses just shut down and everybody is jobless,” Di Martino continued.

‘Communism Will Win’: Vandals Deface Victims of Communism Memorial Site

New York Times Publishes Radical Economic Manifesto Calling for Reparations


Daily Coronavirus Deaths in U.S. Continue to Plummet as Confirmed Cases Hit Record Levels


Ironic: Names are dropping off letter decrying an intolerance of opposing views because of opposing views


Leftists Condemn Arch-leftist Noam Chomsky for Defending Free Speech


Leftists Turn Against Marxist Lecturer Noam Chomsky After He And Others Pen Letter Encouraging Open Debate And Dialogue


WALSH: If You Believe America Is A Hateful Dystopia Built On Stolen Land, Why Are You Still Here?



Is COVID-19 even subject to herd immunity?

Allowing the virus to grow unchecked would create unthinkable loss of life.
But West is still a fan of the president. “Trump is the closest president we’ve had in years to allowing God to still be part of the conversation,” he said.

And the famed rapper, now officially a billionaire, won’t spend much time bashing Trump, although he does plan to take aim at former Vice President Joe Biden. “I’m not saying Trump’s in my way, he may be a part of my way. And Joe Biden? Like come on man, please. You know? Obama’s special. Trump’s special. We say Kanye West is special. America needs special people that lead. Bill Clinton? Special. Joe Biden’s not special.”

Monuments and statues are falling. But what comes next?

As monuments and statues fall across the United States, activists and towns are left wondering what to do with empty spaces that once honored historic figures tied to Confederate generals and Spanish conquistadors. They also are debating how to remember civil rights figures and events in areas where they have been forgotten.

The opportunity to reimagine spaces has created a debate: whose history should the U.S. now honor and why? Should anything go on those empty podiums at all?

Is New York Times Changing Its Tune On Second Amendment?


Emotional Blackmail Behind Gun Control


Anti-Gun Activists Back NC Governor’s Veto Of Church Carry Bill


Attempted murder? AOC removes face mask, blows bubbles at defenseless child


Berlin commuters are told 'don't wear deodorant' in a bid to force fellow passengers to wear coronavirus facemasks on public transport


As shootings surge across US, police see COVID's crippling of justice system enabling crime


July 8, 2020

EXCLUSIVE: Trump Campaign Has Roaring Success Despite an Unconventional 4th of July

Tucker Carlson: Can Democrats lead a country they 'despise'?


Cloth face masks offer zero shield against virus, a study shows


What good do the masks do, really?


We Hold These Truths: Our Answer To The Mob

'It's egregious': thousands of mail-in ballots could be rejected over small errors


What is behind the violent shootings in Chicago?


City Charges Couple With A Hate Crime For Painting Over Black Lives Matter Mural On Street


Ironic: Names are dropping off letter decrying an intolerance of opposing views because of opposing views


Protective gear for medical workers begins to run low again


In risky bid, Trump stokes racial rancor to motivate voters


NEW YORK (AP) — President Donald Trump is wielding America’s racial tensions as a reelection weapon, fiercely denouncing the racial justice movement on a near-daily basis with language stoking white resentment and aiming to drive his supporters to the polls.

The incendiary discourse is alarming many in his own party and running contrary to the advice of some in his inner circle, who believe it risks alienating independent and suburban voters. It’s a pattern that harks back to cultural divisions Trump similarly exploited in his victorious 2016 campaign.

“It’s not about who is the object of the derision or the vitriol. The actual issue is understanding the appeal to white resentment and white fear,” said Eddie Glaude, chair of the Department of African American studies at Princeton University. “It’s all rooted in this panic about the place of white people in this new America.”

Tucker Carlson Calls Out Politicians on Both Sides of the Aisle, So Get Over It


Where's the Spike in COVID-19 Deaths?


Just as soon as states started to reopen, a surge in coronavirus cases put the brakes on those plans. Talk about a second wave has conveniently reignited fears about the coronavirus right as the country is itching to get back to normal, or as close to normal as possible.

But the media wants you to be afraid. They are counting on people to focus on the headlines and be ignorant of the data.

What is the data telling us?

The death count for COVID-19 has been declining long enough that if it continues, COVID-19 will no longer be considered an epidemic by the CDC in a few weeks. Some have argued that the lag between cases and deaths is a moot point because of the lag between diagnoses and deaths. So, let’s take that into account.

The spike in cases appears to have started on June 14, 2020, which makes perfect sense because most people develop symptoms within two weeks of infection, and the George Floyd riots started at the end of May. Studies suggest that deaths from COVID-19 occur between 15 and 22 days, with a median of 18.5, after becoming symptomatic.

COVID-19: Colorado Has Second-Most Virus Restrictions, Study Says


For months, Governor Jared Polis and other state officials have been accused of picking winners and losers through public-health orders announced to stop the spread of COVID-19. Polis's decision to shut down bars and clubs statewide mere weeks after their limited reopenings has renewed that criticism — and it's likely to continue with news that he's now extended Colorado's emergency order to thirty days from July 6. Read the extended order here.

Now comes more fuel for the fire: a just-released study that found Colorado has the second-most restrictive COVID-19 rules among the fifty states and the District of Columbia.

COVID-19: Wishing for the Worst


Current Truth Update: CHAZ/CHOP was NOT real socialism!


Free Speech is a Value, not a Right


Media & Anti’s Painfully Silent Double Standard on Armed Black Protestors


Anti-Gun Activists Back NC Governor’s Veto Of Church Carry Bill https://bearingarms.com/cam-e/2020/07/07/anti-gun-veto-church-carry/ via @BearingArmsCom

We Hold These Truths: Our Answer To The Mob


We Hold These Truths: Our Answer To The Mob


Donald Trump says flying the Confederate flag is 'freedom of speech' after lashing out at NASCAR for banning it in latest culture war intervention


Liberal writers, activists sign open letter calling to end 'cancel culture'

Signatures include J.K. Rowling, Bari Weiss, Noam Chomsky and Gloria Steinem

Take a Chill Pill: What's Being Buried in the Media Freakout Over New COVID Cases  https://townhall.com/tipsheet/mattvespa/2020/07/07/take-a-chill-pill-whats-being-buried-in-the-media-freakout-over-new-covid-cases-n2572007?719

Seattle’s socialist council member tells Jeff Bezos she’s coming to dismantle the ‘racist, sexist, violent, utterly bankrupt system of capitalism’ https://twitchy.com/brettt-3136/2020/07/07/seattles-socialist-council-member-tells-jeff-bezos-shes-coming-to-dismantle-the-racist-sexist-violent-utterly-bankrupt-system-of-capitalism/ via @twitchyteam 

Socialist Seattle council member vows to replace capitalism with socialism worldwide


Ilhan Omar calls for whole American political, economic system to be 'dismantled' because of 'oppression'

'System of oppression'

Rep. Ilhan Omar says we can’t stop with the criminal justice system, must dismantle entire ‘system of oppression’ https://twitchy.com/brettt-3136/2020/07/07/rep-ilhan-omar-says-we-cant-stop-with-the-criminal-justice-system-must-dismantle-entire-system-of-oppression/ via @twitchyteam

Ilhan Omar: We Cannot Stop With The Criminal Justice System, We Must Dismantle The US Economy And Political System


Tom Hanks: ‘I Got No Respect’ For People Who Don’t Wear Masks https://www.dailywire.com/news/tom-hanks-i-got-no-respect-for-people-who-dont-wear-masks/

Cloth face masks offer zero shield against virus, a study shows


Liberals Will Come For You Sooner Than You Think

As the saying goes, “Those who don’t know history are doomed to repeat it.” That’s why you should be weary of anyone seeking to rewrite history. They’re likely looking to repeat something from it – something bad – and don’t want you to know what’s coming. 

Terry Crews Stood His Ground Again Over Fourth of July Weekend


Tucker Carlson: Can Democrats lead a country they 'despise'?


Tucker Carlson: Why Left Is Lying And Spinning Trump Speech And Where They’re Trying To Take Us


'These people actually hate America'

Tucker Carlson: Can Democrats Lead a Country They ‘Despise’? ‘These People Actually Hate America’


They hate this country and they’re telling us so


Tell ABC to Stop Dividing Our Nation


Trump asks if NASCAR driver Bubba Wallace has apologized for noose ‘hoax’


CNN: ‘Master Bedroom’ Carries Racist Connotations



CNN has determined that “master bedroom” carries racist connotations, as do several other commonly used terms and phrases, including “blacklist,” “cakewalk,” and the “peanut gallery.”

As shootings surge across US, police see COVID's crippling of justice system enabling crime


Amidst the COVID-19 pandemic, cities across the country have seen a dramatic increase in shootings, and police in large cities like Chicago and New York said they are bracing for one of the most violent summers in decades.


TikTok to leave Hong Kong as security law raises worries

TikTok says it will stop operations in Hong Kong after the city enacted a sweeping national security law last week

HONG KONG -- TikTok said Tuesday it will stop operations in Hong Kong, joining other social media companies in warily eyeing ramifications of a sweeping national security law that took effect last week.

The short-form video app's planned departure from Hong Kong comes as various social media platforms and messaging apps including Facebook, WhatsApp, Telegram, Google and Twitter balk at the possibility of providing user data to Hong Kong authorities.

AMERICA DISRUPTED: Troubles cleave a nation, and a city


July 7, 2020

Choosing Liberty in a Time of Contagion and Financial Ruin


EXCLUSIVE: Trump Campaign Has Roaring Success Despite an Unconventional 4th of July

Ingraham: Why the left lies

How 4th of July Sent the Trump Campaign's GOTV Movement Over the Top https://townhall.com/tipsheet/bethbaumann/2020/07/06/exclusive-trump-campaign-has-roaring-success-despite-an-unconventional-4th-of-july-n2571988?70


Liberals reserve tickets to Trump's New Hampshire rally to try making venue look empty

EXCLUSIVE: “Protesters” In Florissant Missouri Chant “Pigs In A Blanket, Fry Em’ Like Bacon”
Skip to 1 Hour 22 minutes 00 seconds for the chant.

Tucker: Can the left lead a country they hate?


Tucker Carlson: Can the left lead a country they hate?

Tucker: Can the left lead a country they hate?

Loving the people you lead is the most basic prerequisite of leadership. #FoxNews #Tucker Subscribe to Fox News! https://bit.Ly/2vBUvAS 


Epidemiologists: Protests Likely Spread Coronavirus, ‘The Question Is How Much’ https://www.dailywire.com/news/epidemiologists-protests-likely-spread-coronavirus-the-question-is-how-much/

‘Senseless crime’: The victims of July Fourth shootings


Mob returns to the home of the St. Louis couple who brandished firearms on their private property to intimidate them some more https://twitchy.com/brettt-3136/2020/07/06/mob-returns-to-the-home-of-the-st-louis-couple-who-brandished-firearms-on-their-private-property-to-intimidate-them-some-more/ via @twitchyteam

Shocker! Andrew Cuomo admin investigated themselves and found gov’s COVID-19 nursing home policy was NOT a ‘significant factor’ in deaths https://twitchy.com/dougp-3137/2020/07/06/shocker-andrew-cuomo-admin-investigated-themselves-and-found-govs-covid-19-nursing-home-policy-was-not-a-significant-factor-in-deaths/ via @twitchyteam

WATCH: Matthew McConaughey: ‘Wear The Damn Mask,’ ‘Let’s Quit Messing About’ https://www.dailywire.com/news/watch-matthew-mcconaughey-wear-the-damn-mask-lets-quit-messing-about/

McConaughey said that this “collective change” will only come as a result of individual changes.

“We individually make these changes, that’s how we make a collective change,” he said. “That’s how we get to next year’s birthday and birthdays beyond that.”

At Least Six Children Killed Amid Wave Of Violence Over Holiday Weekend


NY count: 6,300 virus patients were sent to nursing homes


NEW YORK (AP) — New York hospitals released more than 6,300 recovering coronavirus patients into nursing homes during the height of the pandemic under a controversial, now-scrapped policy, state officials said Monday, but they argued it was not to blame for one of the nation’s highest nursing home death tolls.

Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s administration, which has taken intense criticism over the policy, instead contended the virus’ rampant spread through the state’s nursing homes was propelled by more than 20,000 infected home staffers, many of whom kept going to work unaware they had the virus.

Hospitals approaching capacity as Miami closes restaurants


Patriotism Is Becoming ‘White Supremacy’


Never before has a speech extolling America’s virtues and the marvels or the nation’s heroes played to such poor — and completely dishonest — reviews.

At Mount Rushmore on Friday night, President Trump gave a speech that was very tough on the woke Left, while largely celebrating America — its Founders, its ideals and freedom, its capacity for self-renewal, its astonishing variety of geniuses, adventurers, warriors, inventors, and great musicians and athletes.

Then, his speech ended, and the press piled on with one of its most its unhinged and dishonest performances of his presidency, which is saying something.

The Associated Press headlined its report on the speech “Trump pushes racial division, flouts virus rules at Rushmore.”

(The delicate way the news service put the targeting of Washington, Jefferson, Lincoln, and Roosevelt was inadvertently amusing: “He zeroed in on the desecration by some protesters of monuments and statues across the country that honor those who have benefited from slavery, including some past presidents.”)

Party at Diamond Lake, MI goes viral, people all of a sudden worried large outdoor gatherings will spread COVID-19 again


Miami-Dade County Mayor Carlos Giménez: ‘Protests Had A Lot To Do With’ Increase In Coronavirus Cases


Miami-Dade County Mayor Carlos Gimenez told CBS News on Sunday that the recent series of protests in the area “had a lot to do with” the rise in coronavirus cases in the state.

Soros Set to Double 2016 Spending, Pouring $40 Million Into Super PAC


Chicago pastor on weekend violence, death of 7-year-old: 'People are afraid to leave the house'



Glenn sets the record straight on the Declaration of Independence. Colin Kaepernick calls Independence Day a “celebration of white supremacy.” The Washington Post now says some books are worthy of cancellation. 

The media attacked every word of President Trump’s Mount Rushmore speech as “divisive” after he called out “far-Left fascism.” We are a covenant nation, and the miracles of the Civil War battle of Antietam prove it. 

Glenn takes us behind the scenes of the miracles behind Restoring Hope. Joe Biden says he will “transform” America as president. There’s something off with the Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell story. Black GOP congressional candidate Kim Klacik joins to describe a new movement toward conservatism.




‘They’re not going to stop’: WaPo journo gets SUPER defensive when called out for going all in on ‘problematic book’ burning


‘Yikes’! Chicago mayor says COVID-19 among things responsible for city’s spiking murder rate [video]


Blue-check ‘expert’ who claimed COVID wouldn’t infect BLM protesters FACE-PLANTS while taking victory lap in LAME thread


Face mask requirements: Can stores make you wear a mask? Do kids have to wear masks?


Hilary Duff slams July 4th gatherings: 'Americans just don’t care about each other'


Hilary Duff is speaking out about the lack of social distancing she witnessed over the holiday weekend.

When celebrating the 4th of July with her family, the "Lizzie McGuire" alum took note of a "raging house party" that made her blood boil.

Group raises Confederate flag near interstate in N.C.


The Latest: White House rejects national strategy on masks


COVID-19 is close to losing its epidemic status in the U.S., according to the CDC

The percentage of coronavirus deaths in the country has been declining for ten straight weeks.

July 6, 2020

NYT Wonders: Say, Maybe Cheering The BLM Protests Has Undermined Epidemiologists’ COVID-19 Credibility


Are Protests Dangerous? What Experts Say May Depend on Who’s Protesting What

Mollie Hemingway: Media Has ‘Overstated Their Confidence’ In Mask-Wearing, Using It As ‘Political Cudgel’

It’s Time To Fight Back


COVID-19 is close to losing its epidemic status in the U.S., according to the CDC


Gavin Newsom Forbade Fireworks, Guess How That Turned Out…


Party at Diamond Lake, MI goes viral, people all of a sudden worried large outdoor gatherings will spread COVID-19 again https://twitchy.com/gregp-3534/2020/07/05/party-at-diamond-lake-mi-goes-viral-people-all-of-a-sudden-worried-large-outdoor-gatherings-will-spread-covid-19-again/ via @twitchyteam

HAWORTH: The Deadly Double Standard Of Communism Vs. Fascism


Newspaper owner: Sorry for equating mask rule to Holocaust


The Alternative Secret History of the World


It Seems ATF Behind Ghost Gun Hysteria

Horowitz: More evidence that most coronavirus cases are now weaker than the flu

Horowitz: Kids’ lives matter: Stop the national coronavirus child abuse


Horowitz: We can no longer celebrate our independence. We must fight for it again

LA Mayor Eric Garcetti branded 'clown' for banning July 4 fireworks due to Covid-19 while backing BLM protests

The Democratic mayor has been accused of not reining in BLM protesters even while asking people to maintain social distancing and wear masks


In 2020, Words Are 'Violence,' Arson Is Not

The redefinition of the term diminishes actual victims of violence and trivializes why people are protesting.



Trump pushes racial division, flouts virus rules at Rushmore

+Discussion: Axios, Power Line, Fox News and KSLTV.com
At Mount Rushmore, Trump digs deeper into nation's divisions

MOUNT RUSHMORE NATIONAL MEMORIAL, S.D. (AP) — At the foot of Mount Rushmore and on the eve of Independence Day, President Donald Trump dug deeper into America’s divisions by accusing protesters who have pushed for racial justice of engaging in a “merciless campaign to wipe out our history.”

The president, in remarks Friday night at the South Dakota landmark, offered a discordant tone to an electorate battered by a pandemic and seared by the recent high-profile killings of Black people. He zeroed in on the desecration by some demonstrators of monuments and statues across the country that honor those who have benefited from slavery, including some past presidents.

TOTO: Shouldn’t ‘Hamilton’ Get Canceled Next?


Why Ghislaine Maxwell Did Not Kill Herself. Holy cow you did not know these facts. No words


Mollie Hemingway: Media Has ‘Overstated Their Confidence’ In Mask-Wearing, Using It As ‘Political Cudgel’


Fox News contributor Mollie Hemingway cited the lack of concrete scientific evidence to support widespread mask-wearing to contend that the media has “overstated their confidence” in the practice and are using it as a “political cudgel” against skeptics.

Fox News anchor Howard Kurtz introduced the topic on Sunday morning’s “Media Buzz” by pointing out prominent Republicans who are now encouraging mask usage, including Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and former Vice President Dick Cheney.

“Why are the pundits so rankled that President Trump is not a leading proponent of mask-wearing?” Kurtz asked Hemingway.

“Right, the outrage and shame directed at skeptics of mask-wearing is excessive and almost certainly counterproductive,” Hemingway responded. “The CDC couches the evidence in support of widespread mask-wearing as undetermined.”

‘Dear Democrats’: Kevin McCarthy has 11 words for Dems who claim they are going to save America


Miami-Dade County Mayor Carlos Giménez: ‘Protests Had A Lot To Do With’ Increase In Coronavirus Cases


Some Struggle To Buy Guns as Coronavirus Shutdowns Linger 


Virus, Floyd death merge in brutal blow to Black well-being


Doctors have known it for a long time, well before the resounding cries of “Black Lives Matter”: Black people suffer disproportionately.

They face countless challenges to good health, among them food, transportation and income. The stress of living with racism has very real, physical effects. And they are especially prone to diabetes, hypertension and other chronic diseases that can be tricky to manage even in normal times.

Then came COVID-19 and George Floyd — one killing Black people in alarming numbers, the other shining a harsh light on systemic racism. In a matter of months and nearly 8 minutes, it became clear that institutions designed to ensure the two most important things in life — health and safety — had converged to turn against one segment of the population in stark, horrific ways.

Nightmare in New York: How Covid-19, BLM protests and a liberal mayor are turning the city into a no-go zone as murders skyrocket, shops are looted and 500,000 middle-class residents flee



These are true patriots. Trump sees them as enemies


Ron Charles / Washington Post:

While offensive TV shows get pulled, problematic books are still inspiring debate and conversationNEW!


Coronavirus updates: Some Florida beaches open despite record daily case count; fireworks canceled as states fear Fourth of July crowds


Noose found in building owned by elite university

The noose was found Thursday at a construction site in an off-campus building.

A noose was found Thursday at a construction site in an off-campus building owned by Johns Hopkins University, per Karen Lancaster, a Johns Hopkins University spokeswoman. Lancaster said the construction site is a part of ongoing renovations of the Whiting School of Engineering building in Baltimore. She called it a "heinous symbol of hate."

Facebook groups pivot to attacks on Black Lives Matter


CHICAGO (AP) — A loose network of Facebook groups that took root across the country in April to organize protests over coronavirus stay-at-home orders has become a hub of misinformation and conspiracy theories that have pivoted to a variety of new targets. Their latest: Black Lives Matter and the nationwide protests of racial injustice.

These groups, which now boast a collective audience of more than 1 million members, are still thriving after most states started lifting virus restrictions.

And many have expanded their focus.

One group transformed itself last month from “Reopen California” to “California Patriots Pro Law & Order,” with recent posts mocking Black Lives Matter or changing the slogan to “White Lives Matter.” Members have used profane slurs to refer to Black people and protesters, calling them “animals,” “racist” and “thugs”— a direct violation of Facebook’s hate speech standards.

Others have become gathering grounds for promoting conspiracy theories about the protests, suggesting protesters were paid to go to demonstrations and that even the death of George Floyd, an unarmed Black man who died in the custody of Minneapolis police, was staged.

An Associated Press review of the most recent posts in 40 of these Facebook groups — most of which were launched by conservative groups or pro-gun activists — found the conversations largely shifted last month to attacking the nationwide protests over the killing of Black men and women after Floyd’s death.

Facebook users in some of these groups post hundreds of times a day in threads often seen by members only and shielded from public view.

“Unless Facebook is actively looking for disinformation in those spaces, they will go unnoticed for a long time and they will grow,” said Joan Donovan, the research director at the Harvard Kennedy School’s Shorenstein Center on Media, Politics, and Public Policy. “Over time, people will drag other people into them and they will continue to organize.”

Facebook said it is aware of the collection of reopen groups, and is using technology as well as relying on users to identify problematic posts. The company has vowed in the past to look for material that violates its rules in private groups as well as in public places on its site. But the platform has not always been able to deliver on that promise.

Shortly after the groups were formed, they were rife with coronavirus misinformation and conspiracy theories, including assertions that masks are “useless,” the U.S. government intends to forcibly vaccinate people and that COVID-19 is a hoax intended to hurt President Donald Trump’s re-election chances this fall.

Posts in these private groups are less likely to be scrutinized by Facebook or its independent fact-checkers, said Donovan. Facebook enlists media outlets around the world, including The Associated Press, to fact check claims on its site. Members in these private groups have created an echo chamber and tend to agree with the posts, so are therefore less likely to flag them for Facebook or fact-checkers to review, Donovan added.

At least one Facebook group, ReOpen PA, asked its 105,000 members to keep the conversation focused on reopening businesses and schools in Pennsylvania, and implemented rules to forbid posts about the racial justice protests as well as conspiracy theories about the efficacy of masks.

Protester killed on Seattle freeway was dedicated to cause


For nation’s birthday, Trump stokes the divisions within US


WASHINGTON (AP) — On a day meant for unity and celebration, President Donald Trump vowed to “safeguard our values” from enemies within — leftists, looters, agitators, he said — in a Fourth of July speech packed with all the grievances and combativeness of his political rallies.

Here’s the WORST Moments from MSNBC’s America-Hating, Anti-Founders Mt. Rushmore Coverage


Trump to hold outdoor campaign rally in Portsmouth, N.H.


WASHINGTON (AP) — President Donald Trump is set to hold an outdoor rally Saturday in Portsmouth, New Hampshire, according to the president’s campaign.

The campaign rally at Portsmouth International Airport will come three weeks after an indoor rally in Tulsa, the president’s first of the COVID-19 era, drew a smaller-than-expected crowd amid concerns of rising infections in the region.

White House counselor Kellyanne Conway said last week that Trump may more frequently opt to turn to outdoor venues to host his campaign speeches. Public health officials are cautioning against holding large gatherings as the virus continues to spread throughout much of the country, but they believe outdoor congregations are relatively less risky than indoor gatherings.

Debates turn emotional as schools decide how and if to open


July 5, 2020


A case of national amnesia


Black Lives Matter Is A Marxist Cult And Not Even A Good One…


Well-Armed Black Militia Marches Through Streets Of Stone Mountain, Georgia…


CNN reporter seems troubled that Trump’s ‘jaw-dropping speech’ accurately framed what’s going on in the country


PRAGER: The Present Moment Has Set Blacks Back A Half-Century


In troubled times: Independence Day in a land of confusion


In 2020, Words Are 'Violence,' Arson Is Not

The redefinition of the term diminishes actual victims of violence and trivializes why people are protesting.


Los Angeles mayor tells everybody to ‘cancel plans with others for the 4th’ (but call it a protest and he’ll approve, apparently)


Trump’s `strong wall’ to block COVID-19 from China had holes




Elizabeth Kolsky / Washington Post:

It is time to reconsider the global legacy of July 4, 1776
  —  American independence helped further colonialism and white supremacy  —  As the country prepares to celebrate the anniversary of its formal declaration of independence from Britain on July 4, 1776, we must, once again, reckon with two dark historical truths.

+Discussion: Twitchy

The fight over monuments asks, who is an American hero and who is a 'symbol of hate'?


At Mount Rushmore, Trump digs deeper into nation’s divisions


MOUNT RUSHMORE NATIONAL MEMORIAL, S.D. (AP) — At the foot of Mount Rushmore and on the eve of Independence Day, President Donald Trump dug deeper into America’s divisions by accusing protesters who have pushed for racial justice of engaging in a “merciless campaign to wipe out our history.”

The president, in remarks Friday night at the South Dakota landmark, offered a discordant tone to an electorate battered by a pandemic and seared by the recent high-profile killings of Black people. He zeroed in on the desecration by some demonstrators of monuments and statues across the country that honor those who have benefited from slavery, including some past presidents.

President Donald Trump smiles at Mount Rushmore National Memorial, Friday, July 3, 2020, near Keystone, S.D. (AP Photo/Alex Brandon)

President Trump compares 'angry mob' of protesters trying to tear down statues to 'Nazis and terrorists' during fiery Fourth of July speech as he pays tribute to military and police before huge flyover


President Donald Trump continued his crusade against protesters targeting statues and national monuments, comparing the 'angry mob' to Nazis and terrorists, during a fiery Fourth of July speech.   

Speaking from the White House South Lawn on Saturday, Trump blasted 'the radical left' as well as members of the 'media', as he vowed to protect America's history and the legacy of war heroes. 

'American heroes defeated the Nazis, dethroned the fascists toppled the communists, saved American values, upheld American principles, and chased down terrorists to the very ends of the earth,' he said. 

'We are now in the process of defeating the radical left, the Marxists, the anarchists, the agitators, the looters and people who in many instances have absolutely no clue what they are doing.'


RUSHMORE RALLY Trump slams ‘left-wing cultural revolution’ and ‘campaign to wipe out history’ in speech to unmasked fans at Mt Rushmore


July 4, 2020

The Coronavirus Lockdowns are Over...And These Studies Really Deliver a Death Blow

Dozens shocked by the upcoming suicide of Ghislaine Maxwell


Dozens of people scattered throughout the world were shocked to hear of the upcoming suicide of Jeffrey Epstein madame Ghislaine Maxwell who was arrested Thursday on a six-count indictment charging her with grooming young girls for sex.

Protesters Slash Tires, Block Roads At Mount Rushmore Ahead Of Trump’s Fourth Of July Event https://dailycaller.com/2020/07/03/protesters-block-roads-slash-tires-south-dakota-trump-event-mount-rushmore/ via @dailycaller

Crowd Cheers as Tow Trucks Remove Disabled Vans Blocking Road to Mount Rushmore (VIDEO) https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2020/07/crowd-cheers-tow-trucks-remove-disabled-vans-blocking-road-mount-rushmore-video/?utm_source=Twitter&utm_medium=PostTopSharingButtons&utm_campaign=websitesharingbuttons via @gatewaypundit

WATCH: CNN Chyron Mocks ‘Independence’ Day, CNN Reporter At Mt. Rushmore Refers To Washington, Jefferson As ‘Slave Owners’ https://www.dailywire.com/news/watch-cnn-chyron-mocks-independence-day-cnn-reporter-at-mt-rushmore-refers-to-washington-jefferson-as-slave-owners/

‘DEFUND THE POLICE’ Movement Leading To Increase In Black Deaths, Report Says https://www.dailywire.com/news/defund-the-police-movement-leading-to-increase-in-black-deaths-report-says/

TOTO: Walter Duranty Is Alive, Well, And Spreading Fake News About CHOP https://www.dailywire.com/news/toto-walter-duranty-is-alive-well-and-spreading-fake-news-about-chop/

The 2020 Red Wave Could Be Starting Already – In Virginia, Citizens Just Voted 3 Democrats Out Of Office


We Must Decide Whether We Want to Save America https://townhall.com/columnists/davidlimbaugh/2020/07/03/we-must-decide-whether-we-want-to-save-america-n2571811?315

Masks Will Save Lives! (Fact Check: Mostly False) https://townhall.com/columnists/tednoel/2020/07/03/masks-will-save-lives-fact-check-mostly-false-n2571817?315

The Most Powerful Argument Against Forced Universal Masking That You Won't Read In The Establishment Media https://townhall.com/columnists/scottmorefield/2020/07/03/the-most-powerful-argument-against-forced-universal-masking-that-you-wont-read-in-the-establishment-media-n2571794?315

CNN fact checks Don Jr’s meme because they think we’re all idiots https://noqreport.com/2020/07/03/cnn-fact-checks-don-jrs-meme-because-they-think-were-all-idiots/

'America Is An Idea:' Sen. Todd Young Torches Dem Hatred of American History https://townhall.com/tipsheet/reaganmccarthy/2020/07/03/sen-todd-young-torches-dems-n2571844?315

A graduate of the United States Naval Academy and former Marine, Sen. Young torched Democrats' insistence on apologizing for patriotism:

"America is an idea, one that bent the arc of mankind forever, toward equality, opportunity and freedom. An idea that should be celebrated and those heroes honored. And no one should apologize for it."

Los Angeles Mayor Admits the Obvious: Anti-Police Protests Contributed to Rise in COVID-19 Cases https://townhall.com/tipsheet/juliorosas/2020/07/03/los-angeles-mayor-admits-the-obvious-police-protests-contributed-to-rise-in-covid19-cases-n2571838?315

Calif. Gov. Newsom Bans Singing in Church Over Coronavirus Hysteria

Newsom Bans Singing In Houses Of Worship After Downplaying Spread Of Coronavirus At Protests https://www.dailywire.com/news/newsom-bans-singing-in-houses-of-worship-after-downplaying-spread-of-coronavirus-at-protests/

Vote Democrat? Are you insane?

Vote Democrat? Are you insane?

Watch: College Kids Asked What They Know About July 4th https://www.weaselzippers.us/451745-watch-college-kids-asked-what-they-know-about-july-4th/ via @weaselzippers

Can Trump’s anti-mail-voting crusade hurt him in key states?

How to Celebrate July 4 Without Getting Canceled for Glorifying White Supremacy
10 things to avoid this holiday weekend

Yes, the coronavirus LOCKDOWNS are killing people

Ghislaine Maxwell didn’t kill herself

Copenhagen's Little Mermaid labelled "racist fish"
Protesters of the Black Lives Matter movement around the world have in recent months rallied against statues of historical figures who played a role in racist oppression, such as slave traders and colonialists.

The Little Mermaid has not been part of this debate but last year a Disney live action remake of the 1989 animated film of the same name was the subject of a controversy after African American actress Halle Bailey was cast in the central role.

“I am having a hard time seeing what is particularly racist in the fairy tale “The Little Mermaid,” Ane Grum-Schwensen, researcher at the H.C. Andersen Center at University of Southern Denmark, told local news wire Ritzau.

Virus concerns grow — as do crowds flocking to Jersey Shore

`Huge bummer’: July Fourth will test Americans’ discipline

The U.S. headed into the Fourth of July weekend with many parades and fireworks displays canceled, beaches and bars closed, and health authorities warning that this will be a crucial test of Americans’ self-control that could determine the trajectory of the surging coronavirus outbreak.

With confirmed cases climbing in 40 states, governors and local officials have ordered the wearing of masks in public, and families were urged to celebrate their independence at home. Even then, they were told to keep their backyard cookouts small.

“This year is a huge bummer, to say the least,” said Ashley Peters, who for 14 years has hosted 150 friends and relatives at a pool party at her home in Manteca, California, complete with a DJ, bounce house, water slide and shaved-ice stand. This time, the guest list is down to just a few people.

Pulling the plug on the bash, she said, was a “no-brainer” because so many of those she knows are front-line workers, including her husband, a fire captain. “I woke up and told my husband I wish it was just July 5,” she said.

Health experts agree this will be a pivotal moment in determining whether the nation slides into a deeper mess. The fear is that a weekend of crowded pool parties, picnics and parades will fuel the surge.

July 3, 2020

Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti now admits protests in the city DID lead to a spike in coronavirus cases after he previously insisted there was no link
Mayor Eric Garcetti said some people have not been protesting safely
He confirmed LA County health officials believe recent demonstrations have contributed to a spike in COVID-19 cases in the city
Garcetti noted that some protesters have not been wearing masks or keeping a safe distance from others when gathering in mass
The mayor previously said there was no evidence showing a link between protests and new cases

LA Mayor Forced To Admit BlackLivesMatter Protests Are Probably Fueling Covid Resurgence In The City…

The Coronavirus Lockdowns are Over...And These Studies Really Deliver a Death Blow https://townhall.com/tipsheet/mattvespa/2020/07/02/wsj-reopen-america-n2571753?30

Young Americans Are Partying Hard and Spreading Covid-19 Quickly
Covid-19 is increasingly a disease of the young, with the message to stay home for the sake of older loved ones wearing off as the pandemic wears on.

At the start of the pandemic, young people were told to stay at home as an act of selflessness: Do it for dad. For grandma. For your neighbor. Then states started reopening and, almost instantly, photos began circulating of packed clubs and crowded restaurants. There were massive street protests over police brutality and racial injustice. Case counts soared to record levels.

Silicon Valley Elite Discuss Journalists Having Too Much Power in Private App
  —  In leaked audio from an invite-only app, venture capitalists pondered everything they think is wrong with journalism.  —  During a conversation held Wednesday night on the invite-only Clubhouse app …
more at Mediagazer »

Danny Glover: Police Are The ‘Last Line Of Defense For White Supremacy’

How California went from success story to virus hot spot

Study: Massive Black Lives Matters protests may have slowed coronavirus spread in large cities


This week we’ve heard on the news that there’s been a huge uptick in COVID-19 cases nationwide, and people supposedly smarter than us are pinning it on all on those Memorial Day get-togethers and not the massive, international George Floyd/Black Lives Matter protests.

This is actually the second study we’ve seen suggesting that those protests actually slowed the spread of the coronavirus. Just last week, a study released by the National Bureau of Economic Research found no evidence that coronavirus cases jumped in 315 cities in the weeks following the first protests.

Why? “Researchers determined that protests may have been offset by an increase in social distancing among those who decided not to march.” In other words, there was more social distancing by all of the people who avoided the protests because they were afraid of violence or general unrest. But we thought all those people were locked down anyway.

'We do believe there's a connection:' Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti admits protests DID lead to a spike in coronavirus cases after previously downplaying the link

Mayor Eric Garcetti said some people have not been protesting safely 
He confirmed LA County health officials believe recent demonstrations have contributed to a spike in COVID-19 cases in the city
Garcetti noted that some protesters have not been wearing masks or keeping a safe distance from others when gathering in mass

The mayor previously said there was no evidence showing a link between protests and new cases

LA Mayor Garcetti admits connection between coronavirus ...

Search domain www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/la-mayor-garcetti-admits-connection-between-coronavirus-outbreak-and-protests-after-downplaying-link/ar-BB16hdCRhttps://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/la-mayor-garcetti-admits-connection-between-coronavirus-outbreak-and-protests-after-downplaying-link/ar-BB16hdCR

LA Mayor Garcetti admits 'connection' between coronavirus ...

LA Mayor Garcetti admits connection between coronavirus outbreak and protests, after downplaying link Nick Givas 1 hr ago After 53 years of marriage, a Texas couple died holding hands from Covid-19
LA Mayor Garcetti admits 'connection' between coronavirus ...

LA Mayor Garcetti admits 'connection' between coronavirus outbreak and protests, after downplaying link 

July 2, 2020 July 2, 2020 admin Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti said Wednesday that public protests are likely causing the number of citywide coronavirus cases to spike, just two days after claiming there wasn't "any conclusive evidence ...

Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti admits protests have led ...

'We do believe there's a connection:' Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti admits protests DID lead to a spike in coronavirus cases after previously downplaying the link. Mayor Eric Garcetti said some ...


LA Mayor Garcetti admits 'connection' between coronavirus outbreak and protests, after downplaying link

"We are certain that there is going to be spread"

Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti said Wednesday that public protests are likely causing the number of citywide coronavirus cases to spike, just two days after claiming there wasn't "any conclusive evidence" showing a connection between the two.

Garcetti, a Democrat, was speaking at a press conference concerning the recent Black Lives Matter protests in Los Angeles when he was asked if the demonstrations were contributing to the spread of COVID-19.

He claimed he'd consulted with Dr. Barbara Ferrer, LA County's director of public health, and determined the protests were in fact contributing to the spread of the virus.

“I talked again with Dr. Ferrer about that this morning. She does think some of the spread did come from our protests," he said. "It’s not the act of protesting – that’s a great and American thing to do no matter what your opinion is… but protesting without maintaining physical distancing, without wearing your mask, without having sanitizer – we just have to be smart. Whether you’re at a protest or at your home, whether in your workplace or whether you’re out shopping, these rules don’t change.”

He added, “We do believe there is a connection, we don’t believe that everybody has been doing this safely and wherever you can, please stay at home.”

After being asked earlier in the video if government officials were downplaying the protests' effect on coronavirus stats, she said, "We’ve been really honest and said from the beginning that for any people that are in crowded situations for long periods of time – which long for us means more than 15 minutes – where you’re in close contact with people, less than six feet apart and people aren’t wearing a cloth face covering you have a heightened risk of either transmitting the virus if you are an asymptomatic spreader, or getting the virus from someone else who is spreading because they also are an asymptomatic spreader."

This clashed with statements made by Garcetti during the Tuesday press conference, however, where he called the idea a hypothesis and minimized the potential impact mass public demonstrations were having on the number of COVID-19 cases in the city.

"We follow the data closely," he said, according to Fox 11. "There's no evidence yet that the protests led to much spread though it's something that Doctor Ferrer has hypothesized, but we haven't seen any conclusive evidence there."

Study: Border Barriers Work


Detroit Removes Thousands of Dead Registrants From Voter Rolls


Hourly - The Glenn Beck Program


The XYZ’s of Socialism


Tucker Carlson: Voters need to demand change from the GOP

Republicans must work as hard as they can to make America fair again.

Chuck Schumer reminds everybody that US adding back almost 5 million jobs last month is NOT good news (for Democrats anyway)


With 52,788 coronavirus cases reported, U.S. sets new daily record



The unwinding of law and order in our cities has happened with stunning speed.


Media Report Rise In COVID-19 Cases, Ignore Decline In Deaths


Scientists test which face covering style best protects against the coronavirus


Don't fall for these 3 myths about face masks


Closing bars to stop coronavirus spread is backed by science

https://apnews.com/a288340b3bd3fbc62e564b3d0adfaa2eUS unemployment falls to 11%, but new shutdowns are underway

July 2, 2020

  • Why I Love America

  • https://www.prageru.com/video/why-i-love-america/

    Watch: Group of Black Protesters Shout “All Lives Matter” at Black Lives Matter Protesters


    Video: Leftists Believe You Should Roll Over and Accept Their Violence


    Reports from Cuba: Human rights group asks for transparency in case of young black man killed by police


    Second Amendment Supporters Welcome the 2020 Class of New Gun Owners! ~ VIDEO

    Horowitz: More evidence that most coronavirus cases are now weaker than the flu


    FAKE HISTORY: USA Today Pretends Democrats Didn’t Found the KKK, Start Civil War (They Did)


    The CHOP has fallen


    ‘Incredible’: June gun sales numbers are in and WOW (Hint: ‘Gun. Control. Is. Dead.’)


    FBI: Record-shattering surge in gun checks as BLM, 2020 election, virus boost sales


    Record-Setting Gun Sales Could Leave Stores Dry

    June NICS Firearm Background Check Totals Smash Records, Up 70% Over Previous Year-Ago Total


    Wisconsin Students Want To Tear Down Statue Of Abraham Lincoln: ‘A Single-Handed Symbol Of White Supremacy’


    Herd Immunity To COVID-19 May Be Closer Than We Think, New Studies Say


    Cases spike in Sunbelt, other states back off on reopening



    Glenn takes a victory lap after Woodrow Wilson is finally canceled for being a racist. However, the New York Times may have gone a little light on him. A black pastor in Houston has a very non-woke message for his congregation.

    Acclaimed environmentalist Michael Shellenberger warns against “climate scare” tactics used by those like AOC and Greta Thunberg. Glenn’s done pretending that Chief Justice John Roberts is conservative. The DNC accused Trump of racism for holding a Fourth of July celebration at Mount Rushmore.


    Tomorrow, Glenn debunks the 1619 Project’s lies about America. PragerU founder Dennis Prager joins to talk about the future of faith in America, as the Left has abandoned God and others fear the Left more than God.

    The Problem of 'Anti-Racism'


    Think the ‘Cancel’ Mobs Can’t Get Any Worse? Think Again


    Tucker Carlson Has Highest-Rated Program In Cable News History


    ‘Thoughts and prayers’: Caleb Hull asks us all to spare a moment for Joe Biden’s sign language interpreter (video)


    We don’t need no stinking masks!


    July 1, 2020=========================================================================


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