Enough is Enough what? Freedom? Liberty?

The #EnoughisEnough hashtag belies a Leftist control fixation against the cause of Liberty.
There is a certain dictatorial twang with that little ditty of a hashtag. It’s use belies an underlying false idea of unearned authority over others. That kind of talk is usually heard from parents or teachers in disciplining a child for bad behaviour. In this case that ‘bad behaviour was that we have asserted the right of self-preservation by the means we choose. Perhaps they should realise before it’s too late that we are not the subjects of their false moral authority.

It takes a stunning measure of arrogance to arbitrarily decree the limits of a fellow citizen’s common sense human Rights, but the nation’s socialist-Left was out marching last weekend to do just that. Unlike the enumerated rights in the founding documents that protect the citizens from government tyranny. The Left’s new idea of freedom entails freshly minted “Rights” that allow certain groups to autocratically restrain the Liberty of their fellow citizens. These are “Rights” based more on feelings and intent and not anything of substance.

It would seem that mere laws aren’t ‘good enough’ any more. Apparently there is a new “Right” in town that decrees that just the act of possessing an inanimate object that could be a danger to others is now verboten. Not to mention that being free from being scared is also a new “Right” never contemplated in the annals of civilization.

Well, sorry to be the bearer of bad news to those who think that feelings are “Rights” or that Liberty is subservient to potential danger. But that isn’t how a representative republic works. For starters, they should look at how the Oxford English Dictionary defines the word inalienable.
Not subject to being taken away from or given away by the possessor.
One may have the certain inalienable Rights of Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness endowed by their Creator, but that doesn’t mean that others don’t have them as well. The sword of equality cuts both ways. Merely possessing an object capable of causing death or destruction cannot be a standard by which Liberty is parcelled out. Neither is the false standard of fear to be the mode by which freedom is measured.

 Originally published on the NOQ Report


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