How could this happen: News stories that show violence aren’t unique to the states

Two news stories that show that violence isn’t unique to the US or caused by guns.

The morning perusal of the news from the associated press often reveals some quite incongruous items given the prevailing Leftist talking points. According to the supposedly morally superior denizens’ of the nation’s socialist Left, the states are ‘unique’ in having a violence problem – gun or otherwise. Their incessant refrain is that we only have to confiscate every gun to usher in carnage free Utopia faster than invoking the name of Joe ‘Buy a shotgun’ Biden.
Thus, it was difficult to understand a couple of stories on multiple levels beginning with this story from the associated press: In Venezuela, criminals feel the pinch of an economic crisis
CARACAS, Venezuela (AP) — The feared street gangster El Negrito sleeps with a pistol under his pillow and says he’s lost track of his murder count. But despite his hardened demeanor, he’s quick to gripe about how Venezuela’s failing economy is cutting into his profits.
Officials of President Nicolás Maduro’s socialist administration stopped publishing statistics charting crime trends long ago.
But in something of an unexpected silver lining to the country’s all-consuming economic crunch, experts say armed assaults and killings are plummeting in one of the world’s most violent nations.
On the one hand it sounds like socialism is a success in one area, in that insane levels of currency inflation has made it more expensive for criminals to rob and kill people. However, it does raise several questions:
  • How did criminals get a hold of a guns in a place with strict controls on liberty?
  • Why is this never mentioned by the Liberty grabber Left in their crusade against self-defense?
They never seem to miss a chance to parrot the ‘mass shootings everyday’ lie with Hickenlooper throwing in the word ‘almost’ as an escape clause. Meanwhile violence elsewhere in places that should be a poster child for what they want seem to escape notice.
Then there is the story of a knife attack in a place of strict controls on the Liberty of self-defense. No, this isn’t about London, but KAWASAKI, Japan as also reported by the Associated-Press: Knife-wielding man attacks schoolgirls in Japan, killing 2
Interestingly enough, the story mentioned this at the bottom of the page:
Although Japan has one of the lowest crime rates in the world, it has had a series of high-profile killings, including in 2016 when a former employee at a home for the disabled allegedly killed 19 people and injured more than 20 others.
Also in 2016, a man stabbed four people at a library in northeastern Japan, allegedly for mishandling his questions. No one was killed. In 2008, seven people were killed by a man who slammed a truck into a crowd of people in central Tokyo’s Akihabara electronics district and then stabbed passers-by.
It would seem that these two news stories illustrate that tight controls on Liberty do little to protect the innocent and in fact make the situation worse for little benefit to society.

The Takeaway.

The Liberty grabber Left definitely has a talent for changing narratives on the fly, with the states having a ‘unique’ problem with guns in one instance. While in another – when such things happen overseas – it suddenly becomes a question of a phenomena from the US that is being transmitted somehow, never mind the issue of the enumerated right of self-defense.
Mention that Liberty control laws fail to protect the innocent and invariably the response will be that the these laws ‘cut down on the carnage’ an undefined phrase at best, and a falsehood at worst. The problem is that this is always a one sided analysis as though the presence of gun is only a negative factor in society. The millions of times that guns have saved lives is often left out of the equation, no doubt on purpose. The fact that the Liberty grabber Left doesn’t care about both sides of the issue should speak volumes as to their true intentions.
Originally published on the NOQ Report


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