
Showing posts from May, 2019

How could this happen: News stories that show violence aren’t unique to the states

Two news stories that show that violence isn’t unique to the US or caused by guns. The morning perusal of the news from the associated press often reveals some quite incongruous items given the prevailing Leftist talking points. According to the supposedly morally superior denizens’ of the nation’s socialist Left, the states are ‘unique’ in having a violence problem – gun or otherwise. Their incessant refrain is that we only have to confiscate every gun to usher in carnage free Utopia faster than invoking the name of Joe ‘Buy a shotgun’ Biden. Thus, it was difficult to understand a couple of stories on multiple levels beginning with this story from the associated press:  In Venezuela, criminals feel the pinch of an economic crisis CARACAS, Venezuela (AP) — The feared street gangster El Negrito sleeps with a pistol under his pillow and says he’s lost track of his murder count. But despite his hardened demeanor, he’s quick to gripe about how Venezuela’s failing economy is cuttin

Gun Confiscation image Reference May 2019

[Reverse chronological order] May 20, 2019 Second Amendment’s origins laid out in compelling fashion by Igor Volsky May 18, 2019 James Madison Played Politics and Gave Us the 2nd Amendment May 6, 2019 Cory’s Plan to End the Gun Violence Epidemic

Gun Confiscation Reference May 2019

[Reverse chronological order] May 20, 2019 Second Amendment’s origins laid out in compelling fashion by Igor Volsky May 18, 2019 James Madison Played Politics and Gave Us the 2nd Amendment May 6, 2019 Cory’s Plan to End the Gun Violence Epidemic ERIC BLACK INK Second Amendment’s origins laid out in compelling fashion by Igor Volsky By Eric Black | 05/20/2019 It has long been clear to me, as a Constitution nerd, that the NRA-sponsored interpretation of the Constitution’s Second Amendment represents a radical departure from anything close to the original purpose of the amendment. A strong new piece has added to my certainty, so I wr

Gun Confiscation image Reference April 2019

[Reverse chronological order] Vox: 20 years after Columbine, the guns are still the problem

Gun Confiscation Reference April 2019

[Reverse chronological order] Vox: 20 years after Columbine, the guns are still the problem

The complete fraud that is National Socialist Healthcare

The home state of Mr. ‘Medifail for All’ tried National Socialist healthcare and it didn’t work. What is the point of ever trying it again? One would think that the operation of a socialist health care system in the home of Bernie ‘Medifail for all’ Sanders would be touted until the bovines hit the barn. Well, one would be wrong in that assumption since  it never worked as advertised. The  Washington Post  recently profiled the rise and spectacular fall of ‘Green Mountain Care’ from the fantastic promises at its inception to its inevitable crash as is the case with every socialist system. The Vermont rendition of single payer – a state version of National Socialist Healthcare – came onto the scene with great promise and fanfare. The problem is that states are forbidden to counterfeit [oops! ‘print’] currency, so they quickly  ran out of other people’s money  and the whole rotten edifice collapsed. Why Vermont’s single-payer effort failed and what Democrats can learn from it T

Jocko Willink: Discipline = Freedom

PragerU has a new video from Jocko Willink on Discipline on the hard road to inevitable success. In this year’s 2019 PragerU Commencement Address, Navy Seal (Ret.) and best-selling author, Jocko Willink, offers some hard-learned, practical advice. It all starts with Discipline. That’s what will get you on the road to personal fulfillment and success – and keep you there. Watch and find out why. We cannot do justice to this short [5:43 min] Commencement Address, so this will just be summary of the main points: [Our emphasis] One of the best things I’ve learned is that anyone has what it takes to travel the hard road – to walk The Path that leads to success. That includes you. It won’t be easy. It will demand everything you’ve got to give. But you can do it, and I want to give you three key principles I’ve learned that will help you to get it done. Principle number one: Discipline. Equals. Freedom. That’s not a contradiction – it’s an equation. Discipline might appear

The Top 5 ‘assault weapon’ technologies that existed BEFORE the Constitution was written

Image Just a sample of some of the repeating firepower that existed long before the 2nd amendment. Leftist lore has it that the only guns in existence at the time of the writing of the 2nd amendment were muskets that took 5 minutes to reload. This being exemplified by the New York Times in using an image of a musket contrasted with an assault rifle in an article on their usual obsession with gun confiscation. Or from a commercial from a liberty grabber group depicting the long, drawn out reloading of a musket. As is usually the case with leftist lore, this is a complete fabrication. The fact is that multishot or repeating firearms existed long before the affirmation of the common sense human right of self-preservation in the US Constitution. We’ve already highlighted some of these technologies that predate the Constitution

Cory Booker in the aggregate: Propagating the ’mass shooting every day’ deception

Witness the formation of a false talking point by continual repetition. Presidential candidate Cory Booker et al. has repeated the same line of ‘a mass shooting every day, in the aggregate’ for the past few weeks in various  town halls  and interviews. Like most Leftist talking points, this absurd assertion has been carefully constructed to foment a pithy little saying unmoored from reality.  The fact is, the Liberty grabber Left  exploites  every mass shooting to maximum effect,  to the point that they have begun to regularly use ‘anniversaries’ of these tragedies  to push for more controls  over our freedom.  Even in this case, it has it’s own escape clause of ‘in the aggregate’ if anyone is ever called on this deception.. Just for reference, this is the Oxford English dictionary entry for the phrase  ‘in (the) aggregate’ In total; as a whole. Again, even here reality isn’t too kind to the Left. The fact is, there hasn’t been a ‘mass shootings in the aggregate every d

Here are 8 stubborn facts on gun violence in America from the Heritage Foundation

These are 8 facts that eviscerate the usual Leftist mendacity on the common sense human right of self-defense. The  Heritage Foundation  recently produced a well-sourced list of 8 facts on gun violence that will serve to demolish the usual lies promulgated by the Liberty grabber Left in  trying to deprive the people  of their basic human right of self-defence. This is an excerpt of the list with a few pertinent facts and links for each,  follow this link to obtain the full story . Are there ways to reduce gun violence and school shootings? Yes, but only after objectively assessing the facts and working collaboratively to fashion commonsense solutions. … 1. Violent crime is down and has been on the decline for decades. According to the National Crime Victimization Survey, violent crime has been  declining steadily  since the early 1990s. The 2011 homicide rate was almost half of the rate in 1991, and according

The rise of citizen journalists

Citizen journalists like those on this site are fighting back against Leftist domination of the media. Venturing outside one’s ideological bubble is very important in maintaining a proper perspective on what is happening in the nation and the world. Thus, we begin the day looking over the ‘mainstream’ media sites to learn what events have transpired overnight. Quite often it will be the same regurgitation of the same stories on each site, as each is steeped in the same Leftist echo chamber. We are highlighting this video because of the person being profiled and his points on what has happened to the Socialist-Left. Full disclosure, as stated in the video description, the Citizen Journalist in question freely admits to leaning Left who at one point supported Bernie Sanders, who say he has a soft spot for some Leftist policy agenda items. However, watching his videos one gets the distinct impression of a gradual ideological shift on his part, as he reports on the insanity of the

M16 and AR-15: How firearms work

A great video introduction of the inner workings of the modern-day musket, a rifle everyone on the Pro-Liberty Right should own. The AR-15 is the modern-day musket,  the basic rifle of the common man or woman. Equivalent to the Kentucky long rifle from days of yore. Owning one should be a basic requirement to obtaining one’s woman or man card with building one from a stripped lower receiver on up the best way to become intimately familiar with the firearm. It’s been said that the AR-15 is a ‘Barbie-doll’ for grown ups, with countless options and accessories beyond the basic form. The rifle has two main parts – the upper and lower receivers. The upper comprises the barrel, upper receiver, gas impingement or piston system, Picatinny rails or hand guards and optical or back up iron sights. The lower receiver is the critical part of the system, with the basic part [colloquially called a ‘stripped’ lower receiver]. It could be thought of as the ‘motherboard’ of the rifle. This i