Top 5 Ways To Celebrate AR-15 Appreciation Week.

The week of July 4th makes it more than appropriate that we celebrate the 20th Century Musket – The venerable AR-15.
Well, it’s that time of year when those who love freedom celebrate the 4th of July. While those who cannot deal with people living in Liberty [In other words – Leftists] lose their collective minds over the festivities.  Those of us on the Pro-Liberty, Conservative Right understand that the Limited government created by the founding fathers has made the US the greatest in the world.
So, in light of the 4th of July celebration and Gun Pride Month, it is time to commemorate the 20th century version of the rifle of the common foot soldier. Of course, the Armalite AR-15 is really a firearm for civilians. For you Leftists out there interested in factual reality, that means it’s not really of the military or ‘Military style’ – whatever that means.
So, without further adieu, this is our list of the 5 best ways to celebrate AR-15 Appreciation Week:

1. Try one.

A number of shooting ranges will let you try one of these distinguished rifles out for yourself. Despite the false assertions of the snowflake set, you won’t end up with a dislocated shoulder or PTSD from shooting what is essentially a .22 calibre rifle with a bit more propellant. In fact, this firearm is especially suited for the distaff side of the population. These ever popular rifles have a very low recoil and can fitted with a telescoping stock to easily adapt to those of varying stature. If most feminists truly believed in Liberty, this would be their rifle [wooden furniture pieces optional]
Renting and shooting off a few thousand rounds – yes, it’s quite addictive and fun – will give you a feel for the firearm. Soon you too will realise that guns are the gateway ‘drug’ to Liberty and you’ll be hooked… forever.

2. Buy one. (or two or three..)

So perhaps you’ve tried one out or you have a very good friend who has let you try theirs – hooking you on freedom in the process. So now you will want to head out to your local FFL and buy one for yourself. You may want to do some research on these “Barbie dolls for grownups” first, but the process is ‘quick and easy’. And when we say ‘quick and easy’ we really mean long and arduous since you will need several forms of ID and the time to wait for the retailer to check with the feral government as to whether you are worthy of owning one of these fantastic firearms. In addition to this, you may have State hoops to jump through. Still further, there may be even local laws on the subject – if you happened to live in an area that doesn’t value Liberty.
Depending on what you’ve purchased, you will then have to outfit your new 20th Century Musket. This task can also be arduous, but still enjoyable in and of itself.

3. Help a friend Try or Buy one.

This is for those who already have a 20th Century Musket who wish to help out their fellow patriots in becoming outfitted for themselves. Its a lot easier navigating all the options when you have a guide, so consider performing this service for the cause of Liberty. With millions already owning this very popular rifle, the more the merrier.

4. Build one*

*Warning to those of snowflake set – you may not want to read the following so you can be ‘safe’ from the knowledge that there are those imbued with the precepts of Liberty that are taking actions out of your control. This may be abhorrent to you folks who would like to have the power to parcel out your version of ‘Liberty’, but you are henceforth warned if you proceed.
For those on the Pro-Liberty side of the aisle, Building an AR-15 is the next step up from buying one. It may take some mechanical aptitude, but there is no better way of becoming thoroughly versed in the parts and operation of your Modern Day Musket than building and maintaining one yourself. Thankfully, there are many guides and videos on the subject Here and Here.
Multiple build levels for every skill set.

Purchasing a complete lower receiver assembly and mating it with the rest of the parts bought separately.

This process is relatively easy from a mechanical standpoint, the difficulty will lie in trying to choose between the multitude of options. There are almost too many choices in customisation, but that is the beauty of the AR-15 platform. There are however few choices with regard to the ‘chainsaw bayonet’ option – sorry CNN.

Assembling a Lower receiver assembly from a stripped Lower receiver and parts kit.

Think of the stripped Lower receiver as the ‘motherboard’ of your new Modern Day Musket, where you assemble the fire control assembly as well as other parts. It can get a bit involved, but there are a number of helpful websites and videos on the subject. This helps to familiarise yourself with inner most ‘workings’ of your firearm.
Curiously enough, this inert piece of a machined aluminium is considered to be a ‘Gun’ by the Federals, so you will have to endure the usual paper-chase to buy one. Of course, the down-side to buying a ‘gun’ that is in the form of a small piece of aluminium is that is extremely easy to lose one of these things. After all, we’re talking about a small inert hunk of metal that you could easily misplace. But those are the breaks…

Machining a Lower receiver blank.

Then there is the finishing out of what is colloquially referred to as an ‘80%’ Lower. This is a partially machined hunk of forged aluminium that isn’t considered to be a firearm so it’s long on the need for metal machining skills but short on a paper trail. Then of course there is the bare minimum of a piece of metal and going through all the steps in making a part out of metal.
Most likely the snowflake brigades will have their knickers in a twist at the thought of someone making a gun without anyone knowing about it. Well, sadly for them, they still lack the authority to control everyone’s Liberty, so they will just have to deal with it. Most likely it hasn’t occurred to them that the ability for anyone to make a gun out of basic materials negates their cherished control fetishes, but we’ll just let them find out for themselves.

5. Bonus Level: Adding a Piston operated upper to your ‘arsenal’.

For the really advanced level, there is obtaining for yourself a piston operated upper instead of the standard direct impingement type.  Along with exploring all the options for this venerable 20th century rifle. This is a bit of an involved topic, but something to consider.
So there you have it, 5 of the best ways of celebrating the Modern Day Musket – the 20th-century version of the rifle shouldered by the Minuteman at Lexington and Concord. Now, go out there and honour their sacrifice in defense of Liberty and get yourself one. (or two or three…)

 Originally published on the NOQ Report


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