Cheap lives & Cheap Virtue: Help the Leftists show they are completely vulnerable to crime.

What better way for everyone to come together than helping them show they are disarmed, keeping the rest of us safe and secure.
Many have seen the video of a Virginia congressional Democratic candidate creating herself a sweet sawed-off AR-15 [resulting in a visit from the ATF ] with nothing more than a Workmate, angle grinder, and her husband’s $1000 firearm. Problem is, not everyone has the means to show their character (or lack thereof), destroying a vital piece of safety equipment in a useless gesture of virtue signaling. This isn’t the same as eating cheap, easy to get Tide pods, these are expensive firearms that take a lot of effort to acquire.
Leftists could destroy other crucial security items to show their desire to be incapable of helping themselves. Instead of obliterating safety items such as guns, they could wreck fire extinguishers or shred first aid kits. But still, this might not be enough to demonstrate their vicissitudes of virtuous victimhood. After all, doing anything to prove their impotence would be contrary to the effort.

We on the Conservatarian, Pro-Liberty side can help the Leftists demonstrate their virtue in dependency.

This is where we on the Pro-Liberty side of the aisle can step in to help them out. We can offer the means for their ‘virtual’ salvation in showing their gun-free status, being unable to defend themselves.
There is no real reason that the virtuous Leftist need to go through the cost or effort to buy a gun just to destroy it for demonstrating they are helpless. Publicly announcing this fact will have a have the same effect for very little cost – in terms of money for at least the moment – medical bills or funeral expenses from being a crime victim could be another story.

This is where we tell them: “Here’s your sign”

Rather than helping themselves, Leftists can publicly proclaim they cannot. We can give them a sign announcing their gun free status as defenseless, each will be sized to suit the circumstances in which it will be displayed. For the domiciles of these potential crime victims a two-faced sign of the 3 by 8-meter variety so every miscreant in the area knows who to target. The back-end of a Prius would need to sport a small but still prominent disarmed declaration – some carjackers may be suffering from bad eyesight. No need to discriminate against those folks after all. A Gun-free button would serve the same function on a personal level. Of course, many a school, church or other establishment have been already proudly displaying their status as a ‘Gun-free’ zone, so they are way ahead of us in this effort.

A win-win-win for everybody.

Leftists could show the illegal element who to victimize. We on the Conservatarian, Pro-Liberty side can be secure from these reprobates. While the ‘job’ of the criminals would be that much easier knowing who cannot defend themselves. This should be something everyone can support especially the potential virtuous victims of the nation’s Socialist Left.

 Originally published on the NOQ Report


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