
Showing posts from June, 2021

Winning the War of Words: The Authoritarian Socialist Left Is Anti-Liberty and Not Just Anti-Gun

  Anti-liberty Leftists have an unhinged view that certain inanimate objects are evil and dangerous, so when the debate is framed as pro-gun/anti-gun, the subliminal argument becomes pro-evil/anti-evil   Conservatism ,  Culture ,  Democrats ,  Guns and Crime ,  Leftism ,  Neo-Marxism   Many of the pro-freedom community don’t realize that we place ourselves at a severe disadvantage when the debate over civil rights is framed as  ‘pro-gun/anti-gun’ . Since our principles of liberty and individual rights are based in common sense, their defense is pretty straightforward and forthright. Not so with the authoritarians of the anti-liberty left. These are people who prioritize governmental power and controlling people’s lives and property – if not owning it outright. Such people have always been on the wrong side of history, so deception and lies are all part of what they do on a daily basis. “Those who are capable of tyranny are capable of perjury to sustain it.” – Lysander Spooner Anti-libe