
Showing posts from June, 2018

Celebrate #Liberty with Gun Pride Month #GunPrideMonth

Firearms in the defense of Liberty made Independence day possible, Gun Pride Month is a commemoration of that fact. The 4th of July and the independence of the United States of America wouldn’t have been possible without the force to defend Liberty. At present there are many of the nation’s socialist Left who obsess over depriving the people of that force. This will be a month-long celebration of firearms in the defence of Liberty. Authoritarian Socialism can only be imposed by a force of arms. The blunt fact is that the Left’s socialist national agenda can only be imposed at the point of a gun, this is why they obsess over depriving the people of their commonsense human Liberty of self-defense. Toward this end, the Liberty grabbers of the Left are working day and night to stigmatize guns and gun ownership, so this is a direct response echoing the founding fathers’ conceptions in the defense of Liberty. The Untied States became the greatest nation on earth because o

True Liberals Belong on the Conservative-Right.

Which side of the political spectrum deserves the meritorious designation of Liberal? Consider the words of a true Liberal on the effect of ever-expanding government on the cause of Liberty: “The natural progress of things is for liberty to yeild, and government to gain ground.” Letter From Thomas Jefferson to Edward Carrington, 27 May 1788 Then consider this ‘progressive’ synopsis of the issue: Liberal precepts are essentially Individual rights and freedoms, It is self-evident that these are diminished as government grows. Socialist-Left Precepts are of expansive government in conflict with the Liberal precepts based in Liberty. Therefore, one cannot be an advocate of expansive government and be a true Liberal. Despite this straightforward logic, the ever deceptive Socialist-Left would like to have it both ways. They incessantly demand the ever-expanding government to the detriment of Liberty, and yet they have the insolence to assume the pretense of being Liberal

Snatching Defeat from the jaws of Victory: ‘Writing out’ Most Guns with the Bump-Stock ban.

The latest Liberty grabber wave has crested, but Trump is about to give them a tremendous victory over the 2nd amendment. Now that the Sturm und Drang of the March for gun confiscation has ‘died down’ it has become evident that, much like previous movements of the past, it came to nought aside from some localised suppressions of Liberty. The problem is there a vestige of this assault of freedom that is still rearing it’s ugly head, that of the infamous ban on so-called “Bump-Stocks”. Those who are rightly concerned about this assault on Liberty can still inscribe their opposition with the Moonshine, Cigarettes and Fire-sticks bureaucracy [Better known as the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms – BATF]   pushing through a new ‘law’ that all by himself, Trump has taken to “Writing Out”.   The deadline is June 27, 2018 11:59 PM ET for everyone to post their opposition to this ‘Law’. First they came for the Bump-Stocks. For those who may not care about someone else’s co

Video Double play: Busting the gun grabber’s musket myth.

Two videos that eviscerate the Liberty Grabbers ‘One shot’ musket myth. It is a bedrock principle (if they have any) of the Liberty grabber Left that back during the ratification of the US Constitution the only weapons in existence were flintlock musket that took 5 minute to reload. Thus there wasn’t any school violence because it would have taken too long for the perpetrator to kill anyone. As it typical of the lore of the national socialist Left, this is a lie of the first order. A previous video celebrated the “Assault Weapon” tricentennial, which was bit of the tongue in cheek variety since there were other repeating “Military Style” weapons in existence before this time period. These will be detailed in future articles. Meanwhile we present two videos that also bust the ‘Musket Myth’, one a short presentation from the Royal Armouries on the Jover and Belton “Flintlock breech-loading superimposed military musket” Royal Armouries Published on Aug 30, 2017 Cu