
Showing posts from April, 2018

PragerU: As the Rich Get Richer, the Poor Get Richer

The rich are getting richer, and the poor are… also getting richer. What’s driving this wealth creation process? In this video, Daniel Hannan explains why it is capitalism — and capitalism alone — that has led to the unprecedented enrichment that is the central fact of Western life. As the Rich Get Richer, the Poor Get Richer Published: Apr 9, 2018 Originally published on the NOQ Report

We need to call it Liberty Control instead of Gun Control.

The current debate is over Liberty and Freedom, the national Socialist Left wants it to be about scary objects they don’t understand. “She who defines the terms, wins the debate” For all of their inherent faults, one must have a begrudging respect for our comrades on the national Socialist-Left in how they exploit language to very good effect. They enforce an iron discipline when it comes to the words they use to frame the discussion to their cynical advantage. An article in The Atlantic exemplified this with: Don’t Call It ‘Gun Control’.   Or more recently in New York magazine: ‘Gun Control’ Has Outlived Its Usefulness While we will never adopt it’s immoral base ideology of collectivism, it is time we maintained the same discipline in the words we use. This occurs in various instances, with the incorrect use of the term Liberal being the most prominent, but that is for another column. The debate is rightfully over the cause of Liberty, so why not act like it? At prese

Can We Please Stop Praising The Enemies Of Liberty On The Left With The Term ‘Liberal’?

Here are the top 5 reasons to stop applauding the Left with a word that implies they defend Liberty when they clearly do not. Recent events have clearly demonstrated the Left is no longer Liberal. Perhaps that was never the case in the first place, but at present the evidence is quite clear. The Left is no longer a champion of Liberty. We’ve all heard the rationale for this incorrect usage, such as words have changed meanings over the years. Well, words haven’t really changed, the fact is the root word for Liberal is the same as Liberty – this why they sound very similar and convey the same idea. So why compliment deceptive people who have turned their back on freedom? So here are the Top 5 reasons – in order of importance – to stop participating in Leftist propaganda efforts. 5. Leftist and Liberal are easily interchangeable. Old habits die-hard, many of us are just used to referring to Leftists as Liberals. Well, it’s very important to get out of that habit. Both star

A Memo to the Liberty Grabbers of the Left from the Pro-Liberty Right.

Hat Tip: Nazis Are Socialists (Meso) A dose of reality for you Leftists opposing freedom on behalf of the gun owners of America. Seeing that we gun owners been your rhetorical punching bag for several weeks, there are a few things we would like to point out to you folks opposed to the most essential of Liberties. You’ve spent all manner of airtime talking down to us, dictating what we ‘need’ with regard to our basic human rights. So now it is time for you to listen to a couple of brutal truths in the matter. These aren’t going to be ‘politically correct’ , by any means, but such is usually not the case with cold hard reality. From your ever so self laudatory language, you Liberty grabbers on the Left like to think of yourselves as noble warriors, out there ‘changing the world’ for the ‘Common good’ [Gemeinnutz in the German vernacular] . Fighting for Socialist … er. Social ‘Justice’ and all manner of flowery folderol [Cue mournful violin music]. Yes, you think of

Co to Cr Definitions Open Thread

Co to Cr Definitions Open Thread Definition of coercion: coercion noun mass noun     The action or practice of persuading someone to do something by using force or threats.     ‘it wasn't slavery because no coercion was used’     ‘He denied he had made the confession under coercion and threat, as alleged by his father.’     ‘There is also a belief that worker performance is based on either rewards offered by management or the threat of coercion.’     ‘If psychiatry is to move forward it is necessary, but not sufficient, to resist state coercion and to listen to patients.’     ‘This is really your opportunity to be yourself, to do something without coercion from others.’     ‘He refused to speculate as to the identity of the groups or individuals who had been behind the coercion.’     force, compulsion, constraint, duress, oppression, enforcement, harassment, intimidation, threats, insistence, demand, arm-twisting, pres